Binghamton University, State university of New York, Binghamton, NY Aug 2014- May 2016
Master of Computer Science
Vellore Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India July 2010-May 2014
Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology
Technical Skills:
Languages: - C/C++, Java, VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS
Database: - MySQL, SQL Server
Operating Systems: - Windows, Mac OS and Linux
Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Programming and System Tools, Design & Analysis Comp Algorithm, Programming Languages, Computer Security, Database Systems, z/VM Virtualization
Secure Virtual Election System Binghamton University, April 2015
Implemented a secure virtual election system in C, that allowed people to securely place votes online
Constraints followed: No one can vote more than once, No one can determine the candidate for whom anyone else voted
Functionalities: Vote placement, Voting history of the particular person, Display the ballot results
Custom Memory Manager Binghamton University, April 2015
Implemented a memory manager in C that manages heap memory allocation at program level using linked lists and a bitmap to keep track of allocated/free memory blocks. It can detect memory misuse and reduce the performance overhead caused by the frequent switch between user and kernel space by malloc or free functions
The memory manager pre-allocates large chunks of memory based on user calls to malloc and efficiently manages memory in response to a user program's memory allocation/deallocation requests
System Call to Count Page Fault Binghamton University, March 2015
Implemented a custom Linux operating system call by modifying fault.c file in the kernel source code to count the page faults caused by processes
As a result, modified the system call table. To test the implementation, a programs was written that generated page faults in different fashion
RSA-OAEP Vellore Institute of Technology, November 2013
Collaborated in a team of 2 to develop a system to test RSA-OAEP encryption/decryption
Also, a performance test for RSA encryption and decryption with and without Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
Functionalities: Generation of key pairs, Modulus size selection, Encryption and decryption testing, Option to use OAEP with RSA, Option to select one of the following hash functions: SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, Performance test for RSA and RSA with CRT
Online Hospital Management System Vellore Institute of Technology, May 2013
Implemented hospital management system to transform an existing paper-based system into a paperless one
Functionalities: Examine and modify patient information and medical history, Manage staff information and payroll data, Check for ward availability, Overlook staff and operating room schedules, Generate invoice for medical care received
Aeolus Patni Computer Systems, Gujarat, India, June 2012
Aeolus is an English dictionary program that runs on the Windows platform (Visual Basic .NET)
Features: Definition lookup, Lists word pronunciation, Word bookmarks, Quick definition lookup by double clicking on any word, Window transparency for minimal distraction
Used HashMap and linear search for searching words and appropriate meanings in database
Enhancing Security by Adding Hill Cipher to Modified RSA Algorithm Vellore Institute of Technology
IJAER (Volume 9, Number 9) March 2014
Collaborated as part of a team of three to research and enhance data security through a modified RSA algorithm
Illustrated a modified RSA algorithm, and improved its complexity by merging it with Hill cipher
Conducted performance analysis of RSA, Modified RSA and Modified RSA with Hill Cipher for random bytes of input data
Enhancing Security of Modified RSA Algorithm Vellore Institute of Technology
IJAER (Volume 9, Number 23) December 2014
Collaborated as part of a team of four to research and enhance data security through a modified RSA algorithm
Illustrated the use of previous publication, and improved the efficiency of the algorithm using Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
Conducted performance analysis of Modified RSA, Modified RSA - CRT and Modified RSA with Hill Cipher - CRT for different input sizes of random bytes