Home Address: # ** ***. **** **. ********** Nayon,
Novaliches Quezon City
Mobile Number: +639********* / 4185935
E-mail Address: ***************@*****.***
Professional License no.0450999
IV Therapy no 09-025992
To have a responsible position which will utilize the nursing skills in the attainment of institutional goal.
• Able to provide holistic care
• Caring and competent nurse
• Resourceful in meeting the demands of patients
• Able to share knowledge proficiently to others
• Eager to learn new skills which will contribute to the care of patients
• Hardworking and energetic; flexible; adapt easily to change of environment and work schedule.
• Maintain critical thinking skills essential to providing competent and dignified patient care.
• Remain calm and professional throughout critical incidents.
Quezon City General Hospital
Seminary Road, Edsa Quezon City
Volunteer Nurse
March 3 – September 7, 2008
Lady of Lourdes Hospital of Caloocan City Inc.
Caybiga, Caloocan City
Staff Nurse
Secondary Hospital
September 20, 2008 – February 28, 2011
Private Duty Nurse
June – October 03, 2011
Clinic Nurse
March 28, 2012 up to Present
• The emergency staff nurse is responsible for providing emergency care at Basic Life Support Level Using critical care nursing assessment and prioritizing the
• level of care whether medical, surgical, pediatric, orthopedic, gynecological life threatening car.
• Assists doctors and patients during examination and other emergency procedure like Intubation, Close Tube Thoracostomy, Lumbar Puncture, Wound Dressing, Amputation, Omniectomy, Incision and Drainage, Foreign body Removal, Casting.
• Transporting patients to other medical facilities like X-ray Department, laboratory Department, and Ultrasound Department.
• Performs duties as required during transport of patient using the ambulance services, Arresting Hemorrhage, Keeping patient’s Vital Sign Stable, Maintaining Airway.
• Admit the patient to the level as per doctor’s evaluation of the patient’s condition, takes Electro Cardio Gram (ECG/EKG) Tracing for Cardiac Monitoring and continuous taking of vital sign of the patient.
• Provides health teachings and patient’s care
• Administer Medications Intravenous Fluids and Blood Products as ordered by the doctor’s
• Accompany patient’s to different department for further diagnosis and management
• Perform Nursing Procedures like Wound Dressing, Urinary Catheterization, and Administers Immunization to Pedia and adult as prescribe by the doctor.
• Endorses patient to the relieve nurse with full knowledge of the case.
TERTIARY: Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Our Lady of Fatima University
#1 Esperanza St. Hilltop Subdivision Lagro, Quezon City
2003 - 2007
SECONDARY: Caybiga High School
Pleasant View Subdivision Caybiga Caloocan City
1999 - 2003
ELEMENTARY: Caybiga Elementary School
Gen. Luis St. Caybiga Caloocan City
March 1999
Invasive Pneumococcal Disease The Traitor Disease
Fatima Eye Rehab Amphitheatre, Manila
December 6, 2006
Alzheimer’s Disease
Fatima Eye Rehab Amphitheatre, Manila
November 29, 2006
First Aid and Emergency Training
Fatima Eye Rehab Amphitheatre, Manila
December 2006
Administrationof Immunosuppressive Agents
National Kidney and transplant Institute
November 28, 2008
Basic I.V. Therapy Training
Martinez Memorial Hospital and Martinez Training Center For Health services
February 24 - 26, 2009
Practical Chest X-ray Interpretation
Lung Center Of The Philippines
February 25, 2010
Fluids and Electrolytes
Lung Center of The Philippines
February 19, 2010
Nickname: Jhoan
Sex: Female
Status: Married
Birth date: November 10, 1986
Birth place: Quezon City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Father’s Name: Hospicio San Diego
Mother’s Name: Erlinda San Diego
Languages or Dialects Filipino, English,
Can Read and Write: Filipino, English
Person to Be Contacted
In Case Of Emergency: Sandrex Salazar
His/her Address: # 46 Gen. Luis St. Nagkaisang Nayon, Novaliches Quezon City
I hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
SaLazar, Joanna Marie S. BSN. RN