Tiffany E. Childs
Tacoma, WA. 98409
Exper ien ce and Accomplishmen ts
**/ **** **/ **** **** e Clerk
*-******; Auror a, Illinois
Stor e Clerk at 7-Eleven location in Auror a, Illinois
Per formed Cashier duties on a daily basis
Processed Illinois Lottery tickets
Stocked cooler on a daily basis
Maintained upkeep of stor e location
04/ 2010 08/ 2014 Executive Assistant/ Event Planner MGPGEvents, Inc.; Chicago, Illinois
Executive Assistant at a Chicago based full service communications firm specializing in event planning and production, experiential marketing, public/ community r elations, and cr eative services.
Played primary role in the execution of the largest African-Amer ica indoor exposition
Keymember of company management team
Served as a liaison wit h executive staff of many celebrity clients and key professionals
Billed clients
Maintained r ecords for several key events
Assisted Pr esident/ CEO in managingof office on a daily basis 08/ 2007 08/ 2009 Senior Accountant
Centr alCan Company; Chicago, Illinois
Senior Accountant of highly profitable paint can manufactur er.
Per formed monthly inventory r econciliat ion
Processed weekly accounts payables and billing of clients
Calculated and input monthly journal entries for financial statements
Repor ted dir ectly to the Controller
01/ 2005 08/ 2007 Senior Accountant/ Executive Assistant Scot Incorpor ated;Downer s Grove, Illinois
Senior Accountant/ Executive Assistant for aerospace contr actor . Received increased r esponsibility wit h exceptional results.
In charge of processing monthly financial statements for thr ee subsidiary companies to parent company
Processed bi-monthly payroll for 75+ employees
Processed weekly accounts payable
Organized quarterly board of director s meetings, including reports and meeting agendas Educat ion : B.S., Accounting, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, Kentucky Skills: Microsoft Office Progr ams (Word,Excel, PowerPoint), Excellent communication skills Refer en ces : Available Upon Request