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Rossen B. Marinov, M.Sc. E.E. P.Eng.
Experience 09/2013 – 09/2015 Swift Engineering, Calgary, AB
Lead Electrical and Controls Engineer
Team Leader (Electrical and Controls) for various EPCM projects in Midstream Oil and Gas:
Gas storage compression
Variable Speed Drives (Synchronous transfer)
Gas turbines Power Generation
Pipeline instrumentation, Cathodic protection, Heath Tracing
ETAP Power studies and Relay coordination
Assisting Project Managers in Cost, Man Hours and Materials
Leading Electrical and Controls Division
Liaising with Customers on Projects, Regulations and Scope
Consulting Electrical Engineer
Projects with Suncor (HV substations), EPCOR (Electrical Utility), Dx3 (Anti-Islanding Protection for Distributed Generation). ETAP Power Studies and Relay Coordination.
11/2011-08/2012 Canlift Group, Edmonton, AB
Engineering Manager
Direct, review and approve products design and changes; assess feasibility of the new projects
Assign, control and evaluate employees work; direct integration of technical activities
Coordinate Management, Engineering, Production and Marketing stuff on project specifications and requirements
01/2011-10/2011 TESCO Corporation, Calgary, AB
LEAD Electrical Engineer R&D
Team Leader (Electrical) for design, prototyping, field testing and commissioning of Top drive drilling systems, including:
Induction and Permanent Magnet Motors selection and control;
Variable Speed Drives for control of Top Drives (ABB, Siemens, Rockwell)
PLC/HMI control systems
08/2004 – 01/2011 SUBCOE, Edmonton, AB
New Products Development Manager
Design, manufacturing support, testing and commissioning of:
Motor Control Centers (480 V, 600 V, 4.16 kV, 13.8 kV, 20 kV) and Variable Speed Drive Packages for ESP motor control and protection for Oil and Water injection applications.
Variable Frequency Drive Packages for Electrical Submersible Pumps; Projects for REDA Pump-Libya, PETRODAR Sudan, AGIP, Borets - Weatherford
Load Filters, Line filters, Chemical injection panels and other surface electrical equipment.
Temperature, pressure, flow, vibration control for surface and Downhole applications.
PLC/HMI Instrumentation and control, SCADA and DCS integration.
Power systems studies and optimization using ETAP software.
Led engineering development team for the following new products: Motor controllers for protection of Electrical Submersible Pumps with Fixed and Variable Speed Drives; Downhole tools interface (Zenith, A-well tools); Reverse Rotation/Ground Fault sensors and protection relays.
06/2003 – 08/2004 Schlumberger Edmonton Product Center
Research & Development Engineer
Designed Multi-channel Downhole monitoring 19’’rack system for offshore Real Time Data Acquisition using Intellution iFIX software.
Performed Environmental Qualification Testing of Uniconn Motor Controller
New product development for surface support electronics for downhole measurements.
02/2001 – 06/2003 Schlumberger Edmonton Product Center
Electrical Project Engineer
Designed Variable Speed Drive Packages for Electrical Submersible Pumps (projects for Chad, Nigeria, Libya and Sudan). Implemented Siemens, Toshiba and Yaskawa Variable Speed Drives up to 1800 kVA.
Conducted Factory Acceptance Tests for electrical equipment such as Load Filters, Control Panels, Chemical injection panels, Well Test Caravans.
Co-ordinated projects and ensured timely delivery.
Performed commissioning, troubleshooting and repairs of equipment in Sudan (GNPOC Heglig and Unity oil fields) and Libya.
Completed Harmonics Study Measurements for various VSD projects.
Designed global Satellite Communication Panels for real time SCADA data transfer.
08/1999 – 11/2000 Geoservices Group, LIBYA Total Mabruk Oilfield
Electrical Field Engineer
Performed Maintenance and Troubleshooting for the following projects:
- Power generation: 6 DG, parallel on 20 kV;
- Alfa Laval crude oil treatment;
- Power distribution: 6 sub-stations, 20 kV;
- Beam pumps with Star-Delta Control Panels;
- Gas-oil separation plant;
- PLC systems;
Completed Installation, Commissioning and Troubleshooting of Variable Speed Drives for Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP) and Progressive Cavity Pumps (PCP).
08/1995 – 09/1999 Odessos Ship Repair Yard, Varna, BULGARIA
Ship’s Electrical Engineer
Maintenance, adjustment and repair of ship's Automatics and Electronics.
-Electrical and non-electrical measuring devices.
-Laboratory check and certification of temperature, pressure, level and other sensors and instruments.
-Protection of Turbo, Diesel and Shaft Generators.
-Adjustment of Parallel Work and Load Shedding.
-Automatic Control Systems for main ship engines, power generators, steam boilers, steering gears.
-Pneumatic and hydraulic control systems.
-Systems for remote control (electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic).
-Fire and gas alarm systems.
-Sea trials and commissioning.
1994-1995Center for Ocean Engineering, Varna, BULGARIA
Electronics Research and Development Engineer
Research, development, maintenance and exploitation of underwater remote operated vehicles (ROV).
Underwater video-observation.
Design, development, exploitation of echo-sounder systems for cartography of bottom relief (side-scan sonar).
Support to offshore drilling rigs.
Buoy stations for sea ecology monitoring of Black Sea coast and shelf zone (measurements, radio-modem connection to main on-shore station for data acquisition, design, maintenance, troubleshooting).
1991-1994 Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria.
Research group for Digital Signal Processing
Analogue to Digital, Digital to Analogue conversion. Acquisition and Digital Processing of audio-video signals. Assembler software development.
Training and Certificates
Projecting and Investment Activity of Gas Equipment and Installations.
Ship's Electrical Engineer Officer over 750 kVA.
Personal Survival Techniques.
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
Elementary First Aid.
Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities.
Certificate for work with High Voltage BTA, BTB, HTA.
SIEMENS ‘Master Drives Service & Maintenance’ (09/2001).
Yaskawa VSD training.
Firefighting training (Western Canada).
H2S certificate.
ETAP Power Station 113 training
1995-1997 M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria.
Specialization: Power Supply & Power Equipment of Water Transport
1989-1994 M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering and Microelectronics, Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria.
Specialization: Electronic Engineering for Data Acquisition & Processing.
Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), member of:
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA);
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS);