Mail: **********@*****.***
Dardo Ariel Landa
Personal Information
• Nationality: Argentinian.
• Address: Baigorria 3283 4o C, Villa del Parque.
• Birthdate: 07-09-1984.
• Age: 31 years old.
• DNI: 31 205 395.
• Marital Status: Single
• I want to use my experince and knowledge to carry out my tasks with efficiency. I want to have new challenges with Java and new technologies.
High School:
• Eymard Institute, San Martín modality: “Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones”. Academic:
• Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales – Universidad de Buenos Aires, untill the 3 year of Lic. Cs matemáticas aplicadas, simultaneouly with 2 year of Analista universitario en computación becouse they have subject in common
• Present (Change of College) Facultad De Ingeniería – Universidad de Buenos Aires, coursing the 2 year of Licenciatura en Informática Courses:
• English AACI: Six years
Work Experience:
• 2003 – 2010 Interiores Estilo. Furniture factory Microenterprise: Finance, Billing, treasury.
• 2011 - 2013 Capgemini Consultant and development. Projects: Adecco, Mapfre.
Software development Backend / Frontend on tecnologies:
Java JEE, Struts I, using report libraries: POI, IText.
JavaScript, JQuery, HTML.
BBDD: Oracle, MySQL: Clients: Toad for Oracle, SqlDeveloper, MySqlWorkbench.
IBM - Rational Software Architect for Web-sphere
Servers : Apache Tomcat, Oracle WebLogic Server 11g, WebSphere IBM
Compilers: Ant, Maven.
Collaborative work: SVN.
Phone: 4-501-3246
Cell Phone: 15-4195-2061
Mail: **********@*****.***
• 2013 – 2015 Epidata Consultant and development. Project:
Osde, MIRA application, with tecnologies:
Java EE, Jaxb, Jquery.
Framework: Spring, Zkoss. REST Service.
BBDD: PostgreSql, Client: PgAdmin.
Compiler: Maven.
Server: Red Hat Jboss EAP.
Collaborative work: SVN.
Work methodology: Scrum.
• 2015 – Present: Jefatura de Gabinetes de Ministros – Ministerio de Modernización:
Project MCC: “Modelo de Compra para Clientes”: with tecnologies:
Java: JSE, JEE.
Frameworks: Hibernate, Spring.
BBDD: Oracle, H2 Client: SqlDeveloper, Squirrel Sql.
Compiler: Maven
Collaborative work: GitLab / GitHub.
Work methodology: Scrum.