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Geophysics, Technical Communication

Boise, ID
June 16, 2016

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William Donnelly

Boise, ID - 208-***-**** ************@*.**********.***


● Resourceful Geophysicist ● Willing to relocate ● Experienced in programming with Matlab

● Excellent writing skills ● Strong problem solver ● Seismic software processing EDUCATION

B.S. Geophysics, Boise State University, Boise ID, December 2015 B.A. English, emphasis in Technical Communication, Boise State University, Boise ID, May 2008 RELEVANT COURSEWORK

● Structural Geology ● Earth materials (mineralogy)

● Digital Signal Processing ● Multi-variable and Vector Calculus

● Geostatistics ● Communication in the Earth Sciences

● Differential Equations and Matrix Theory ● Advanced Technical Communication

● Applied Geophysics ● Intro to GIS


Field Geophysicist with Green Geophysics, Ind. April 2016 – May 30 2016 Center for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface, Boise, ID Phone: 510-***-****

● Working with the Oregon State University EarthScope East North America (ENAM) Magnetotelluric Transportable Array

● Installing, checking, and extracting magnetotelluric (MT) geophysical equipment in North Eastern coast of the US

● Performing daily field reports relating to respective MT array site visits Research Assistant with Research Professor Lee Liberty January 2016 - Present Center for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface, Boise, ID Phone: 208-***-****

● Surface wave dispersion curve picking and analysis to create inversions (with Surfseis software)

● Using inversions to create Vs_30 profiles showing models of earthquake sensitivity within Salt Lake City

● Collecting borehole well data and creating basic geologic cross sections in the Camas Valley area of Idaho

● Processing bathymetry data of Kodiak Island, Alaska (with ProMAX software)

● Field data acquisition as necessary

Internship: Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) June 2015 - July 2015 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Santa Fe, NM

● Learned about modern geophysical exploration techniques: seismic reflection and refraction, gravity and magnetics, electromagnetics (including magnetotellurics, EM), and electrical resistivity through classroom lecture and field application

● Acquired knowledge of local tectonics near an active rift system through multiple faculty guided field trips

● Presented as teams on trends found in subsurface interpretations of gathered geophysical data derived from multiple techniques and an awareness of the geological setting Fall Research for American Geophysical Union conference August 2014 – December 2015 Boise State University, Boise, ID Phone:208-***-****

● Interpreted data to illustrate hydrologic controls and vegetative discontinuity at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory

(CZO) including the depth to bedrock and other geologic structures with the mentorship of Dr. John Bradford

● Analyzed data with geophysical software (Rayfract, SurfSeis, and Matlab code) and converted analysis into a visual format

● Prepared and presented poster in December at the American Geophysical Union Conference held in San Francisco Hydrogeophysics: Research Experience for Undergraduates with Dr. John Bradford June 2014 – August 2014 Boise State University, Boise, ID

● Survey design (planning field approach) and geophysical field work with Dr. John Bradford on the hydrogeophysics of Dry Creek and Reynolds Creek (including installing GPS stations, troubleshooting problems, and documenting field work)

● Completed initial-processing of refraction and resistivity data acquired from fieldwork at two locations (Dry Creek Watershed, and the Reynolds Creek CZO)

● Assisted research team with their geophysical projects with acquiring data for hydrogeophysics and surface wave analysis using appropriate parameters

William Donnelly

Boise, ID - 208-***-**** ************@*.**********.*** TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION EXPERIENCE

Technical Content Production March 2009 – October 2009 Aquent, Boise, ID

● Authored technical papers while following Hewlett Packard (HP) document standards through proper editing on a Consumer Support project with the HP-IPG (Imaging and Printing Group) information engineering group

● Repurposed technical papers (HP Concentra based) using XMetal on a regular basis while determining project feasibility of project proposals

● Regularly performed Quality Control, and Interfaced with Subject matter experts to help design elegant technical reports, and also delivering troubleshooting reports to the customer Process Documentation Intern August 2007 – November 2007 Motive Power, Boise, ID

● Observed ongoing fabrication work by a manufacturing team in documentation of the New York City Transit project

● Annotated photographs for the documenting process using style guides with MS Office (Word and PowerPoint)

● Reported any occurring problems with procedure to a project manager, and requested information about documentation procedure to ensure quality documentation


In detail:

Seismic Methods - Boise State University August 2015 – December 2015

● Comprehensive discussion of modern seismic methods for subsurface investigation and exploration of the tools/resources required for seismic data analysis

● Applications are mostly related to near surface targets, including geotechnical engineering, hydrogeology, and imaging complex structures - including exploration (mining and petroleum), earthquakes, and deep earth imaging methods

● Completing final project associating acquired borehole and other seismic data to local geology in area near university Hydrology - Boise State University August 2015 – December 2015

● Interdisciplinary earth science concerned with the movement and occurrence of water on earth that is important as both a science and engineering discipline

● Investigated the general hydrologic processes with an emphasis on the transport processes that operate in watersheds including precipitation, evapotranspiration, streamflow, snow accumulation and melt, vadose zone flow, runoff generation, and groundwater flow

● Studied the physics underlying each process, methods to measure or estimate water flux and storage mechanisms, techniques to solve water resource problems that are important to both the earth scientist and engineer, and connections to geological and biological processes

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