Currently seeking flexible employment that will allow me to take college courses and
work part time.
Anthony R. Seleski
Saint Joseph, Michigan 49085
Being on both sides of a craft beer and fine wine market as a wholesaler and or retailer for 6 years I've had a special on hands training one can only get from experience. It's a tug of war of, or sorts. I've picked up sales techniques, how to treat everyone differently by reading them as a customer and adapt to fast changing situations. I'm lucky to have the ability to learn any topic fast and go from sponging information to devouring it on a daily basis. From there I can gist it to anyone with techical or laymen communication. I truly do love to teach others.
Computers and their programs and the hardware that runs them as well as networks they run on have added value to every company I've worked for. Not every business can afford to hire a full IT team and I'm proud to be able to bring those skills to any place I find myself employed.
I've had point of sale go down during a work day and had it back up and running in a speedy fashion to resume business. One example: To save money, I built computers for the Liquor Cabinet and served as our software and hardware techinitian during my time there.
-I'm a rationally minded, logical, critical thinker.
Diploma, Saint Joseph High School, Saint Joseph Michigan, 4 year(s) CERTIFICATES & LICENSES
Saint Joseph Public Schools, MI
Traits of Anthony
• Managing People and Money
• Developing a plan and seeing it through
• All things technological are my friend!
• I'm loyal, almost to a fault
• I process data very quickly, into a machine or into my head
• I have a sense of how people like to learn and therefore enjoy teaching them. I've found rigid training turns many employees off. I like to explain things to someone in a way they can understand it. Whichever way works for them is fine with me.
• I stay organized and paperless unless something absolutely has to be printed. I keep dates/files/records/e-mail and the like all stored in the cloud as well as multiple computers of my own
• I am a nerd. Now this is important to understand here. What this means is someone can come to me with a topic they want me to learn, of which I may have no clue prior, and I will dig and read and ask questions and research until I'm satisfied that my employer is satisfied.
• Some crave money and power. I crave knowledge -- all kinds. I suppose there are worse vices to have.
Account Manager Imperial Beverage, Kalamazoo, MI 06/2012-10/2013 Assistant Manager Liquor Cabinet / Vapor Cabinet, Saint Joseph, MI 10/2013- 01/2016