Curiculum vite
Name Slobodan
Surname Vujanovic
Married with three children
Graduated 1986. Chimicals Technologies University of Novi Sad(cosmetic technologies)
From 1986 to 1989 worked Groiler Italy (marcheting, sale, telemarcheting), Italy Bresia
From 1989 to 1990 working as office manager of tourism AutoPrevoz Kikinda, Kikinda Serbia
From 1991 to 1996 work in TSF srl from Paratico as a laboratory technician quality control, rubber compounds (silicon, Viton, Terban, PDM, EPDM) Paratico Italy
1996 to 2001 Head of FENICE d.o.o. Podgorica Montenegro export-inport rubber, food, machinarii
2001 2004 resposabile sports center AS Podgorica
2004 to present IT manager POINT d.o.o. Podgorica
Iso and HACCP standards good
They are also trainer of basketball, and treiner tenis ITF, I like reading and learn.
residence permits non
work permit non
Best regards
Ing Slobodan Vujanovic