+974******** (Qatar)
+919********* (India)
To advance in the field of GIS, Seeking a challenging position, and looking forward to be useful to your organization in bringing quality to your product or service. WORK SUMMERY (6 years of experience)
Working at KAHRAMAA SS with Mirikh Contracting WLL as GIS Technician (Jan 2014-Present)
Worked in HFCL as Sr.GIS Engineer (Dec 2012 – Jan 2014)
Worked in INTEC INFOCOM PVT. Ltd. As GIS Executive (May 2010 –Nov 2012)
Worked in ESRI India as GIS Technician( Aug 2007- Dec 2009) SOFTWARES
ArcGIS 10.1, ArcGIS 9.3.1, ArcGIS 9.3, ArcGIS 9.2, NE (Telcodia Network Engineering),Socket Set, ArcSDE, ERDAS, Global Mapper, Map Book, Quantum GIS
Google Sketch Up, Google Earth 5,6
PLTS GIS Data Reviewer
RDBMS (SQL Server & Oracle)
Operating System - Microsoft Windows 2000/2003, XP & Vista, Windows 7 Professional. Roles and Responsibilities
KAHRAMAA (SS with Mirikh Contracting WLL)
Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation
Roles and Responsibilities:-
Verify incoming detailed As-built, water utility drawings from Contractor, and maps from Engineering division, Verify as per ‘Kahramaa’ standards in ArcMap using ‘Data Reviewer’ and Post final data in ArcSDE geodatabase.
Regular Water GIS Data Maintenance and Update (WDMU) for ‘Kahramaa’ utility infrastructure and reconcile versioning edited/updated data within an ArcSDE geodatabase utilizing ArcGIS Editor and ArcFM desktop.
Responsible for the on-going spatial data maintenance and generation of maps and other GIS reports, Data requests for different departments using ArcGIS Desktop & ArcGIS Server and AutoCAD Map environment
Coordinating with various departments and in the organization and getting the Details updated in GIS database.
Provide technical expertise related specifically to Utility asset management, document procedures and preparation of regular status reports, highlighting GIS issues requiring attention. Software: ArcGIS, ArcSDE, AutoCAD, Google Earth, ArcGIS Map Book 96C, EZDAN 32, AL-WAKARA
HFCL (Himachal Futuristic Communication Ltd.)
Reliance Industrial Ltd. (Project Vijay)
Intra city optical fibre network planning done for RJIL Himachal Pradesh Intercity circle.
Route alignment and GIS migration.
QC of migrated city network plan.
FTTx optical Fiber network planning and finalizing Network.
Survey map preparation for FTTx optical Fiber network.
Migration and digitizing network data in Network Engineer.
Configuring users in Workflow Manger web application. Software: ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Global Mapper, Google Earth, NE (telcodia Network Engineering) Projects as GIS Executive
As per project requirement need to captured water pipeline with reference to scanned maps and GPS-ed point features (Hydrant and Valves) and then adjusted line features will be associated with relevant attributes i.e. Diameter, Material, Map Page Number, and Installation Year (estimated). All additional water point features like Meters, Fittings, Air Vents, Valves, Hydrants, WREDSTATION, WSTORAGETANK, WBLOWOFF, and WBOSTERSTA will be digitized from water scanned maps .Tees, Caps/Plugs, and Crosses along with Reducers and Transitions will be created during construction of the mains in Fittings layer. While capturing land base information (Centrelines, parcels, aerial orthos), GPS-ed features (Hydrant, Valves) will be referred.
Responsibility: Data Development
Team Size: 25
Software: ArcGIS 9.3, Google Earth, Bing Imagery
Platform: Windows 7 Professional
Created database of Reliance OFC in India in which we have hard copy of matching location and GPS survey route, with the help of information provided. We need to update all attributes, check connectivity with the help of tool of NE (Telcordia Network Engineering), we also need to create new Fiber, Span and other things like Manholes, Hand holes and Splice Closers in NE and AutoCAD with the help of information provided.
Responsibility: Quality Control & Data Development
Team Size: 45
Software: ArcGIS 9.1, AUTOCAD, ArcSDE, NE(Telcordia Network Engineering)
Platform: Windows XP
To increase the spatial and attribute completeness of Company’s Petroleum Infrastructure Dataset
(“Petroleum Dataset”). The Petroleum Dataset comprises North American (USA, Canada and Mexico) pipelines, petroleum facilities (refineries, compressor stations, etc.), and interconnects. Company will provide Consultant with digital source documents (scanned maps or GIS data) and Company’s current base map layers to aid Consultant in registering maps. Consultant will digitize new pipelines, associated facilities, interconnects, and facility footprints into new shape files using aerial photography, as well as spatially adjusting the digitized data to match the ground scarring and easements that can be observed on the imagery.
Responsibility: Data Development
Team Size: 15
Software: ArcGIS 9.3, Google Earth, Bing Imagery, X Tool, Arc to Earth
Platform: Windows 7 Professional
Golf Course Mapping is an extremely efficient method of gathering a complete "data set" of a golf course. The data set provides all the information that is critically important to players and users. All Golf Course features must be captured by using Google – Earth or Microsoft - BING imagery or Microsoft – Virtual Earth as per the input evaluation and suggested source.
Responsibility: Data Development
Team Size: 50
Software: ArcGIS 9.3, Google Earth, Bing Imagery
Platform: Windows 7 Professional
In this project we have working in all the 5 phase starting from capturing till classifying building type. We use to capture base, roof and facade, measuring height and generate buildings. Even work in pre texturing QC in which we use to fixed the building on the basis of facade and roof taking the reference of imageries
Responsibility: Quality Control & Data Development
Team Size: 30
Software: ArcGIS 9.2, AUTOCAD, Pictometry Tool
Platform: Windows XP
The scope of this process is to digitize each of the elements like power Transmission lines, power transformers, feeders, feeder branches up to Transformers to poles, LT feeder circuits, LT poles/feeder pillar boxes (overhead/underground), Distribution box, duct, etc. It shall be uniquely indexed with defined relationships based on the mode of feeding LT Line and Consumers.
Responsibility: Quality Control & Data Development
Team Size: 10
Software: ArcGIS 9.2, AUTOCAD
Platform: Windows XP
Reliance Digital World Ltd. is in the process of building/updating a detailed country wide GIS Infrastructure to support various telecom projects. For this high resolution satellite images are being sourced for defined area of interest for different cities. The whole process for making the GIS ready drawings will involve geo- referencing of satellite images digitization field validation and attribute addition. After this the images will be ingested into the selected GIS platform for telecom application development. Responsible for digitization of vector database creation as per the client’s specifications. Responsibility also includes handling report generation activities, Geo-referencing and mosaicking of all data.
Responsibility: Data Development
Team Size: 50
Software: ArcGIS 9.2, PLTS Data reviewer
Platform: Windows XP Professional, Office 2003
PARCEL ADJUSTMENT FOR KANPUR NAGAR NIGAM (INDIA) Project related to create GIS database of Kanpur Municipal Corporation. Geo-reference map on ortho and create parcels/annotations with the reference of maps provided by the client, also create missing easement/right of way.
Responsibility: Data Development
Team Size: 40
Software: ArcGIS 9.2, ArcGIS 9.1,PLTS Data reviewer
Platform: Windows XP Professional
Master of Science in Geo-Informatics from Sikkim Manipal University (2010).
GNIIT (Three years diploma in computers) from NIIT Dharmshala (2007).
Graduation B.A from Himachal Pradesh University in geography (2007).
Schooling from Kendriya Vidyalaya CBSE (2004).
Father’s Name: Mr Anil Sharma
Born on: September 6 1987
Hobbies: Internet surfing, Photography, Listening to music, traveling. Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Indian
Passport: H6383473 26/05/2010 to 25/05/2020
Native Place: Dharmshala, (Himachal Pradesh, INDIA) Reason of Reallocation: Looking forward to work in India Permanent address: Gaurav Sharma s/o Mr Anil Sharma VPO- Sudhed. TEH- Dharmshala DISTT- Kangra (H.P.) INDIA Regards
(Gaurav Sharma)