Over 7 years’ experience as a Software Developer and an IOS app developer in User Interface applications, integrating with various Databases and Client-Server applications in iPhone/iPad, iOS application development using Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, UIKit.
● Strong programming experience in SWIFT, OBJECTIVE-C, Java, C++, C.
● Hands on experience in using various Cocoa pods (AFNetworking, MBProgressHUD, Crashlytics, Mix panel, TPKeyboardAvoiding, Google Analytics, Flurry etc.)
● Expertise in Development Tools Instruments, iOS Simulators and debugging tools LLVM Compiler.
● Thorough understanding and expertise in MVC, Singleton, Delegation, Notification, Decoration, Director, Facade, Adapter, MVVM design patterns.
● Hands on experience in using Categories, Blocks, ARC, Storyboards, Xib, Autolayout and Size Classes.
● Expertise in creating and customizing Views, Table Views, Tab Bars and Navigation Bar which are some basic functionality in a Multi view Application.
● Proficiency with memory management - Manual Reference Counting (MRC) and Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)
● Good working experience with the RESTful APIs to consume web services in both JSON as well as XML formats by using parsers such as NSXMLParser and NSJSONSerialization class.
● Expertise in building responsive UI using NSOperations Queue, Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) for downloading data concurrently.
● Proficient in using SQLite, Core Data, Plist files to store data persistently.
● Proficient in using Interface Builder for creating, configuring and connecting predefined framework object as well as instances of custom classes.
● Hands on experience using Base Internalization for localizing the application in multiple languages.
● Experience with Unit Testing using XCTest, Expecta and OCMock frameworks and TDD.
● Experience with source control tools like SVN and GitHub.
● Familiarity with the iOS Provisioning Portal and the process involved in obtaining development certificates, provisioning profiles, adding devices and creating App ID's.
● Clear knowledge in testing and distribution of the App on the App Store.
● Working experience of project management methodologies such as Waterfall, Scrum and Agile.
● Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
● Hands on experience on database technologies like SQL, MySQL and SQLite.
iOS Applications
Objective-C/Swift and Cocoa development for iPhone and iPad devices in XCode Interface builder-UIKit, Cocoa touch, core Data
Trained in iOS9 with XCode 7 OSX 10.11, JAVA with ECLIPSE and NetBeans, Microsoft office suites, Microsoft Project […]
Programming Languages C, Objective C, Swift, C++, Java, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
Databases SQL server […] SQLite with Core iOS sandbox, building, and database in iOS sandbox
Operating Systems MAC OS 10.11, Windows XP, Windows 10, LINUX
Tools XCode 7, Eclipse, Sublime Text, Dreamweaver.
AffinionGroup, Dublin OH Feb2015 - Present
•Worked with UIKit Framework for the applications at hand.
• Used Auto Layout for dynamic screens design.
• Customizing UIButton, UITabBar and UI Table View to build user interface of the application.
• Pre-fetching data for different views for smooth screen transitioning.
• Worked on web service calls, XML and JSON parsing included in the project.
• Added animation between UIViews for smooth transitioning and better user experience.
• Used the same XIB to design for iPhone 6s and older iPhones by using Auto-layout.
• Used Core Data Framework for local storage purpose in SQLite.
● Participate in DAILY SCRUM to discuss the progress in the sprints.
● Participate in SPRINT REVIEW MEETING where we discuss the progress of the project and take the necessary steps for the project to be completed successfully
● Interact with SCRUM team developers, programmers, tester, product owners and stakeholders to deliver right value of the project at the end of each sprint.
• Debugging issues at onsite whenever required.
• Designed the complete MVC flow for the application with UI components and controllers to be used for iPhone.
• Developed critical tools for this project like customized navigation bar, page control and scroll view.
• Followed a work data flow principle for design and development.
• Worked closely within a cross functional team of testers and developers.
• Reported progress/challenges to onsite project lead.
Environment: iOS 6 and 7,8,9 (iPhone SDK), Mac OS X, Objective C, X Code 7, UIKit, Storyboards, Auto Layout constraints, RESTful, NSJSON Serialization, Agile Methodology.
URL: https://itunes.apple.com/ua/app/f.y.e.-backstage-pass-vip/id455295523?mt=8
MEDICO, NJ Feb 2014 - jan2015
custom checklist and sharing them with selected app users by calling web services through JSON libraries and connecting to SQ Lite database with the objective C interfaces
Improved the application efficiency with multi-threading.
Performed all tasks from UI design and implementation to writing code for various features.
Used UITabBar, UINavigationView, UITableView, MKMap, UIActionsheet, and other View Controllers to build the UI.
Worked closely within a cross functional team of testers and developers.
Participate in DAILY SCRUM to discuss the progress in the sprints.
Participate in SPRINT REVIEW MEETING where we discuss the progress of the project and take the necessary steps for the project to be completed successfully
Interact with SCRUM team developers, programmers, tester, product owners and stakeholders to deliver right value of the project at the end of each sprint.
Created models in MVC and development of delegates for updating model information.
Interacting with QA on deliverables on every iteration and customer feedback implementation.
Implemented Core Data for persistent storage of user data.
Environments: iOS 7 and later Versions (iPhone SDK), Mac OS X, Objective-C, Xcode 7, UIKit, Storyboards, Constraints, RESTful, Agile Methodology, NSJASON parsing, NSJASON Serialization.
Equinix, Sunnyvale, CA
Role: IOS Developer- Enterprise App May 2013 - Jan 2014
Written Technical Specification document defining the Business Model or Transfer Objects, Class, Activity/Sequence diagrams, Web Services consumed, flow dialogs and the software design for Equinix iPhone app
Built iPhone Application that uses Tab bar, Navigation Controllers and consumes RESTful JSON Web Services converted to existing Soap Services
Built iOS Storyboards with Login View and Tab Bar Controllers creating segues between different views, established IBOutlet, IBActions in the storyboard
Tab Bar Controller interface to switch among the independent tasks that can be executed in parallel (recent requests, storage, Confirm, More/Logoff)
Multi-Threaded some of the tasks like downloading images, Service Notification Updates and Utilization Logging in iOS by running tasks in a separate thread using GCD blocks and NSOperationQueue for optimizing the performance
Created Custom UITableView cells with different styles to accommodate the UX/UI requirements in Open Units Screen and Picklists Screen
Consumed JSON web service to fetch the data, reformatted the data to group the departments under a parent product group and bind it to the customized Table View
Written the logic to highlight the jeopardy items on the table, so the pick-list of those open units can be created for executed on priority
Coded the update notification part where in the backend is updated with the tasks and Units executed for Alerts mechanism
Coded the Open Units, Pick-list creation, Pick-list execution and reservation
Used Agile Scrum methodology/ Scrum Alliance for development
Used GIT for version control systems.
Environment:Objective-C, Xcode 4.6, Mac OSX, Cocoa Touch, Foundation, UIKit, Core Graphics, RESTful JSON converted to existing Soap Services, iOS 6.1, iPhone Simulator 6.1,Device integrated with Barcode Scanners, GIT, JIRA, Agile.
Barclays, Wilmington, DE
Role: IOS Developer Sept 2012 – April 2013
Used AV Foundation Framework to record audio from the device.
Implemented Dropbox API for sharing and backup.
Implemented Core Data framework to store user Data.
Implemented NS Operation Queue and NSURL Connection to integrate with backend web services.
Implemented using Storyboard and ARC.
Developed unit tests for testing specific functionality and logic.
Fixed bugs as documented by QA team.
Worked both on iOS and android Platforms.
Used Instruments to fine tune the app performance and memory management.
Formatted the Data as per Business rule to display in UI.
Followed a work data flow principle for design and development.
Worked closely within a cross functional team of testers and developers.
Debugging issues at onsite whenever required.
Worked with GDB and Xcode for debugging.
Worked with Subversion to checkout and update the codebase changes.
Environments: iOS 6.0 (iPhone SDK), Mac OS 4. X, Objective C, Xcode 4.2 and later version, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa framework, Phone Gap JavaScript, JQuery, Adobe CS5 Suite (Photoshop, Dreamweaver), Map Kit, Core Location, AVFoundation.
T- Mobile, Nashville,TN
Role: IOS Developer June 2011-Aug2012
Upgraded reporting system of the application T-Mobile My Account for analytics
Created models in MVC and development of delegates for updating model information
Created of various views, table views, and customized views.
Developed Facebook integration for the application
Improved the efficiency of the application by optimization that resulted in faster loading of player and streaming data. (Main thread and secondary thread)
Provided mechanism to avoid loading of duplicate data in table views (Problem due to concurrent server calls)
Implemented NS Operation Queue and NSURL Connection to integrate with backend web services
Custom UI implemented with XIBs, and Manual Retain/Release memory management.
Assisted Project Manager with release build schedules
Used Instruments to fine tune the app performance and memory management.
Managing the work log and following the schedule to ensure completion of projects before deadline
Followed a work data flow principle for design and development
Environment: Objective-C, Xcode 4.1-4.2, Mac OSX, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa Foundation, UIKit, Core Graphics, RESTful JSON converted to existing Soap Services, iOS 5.1, iPhone Simulator 5.1, GIT, JIRA, I beacon.
Diet & Food Tracker Spark People, Sunnyvale, CA Feb 2010 – Jun 2011
Role: iOS Developer
Implemented Core Data for persistent storage of user data.
Created models in MVC and development of delegates for updating model information.
Created of various views, table views, customized views and popovers.
Redesigned several screens including default application landing screen as per newer wireframe.
Created custom checklist and sharing them with selected app users by calling web services through JSON libraries and connecting to SQ Lite database with the objective C interfaces.
Created of notifications to detect the autorotation in the customized sub views.
Implemented NS Operation Queue and NSURL Connection to integrate with backend web services.
Custom UI implemented with XIBs, and Manual Retain/Release memory management.
Developed Navigation between views was mixture of using UI Navigation Controller, UI Gesture Recognizer, and UI Popover Controller.
Took care of Code Review, Code Fixes and bug Fixes.
Performed all tasks from UI design and implementation to writing code for various features.
Used several methods for testing and tracking of application like kiwi.
Designed XSDs to define the xml structure of data exchanged between iPhone and server.
Managed data and memory management from streamlining code and using various debugging tests.
Interacting with QA on deliverables on every iteration and customer feedback implementation.
Environments: iOS 5, 5.1, Xcode 4.1, 4.3.3, 4.4.1, iPad, iPhone, Objective-C, UIKit, JSON, XML, SQLite, View Controller.
Profund Info Tech, Hyderabad, India Mar2008 – Jan2010
Role: Java Developer
Participated in the development, testing and maintenance of Price & Drug Load application.
Worked on Agile development environment. Participated in scrum meetings.
Developed web pages using JSF framework establishing communication between various pages in application.
Followed Use Case Design Specification and developed Class and Sequence Diagrams using RAD, MS Visio.
Used JavaScript, AJAX for making calls to Controllers that get File from server and popup to the screen without losing the attributes of the page.
Coded Test Cases and created Mock Objects using JMock and used JUnit to run tests.
Configured Hudson and integrated it with CVS to automatically run test cases with every build and generate code coverage report.
Configured Data Source on WebLogic Application server for connecting to Oracle, DB2 Databases.
Wrote complex SQL statements and used PL/SQL for performing database operations with the help of TOAD.
Developed JAX-RPC based Web Services using AXIS to processing claims. Used SoapUI to test them.
Created User interface for Testing team which helped them efficiently test executables.
Used Singleton, Business Delegate, Service Locator, DAO, BO, MVC, and Factory Design Patterns.
Worked on migrating Walgreens custom framework (Bounce) with JSF rich faces.
Mentored co-developers with new technologies. Participated in Code reviews.
Worked on a Data stage project which generates automated daily reports after performing various validations.
Environment: UNIX, RAD6.0, WebLogic, Oracle, Maven, JavaScript, JSF, JSP, Servlets, Log4J, Spring, Pure Query, JMock, JUnit,TOAD, MS Visio, Data Stage, CVS, SVN, UML, SOAPUI.
B. Tech in Computer Science from JNTU, Hyderabad, Telangana