Education Columbia University, NYC, NY - MS, Engineering Sciences (1977)
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida - BS, Mechanical Engineering (1973)
Associations & Affiliations
National Society for Professional Engineers
Association of Higher Education Facility Officers (APPA)
Society of College and University Planners (SCUP)
International Facility Managers Association
National Institute of Building Sciences –Board (1998-2004)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Engineering Society of Detroit
Lambda Alpha International
Workhouse Arts Foundation – Board of Directors
Registrations Registered Professional Engineer – MD, MI, VA and DC
Awards DCCAES 2011 Engineer of the Year, NSPE/AOC- 2000 Federal Engineer of the Year, Distinguished Service Award - National Institute of Building Sciences (2004), ACE Mentoring Achievement Award – Board of Directors, AAAS Congressional Fellowship
Specialized Training List available upon request
Representative Professional Experience
Summary – Mr. Hanlon has over 40 years of experience in management of engineering design, construction and operations for complex facilities and infrastructure with particular emphasis on project and program management, strategic and budgetary planning, facility management, administration, and organizational operations. Mr. Hanlon has extensive experience in building renovation, historic preservation, infrastructure modernization and space planning with particular focus on telecommunications, heating, ventilating and air conditioning, central plant operations, security, fire protection and life safety as well as environmental and transportation systems.
IMMEDIATE PAST POSITION: Senior Program Director for MEP Systems for the MGM National Harbor Hotel and Casino (2014 to 2016)
As SPD, Mr. Hanlon was Owner’s representative managing the design development, procurement, contract negotiations and construction of all MEP systems including telecommunications, systems commissioning and facilities planning and development for the $1.3 billion, 3 million square foot state of the art hospitality and entertainment facility.
PAST POSITION: Director of Capital Programs and Construction Management for American University (2011 to 2014)
As Director of Capital Programs and Construction Management, Mr. Hanlon managed the facilities planning and development program and capital construction for American University. In that leadership position, Mr. Hanlon provided advice and counsel to senior University leadership and supports the program development, capital construction and oversight for facilities development and operations that include all aspects of facilities development, construction and personnel management, capital budget development/analysis and strategic planning. The University manages the grounds and facilities consisting of over 3 million square feet of office, assembly, conference, broadcast and recording studio and academic facilities with approximately 12,000 students, full and part time staff, a capital construction budget of $450 million (15 new or remodeled facilities) and an annual operating budget over $1 billion.
PAST POSITION: Senior Consultant/VP for Project Development and Engineering for Washington Gas Energy Systems (WGES) - (2009 to 2011)
WGES is a division of the Washington Gas Light Holdings, one of the United States’ leading gas utilities that provides gas services to over 1,000,000 customers. His responsibilities included engineering design, construction management and operational service for federal and commercial customers throughout the National Capital Region. Mr. Hanlon was responsible for WGES’ current energy related programs and initiatives that incorporate the development of new and enhanced operational and management processes, and strategies for many areas in the private and public sectors including facility modernization, energy conservation, healthcare, environmental/sustainable design, security, telecommunications and governmental/military design/build support services.
PAST POSITION: Senior Program Manager/Consultant for Parson Transportation Group (2008 to 2009)
In that role, Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the development and management of significant transportation and infrastructure renewal programs through out the United States. Founded in 1944, Parsons is an engineering and construction firm with revenues exceeding $3.6 billion in 2007. Parsons offers technical and management solutions for the toughest logistical challenges and delivers landmark design-build projects across the globe. Mr. Hanlon supported Parsons’ strong ability to plan, design, construct, and operate diverse facilities and infrastructure systems that satisfied clients’ needs. With more than 11,500 employees located worldwide, the Parsons’ teams are challenged with an increasingly diverse group of global customers and stakeholders while providing dependable services. Assignments included significant program management responsibilities on key infrastructure improvement programs for the City of Houston’s METRO system and Miami Dade County.
PAST POSITION: Chief Engineer – Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (2005 to 2008)
As Chief Engineer, Mr. Hanlon was responsible for providing engineering leadership and continued technical support to vehicle (Rail and Bus) and facility operations, ensuring safety, reliability and best maintenance practices for railcars, as well as providing project management, inspection and acceptance for new and rehabilitated railcars, busses and facilities. He oversaw the activities of more than 70 professional employees and successfully completed six railcar contracts over $1 billion. In addition, he was the spearhead the development and implementation of several internal strategic realignment and reorganization activities. He was also a strong proponent and initiator for the support of reliability centered maintenance, enhanced staff training, implementation of centralized knowledge management, and the set up and staffing of a commissioning program to document, train and test, ensuring more reliable and efficient operation and customer satisfaction. Mr. Hanlon maintained good working relations with a twelve-member appointed WMATA Board of Directors, and he represents WMATA with external constituency groups, planning and funding agencies, governmental bodies at the international, Federal, State, regional and local levels, as well as with public and private sector organizations.
PAST POSITION: President - Sebesta Blomberg & Associates (2000 to 2005)
Mr. Hanlon served as President of Sebesta Blomberg and Associates. In that role, Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the development and management of a mid-size professional consulting firm specializing in providing technical and business solutions to a wide variety of institutional, governmental and private sector clients. Core areas of technical services provided by Sebesta Blomberg & associates include facility management support services, engineering design, construction supervision, energy management, systems commissioning and business solutions to complex facility design and operational problems. Some of the Federal Governmental clients include the Pentagon, Architect of the Capitol, Smithsonian Institution, General Service Administration, NAFAC, Air Force Missile Defense Program, etc.
Federal Governmental Experience (Highest Federal Position: Executive Service - Legislative Branch of Federal Government)
Prior to joining Sebesta Blomberg, Mr. Hanlon accumulated over 25 years of public service that was highlighted by over fifteen years with the US Congress/ Architect of the Capitol (1984-2000) serving as Director of Engineering. In that leadership position, Mr. Hanlon provided advice and counsel to senior Governmental officials, leadership and oversight for major governmental facilities operations for the Capitol Complex that included all aspects of facilities management, construction and personnel management, budget development/analysis and strategic planning, office automation, etc. The Architect of the Capitol manages the grounds and facilities of the US Congress, Library of Congress and the Supreme Court consisting of over 15 million square feet of office, public assembly, conference and governmental facilities with approximately 2000 full and part time staff employees and an annual operating budget over $200 million.
His responsibilities required him to:
Exercise control over engineering and construction matters related to the design of new facilities, alterations, modifications, operation and maintenance of all facilities in the Capitol Complex, which represents an annual expenditure of approximately $200 million, and building construction, reallocation and renovation projects totaling over $500 million;
Provided budgetary development and oversight for all capital modernization, renovation and operational programs under the jurisdiction of the Director of Engineering;
Developed the strategic and implementation plans for the Legislative Branch Telecommunications Networks;
Managed design and installation of security, audio-video and communications systems.
Representative Project Experience
Federal Building Construction, Renovations, Restorations and Modernization
ARRA Energy Efficient Program – working with small and minority businesses to success respond to GSA solicitation. The following projects are currently under joint design/build development are Theodor Roosevelt Building, Ronald Reagan Building, Veteran’s Administration Headquarters, Secrete Service Building, etc. Other federal clients include DHS’s St. Elizabeth’s campus, Food and Drug Administration, National Institute of Health, Nuclear Regulatory Agency, the Department of the Interior, and various Navy and Army facilities
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) Programming, Design and System Commissioning – Washington, DC
As a key member of the AOC’s original design and development team, Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the strategic planning and design for the engineered systems for the CVC. In addition, under Hr. Hanlon’s leadership and initiative, Sebesta Blomberg was contracted to perform the peer review and commissioning program for the new, 580,000 sf Capitol Visitor Center currently under construction. Several commissioning discovery meetings with representatives from the Architect of the Capitol, the construction management firm, and the project architect resulted in the creation of a customized flowchart detailing each stage of the Commissioning Process. This flowchart identified the roles and responsibilities of each member of the Commissioning Team. In addition, the flowchart outlined the major tasks required in each of the following project phases: design, construction, acceptance, and warranty. Following the development of the flow chart, a commissioning plan and scope of systems to be commissioned was written. At the conclusion of the discovery phase, Sebesta Blomberg was contracted to serve as the Commissioning Consultant to lead the execution of the customized Commissioning Plan.
Capitol Visitor Center, Facility Management Planning & Development –
Washington, DC
In addition to the peer review and commissioning assignment for the CVC, Mr. Hanlon served as Principle-in-Charge providing program management and analysis leading to the complete and intergraded facility management plan, operational and staffing requirements adopted by the Government for the CVC.
Capitol Complex Elevator/Escalator Modernization Program – Washington, DC
Hr. Hanlon organized and implemented a program of renovate and modernize over 300 elevator, escalator and automated people mover systems located in throughout the Capitol Complex. This included both standard elevator/escalator systems and special/historic preservation projects.
U.S. Houses and Senate Chambers, Modernization & Restoration Project – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon provided strategic systems planning for the historic restoration and modernization of the House and Senate Chambers in the U.S. Capitol. These programs include the modernization of these large multipurpose spaces in the context of the original historical context of the late l800s while providing complete modernization of all support systems including audio-visual and multimedia applications.
Jefferson and Adams Buildings of the Library of Congress Renovation & Restoration – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon participated in the program development and management of this $80 million renovation and restoration project. While fully occupied, these 800,000 square foot facilities were completely renovated, modernized and resorted to their original historic significance over a period that lasted approximately ten years.
Russell Senate Office Building, Renovation Project – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the engineering design and management of the complete modernization, renovation and historic design adaptations for this $30 million renovation and restoration project. While fully occupied, this 400,000 plus square foot facility was completely renovated, modernized in keeping with its historic and institutional significance. The primary focus was on the modernization of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, vertical transportation, telecommunications, security, fire protection, and life safety systems.
Canon House Office Building, Renovation Project – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the engineering design and management of the complete modernization, renovation and historic design adaptations for this $36 million renovation and restoration project. While fully occupied, this 500,000 plus square foot facility was completely renovated, modernized in keeping with its historic and institutional significance. The primary focus was on the modernization of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, vertical transportation, telecommunications, security, fire protection, and life safety systems. In addition the “infill” garage space was also completely reconstructed during this period.
Longworth House Office Building, Renovation Project – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the engineering design and management of the complete modernization, renovation and historic design adaptations for this $20 million renovation and restoration project. While fully occupied, this 600,000 plus square foot facility was completely renovated, modernized in keeping with its historic and institutional significance. The primary focus was on the modernization of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, vertical transportation, telecommunications, security, fire protection, and life safety systems.
Dirkson Senate Office Building, Renovation Project – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the engineering design and management of the complete modernization, renovation and historic design adaptations for this $60 million renovation and restoration project. While fully occupied, this 600,000 plus square foot facility was completely renovated, modernized in keeping with its historic and institutional significance. The primary focus was on the modernization of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, vertical transportation, telecommunications, security, fire protection, and life safety systems.
Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Office Building – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the engineering design intent and construction management of the construction of this new monumental building design to support the consolidation of the Administrative Offices of the Federal Judiciary System. This award winning $129 million design-build project/facility was completed ahead of schedule with a surplus of funds available from the original allocations. The primary focus of the engineering design criteria and specification provided the design-build team was on the establishing the guidance for the lifecycle/best value to the Government for the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, vertical transportation, telecommunications, security, fire protection, and life safety systems.
Postal Square Redevelopment, Data Center – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the engineering design and management of the renovation and adaptive use of designated spaces with in the$50 million plus renovation and restoration project. The primary focus was on the design and construction of a modern data-center to support the requirements and functions of the United States Senate. Included in this effort were the design of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, vertical transportation, telecommunications, fire protection, and life safety systems.
Capitol Complex, Capitol Power Plant and Utility System Master Planning – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the utility systems master planning for the Capitol Complex including the Capitol Power Plant establishing the strategy for utility system renewal, modernization and phased expansion in support of the their facility master plan and the current and projected utility systems requirements for the campus. Included in the utility master plan are the steam and chilled water systems, sanitary and storm sewer, domestic water systems and telecommunications systems.
This project also involved a comprehensive evaluation of existing utility operations at each of the facilities served by the central “district” heating and cooling systems using both technical and economic factors for analysis. Benchmark projections were calculated and alternative utility configurations and operation strategies were developed. Utility and energy requirements of each facility will be evaluated to identify which strategies promise the greatest value from a lifecycle cost perspective while offering adequate flexibility to meet current and projected needs.
Senate Recording Studio Modernization – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the engineering design and management of the renovation and adaptive use of designated spaces within the U.S. Capitol. The primary focus was on the design and construction of a modern recording studio to support the requirements and functions of the United States Senate. Included in this effort were the design of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, telecommunications, fire protection, and life safety systems.
HIS Data Center – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the engineering design and management of the renovation and adaptive use of designated spaces within the Ford House Offices Building. The primary focus was on the design and construction of a modern data-center to support the requirements and functions of the United States House of Representatives. Included in this effort were the design of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, telecommunications, fire protection, and life safety systems.
Supreme Court Modernization – Washington, DC
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the strategic planning, engineering design and management of the complete modernization, renovation and historic design adaptations for this $160 million renovation, restoration and expansion program. While fully occupied, this 500,000 plus square foot facility will be completely renovated and modernized in keeping with its historic and institutional significance. The primary focus was on the modernization of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, vertical transportation, telecommunications, security, fire protection, and life safety systems. In addition, a substantial underground expansion space is being developed to support operational activities of the Court.
Other Significant AOC Projects Initiated/Completed under the Mr. Hanlon’s direction:
Renovation and Modernization of the US Botanic Gardens
Capitol Power Plant Chilled Water Expansion and Modernization
Steam Tunnel Modernization and Upgrades
Senate Library Modernization
U.S. Capitol Life/Safety Systems Improvement Program
U.S. Capitol Complex Perimeter Security Improvement Program
Child Care Centers (for the US House of Representatives for House, US Senate, Administrative Offices of the Federal Judiciary and the Library of Congress)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) – Congressional Fellow in the US Senate
In this position Mr. Hanlon functioned as legislative assistant and technical advisor to the US Senate focusing on technology, productivity and competitiveness issues with emphasis on manufacturing technologies.
Responsible for monitoring all environmental and energy legislation, providing briefing and legislative amendments as required, coordinating with the various Congressional delegations and responding to inquiries from a wide range of constituent interests in such areas as energy development and conservation, water resource management, water and air pollution control, coastal erosion, solid and hazardous waste disposal and national park administration.
Supervised specialized constituent case works in engineering and scientific areas.
Provided technical organizational liaison on a wide rang of technical and engineering issues.
Commissioning and Facility Management Programs/Assignments
Mr. Hanlon managed the peer review and commissioning programs for major governmental, institutional and private sector clients. Some of these include:
Pentagon Renovation and Modernization Projects – Commissioning and Facility Management Program
Architect of the Capitol: Capitol Visitors Center, US Supreme Court Renovation and Modernization Smithsonian Institution: Victor Building Remedial Engineering and Retro-commissioning and American Museum Renovations -Washington, DC
Colleges &Universities
American University’s Capital Expansion Program – As Director of Capital Projects, Mr. Hanlon’s responsibilities included the planning design and construction of the following buildings representing an addition of over 1 million square feet:
WAMU Headquarters Renovation/Modernization
McKinley Building Remodeling for the School of Communications
Cassell Hall and Nebraska Hall – 500 bed Residential Facilities
Washington College of Law - New 400K SF Campus
East Campus – 6 Building Mixed-Use Complex
Renovation of the Sport Center Locker Room and Support Facilities
Renovation planning for conversion of the existing 200K SF WCL facility to mixed- use support facility
McKinley Laboratory, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Serving as Principal-in-Charge in the modernization of the University’s McKinly Animal Care Center, Mr. Hanlon led the Sebesta Blomberg team providing A/E services for the renovation and improvement of this Center. Construction impact involved 15,000 gross sf. in an existing/expanded biological facility. Deficiencies in the existing facility present serious impediments to safe, efficient and compliant animal care operations. Sebesta Blomberg is providing all necessary design, architectural and engineering, and construction administration services to the University of Delaware from a single source, utilizing professional consulting personnel specialized in laboratory facilities and support environments. This will ensure a high level of responsiveness, continuity, and technical expertise.
Pencader Dormitory Project, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Serving as Principal-in-Charge of this project, Mr. Hanlon led the SBA team that designed all site utilities, MEP, telecom and security systems for the replacement of the Pencader Housing Project at the University of Delaware. A full analysis of the Laird Central Utility Plant serving the campus has also been undertaken as part of this extensive project. The project involves new design and construction of four, 5-story buildings providing approximately 300,000 sf of space. The goal of the project was to expand the number of dormitory beds by 250, without losing use of the 750 beds currently in place. Phased construction will be necessary to accomplish this. Construction occurred over two phases that span approximately 3 years in duration.
Additional Facility Commissioning Programs for:
University of Maryland Biological Science Center,
Georgetown Quadrangle Projects,
Duke University Engineering Sciences Building,
American University Katzen Center for the Performing Arts,
Catholic University’s Presbella Center,
Penn State University’s Penstater Center, etc.
Utility & Business Master Planning
Mall Utility Master Plan - GSA Central Plant expansion and Modernization Project
Mr. Hanlon working with the Sebesta Blomberg Team developed the strategy for the renewal, expansion and modernization of the district energy system (both steam and chilled water) serving Governmental facilities surrounding the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
American University Utility Master Planning, Washington DC
Working in coordination with the architectural engineering firm, RMF as master campus energy planner, Mr. Hanlon was responsible for the utility systems master planning for the University establishing the strategy for utility system renewal, modernization and phased expansion in support of the their facility master plan and the current and projected utility systems requirements for the campus. Included in the utility master plan are the steam and chilled water systems, sanitary and storm sewer, domestic water systems as well as electrical and telecommunications systems.
Towson University and Towson Four Utility Master Plan, Towson, MD
Serving as Principal-in-Charge of this focused effort to integrate Towson University and nearby St. Joseph Medical Center, Sheppard Pratt Medical Center, and Greater Baltimore Medical Center into the utility and infrastructure master plan developed for Towson University. This project involved a comprehensive evaluation of existing utility operations at each of the related facilities using both technical and economic factors for analysis. Benchmark projections were calculated and alternative utility configurations and operation strategies were developed. Utility and energy requirements of each facility will be evaluated to identify which strategies promise the greatest value from a lifecycle cost perspective while offering adequate flexibility to meet current and projected needs.
Other Master and Business Planning Assignments:
University of Delaware
Syracuse University
North Carolina State University
Arcadia College
General Motors Corporation
Legislative Branch Telecommunications Network Design & Implementation
During the late 1980s and continuing on into the 1990s Hr. Hanlon was responsible for the coordination, strategic planning, procurement and management of the high-speed telecommunication network that connected the seven Legislative Branch entities together and to the outside world. This was done at a time of rapid changes in the telecommunications industry and resulted in the development of a highly reliable and cost effective system to support the expanding telecommunications requirements of the Legislative Branch of Government. In addition, Mr. Hanlon managed the development of enhanced wireless communication systems throughout the Capitol Complex.
Hotel/Housing Experience
MGM National Harbor Hotel and Casino
As Senior Progam Director and Owner Representative for the MGM Hotel and Casino Project at National Harbor, MD, Mr Hanlon managed a all MEP work for the $1.3 billion, 3 million square foot LEED gold complex.
Congressional Hotel
Mr. Hanlon managed the renovation, modernization and conversion of Congressional Hotel to mixed-use office and residential facility. This work included electrical, mechanical, elevator and fire and life safety and telecommunications improvements
Senate Page Dormitory
This project incorporated the conversion of large historic building into a hotel/dormitory to house Congressional l Senate Pages. Mr. Hanlon managed as aspects of the engineering and systems implementation for the complete design, build and operational phases for this project.
Washington Hilton Hotel
Project Director overseeing electrical, mechanical, telecommunications, modernization for the Washington Hilton Hotel utilizing a design/build project delivery methodology. The hotel is a multi level high rise built in the early 1960s.
State and Municipal Projects
Ann Arbor Inn, Ann Arbor, MI
Mr. Hanlon was responsible for modernization, renovation and conversion of this high-rise hotel into a multi-use facility that includes meeting, office space and modernized hotel accommodations.
City of Ann Arbor, MI - As City Engineer/Engineer-in-Charge, Mr. Hanlon handled diverse administrative duties, including supervision of capital improvements programs, facilities management, budgeting, personnel and project management, public information forums, state/federal governmental grants, and standards writing.
Typical projects included water and wastewater system modifications, plant expansions and operations, park system planning and construction, development of a computer based information management and optimization system, solid waste disposal, landfill optimization, industrial pollution control programs and water resource management as well as redevelopment of several hydroelectric plants.
Downtown Redevelopment Program, City of Ann Arbor
Expansion and Modernization of 40 MGD Water and 80 MGD Waste Water Plants, City of Ann Arbor.
Other Important and Related Experience
Consulting Engineering assignments with Ebasco Services, Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation and Gilbert/Commonwealth Associates
Designed and supervised the implementation of mechanical and electrical systems for power and environmental treatment facilities.
Developed standards for mechanical systems design, fabrication and erection.
Performed site optimization, cost benefit