Tim JK Strickland
208-***-**** h ttp://linkedin.com/in/timjkstrickland
timjkstrickland@ gmail.com h ttp://github.com/timjkstrickland I’m a front end engineer and designer with a passion for user experience. Utilizing my experience in design, I build code passionately to create what clients don’t know they need to see. Technical Skills
Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript Software: Adobe Creative Suite Web Tools: Twitter Bootstrap, Gulp, KnockoutJS, WordPress Version Control: Git, Github Project Experience
Great First Dates provided by Thrillist March 2016 http://timjkstrickland.github.io/Great-First-Dates
● Constructed a single page web app using the KnockoutJS framework, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
● Connected to Google Maps API and Foursquare API using AJAX and jQuery. E.A.T. School Lunch UX Challenge – USDA and FNS December 2015 – February 2016 Building a web app to digitize the application process for the free and reduced lunch program
● Built front end code for web app using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, designed specifically for optimized page load.
● Researched case studies that help optimize the build process, saving time for the millions of applicants per year. Smart City Internet of Things Hackathon November 2015 Find Me – A web app structured for first responders to track and rescue people efficiently. http://timjkstrickland.github.io/FindMe
● Collaborated with engineers and designers on brainstorming which resulted in tangible project goals.
● Built web dashboard from PSD mockups and implemented live under deadline for presentation.
● Presented project and fielded questions over design and implementation of the project’s goals. Professional Experience
Woodruff Sawyer & Co. – M arketing & Communications Coordinator O ctober 2012 – Present
● Writing new HTML and CSS code for newly redesigned website, saving money and time by keeping edits in-house rather than sending to vendor.
● Directing usability studies for user-focused design of intranet, leading to an increase in site traffic.
● Directing usability studies for user-focused design of intranet, leading to an increase in site traffic.
● Creating graphics, images using Adobe Creative Suite used in marketing materials that led to big client wins.
● Shooting and editing stock photography including headshots for C-level board members used on marketing materials. Education
Udacity – Nanodegree Front End Web Developer A ugust 2015 – Present University of Oregon – BA., English A ugust 2010 – September 2012