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Electrical Engineering Microsoft Office

Baghdad, Iraq
March 19, 2016

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Huda salah shkier







.Ability to understand and comprehension, Working as a team to challenge all the problem that we facing in our jobs to proof the knowledge, abilities with high responsibilities.

Personal date:

Nationality: Iraqi

Birth Date: 15/8/1991

Gender: female


Electrical Engineering: Al-Mustansiriyah University / College of engineering / Electrical engineering department, with concentration on general (Electrical. Engineering)

Including power system analysis, communications, logic circuit design, network buildings, Antenna & propagation,

Programming, Control and machines

Work experience:

From4/10/2013 till 20/6/2014.

KAR motors company (Toyota)

BIAP (Baghdad international airport)

Service adviser:

- prepare job card

- inter all the details for each vehicle in to Toyota system (data base)

- Check with customer the fault that complaining in his vehicle.

- Prepare in voice after finish or fixed the vehicle.

- prepare quotations for our customers if it need (items,parts cost and work fee)

- Dealing with Security Company and embassies.

- Correspondence with all the parts that we dealing with, or contact cell phone if it need.

From 15/8/2014 till 3/11/2014

Worked at Enfinty company (power guide engineer)

-the work was for translation the menu of the elictrical device From 3/11/2014 till 20/7/2015

Worked at semince company ( Top Vision Company)

-the work was as se support as sup dealer at electronic voucher department Skills &Languages:

Computer Skills:

- Correspondence by the email with head quarter in Dubai

- Operating on inventory system.

- Power point program.

- Operating System: Proficiency in operating Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista and win7)

- Excellent proficiency in online networking (Internet) and social media,

- Software packages: working proficiency with Microsoft Office applications

(Word and Power Point), workbench simulation and MATLAB

- Typing Skills: Able to write 45 Words per Minute (WPM).

- Programming languages like C++, visual basic and Micro C.

Networking Skills:

- Studied the structure of cabling systems

- Familiar with network devices such as Hub, Switch, router and firewall

Interpersonal Skills:

- Good communicator/team player.

- Good in keeping Appointments.

- Excellent at organizing/coordinating projects and events.

Graduation Project:

The graduation project was a Speed & Direction control of Stepper Motor by using

PIC12F675 microcontroller, implemented the entire circuit and then success in drive the

Motor under open loop control system.


- Arabic: Excellency in reading, writing and speaking Arabic

(Native language).

- English: Excellency in reading, writing and speaking English..

-Kurdish: Excellency in reading and speaking

. Furnished upon request

.LinkedIn ID( *******@*****.***)

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