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Computer Science Manager

Boulder, CO
February 05, 2016

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Saurabh Sood o d**


saurabh.sood @


University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder CO May 2017 Masters in Science – Computer Science

GPA: 3.76


Fall 2015: Natural Language Processing, Principles of Numerical Computation, Database Systems Spring 2016: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Data Mining, Geospatial Data Analysis Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka, India May 2013 Bachelors in Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, with a GPA of 8.54/10 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

Research Computing, Office of Information Technology, CU Boulder HPC Student Web Developer Aug 2015 - Present

Developing the OIDE, an open source IDE using Angular.js and Python

Developed Filebrowser module for OIDE

Wrote End to End tests for the Editor of the OIDE using Protractor.js and Jasmine.

Created unit tests for the OIDE using Jasmine and Karma Unisys India Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India July 2013 - June 2015 Associate Engineer

Developed a mobile widget library using JavaScript and jQuery. Library provides widgets for accessing contacts and scanning barcodes.

Implemented Lazy Loading of contacts to improve load times by 75%

Created Simulator for Hybrid Web applications using JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS and HTML.

Created Monitoring tool for the Hybrid App Build Service using C#, WPF. Made use of MVVM paradigm. Google Summer of Code 2012, working for openSUSE Apr 2012 – Sep 2012 Student Contract Developer

Created a new 1-Click installer for openSUSE using the Qt Framework, C++. PROJECTS

1. News Classifier (2015): A Platform to classify news articles based on the content.

Trained Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier from Scikit-learn

Periodic updates from RSS feeds.

Python, Django, MySQL, Angular.js

2. Music Player (2012): A Music Player written using the Qt Framework and C++. 3. Personal Information Manager (2011): A tool to manage my day to day tasks. Java, Swings, PostgreSQL SKILLS

• Languages: C/C++, Java, Python, PHP, C#, JavaScript

• Frameworks: Qt, Angular.js, jQuery, Node.js, .NET, Scikit-learn, NLTK, Jasmine, Karma

• Databases: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

• Version Control: Git, SVN

• Misc: Object Oriented Design, Data Analytics


1. Yet Another NGO App (2012): An Android app to connect potential donors with NGO's. Won First prize at GDG New Delhi Hackathon. JavaScript, jQuery Mobile, CSS, HTML 2. GreenTravel (2014): Android app for a hackathon to calculate the carbon footprint based on the mode of travel being used. JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, CSS, HTML, Apache Cordova

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