Tau Ceti Co.
P.O. Box ****
Conroe, TX 77305
15 years Experience/Owner, with Solidworks, Camworks. 17 years Experience/Owner of CNC VMC.
17 years experience CNC VMC operator, programming, editing CNC code. Experienced contract manufacturing, experienced production manufacturing, experienced prototype design, development, perfecting.
Fadal 1997 VMC 15XT with the HS 88 Controller [Have owned this machine since 1997]
Solidworks 2010
Camworks 2009
Geometryworks 2009
Developed and wrote and own 4 patents, 2 more pending, experience with website development.
Currently promoting products for machine shop industry, astronomical industry.
Technical work for patent attorney, technical drawings, patent drawings for various attorney clients.
Astronomical imaging, processing, robotic astronomical development. Astronomical architectural development, engineering. All optics, but primarily astronomical, laser optical systems. Optical design, optical theory. Nano technology, nano technology theory. Manufacturing, CNC machining, fixture design.
Metromechanical design, concepts. Also interested in interplanetary space travel, space exploration.
CAD/CAM work, job or work specific, CAD/CAM consultation.
Prototype manufacturing, contract manufacturing, production manufacturing.
More ideas to be patented in the future.
Started company in 1987, called The Tau Ceti Co.
Invented, designed, and wrote 4 patents, with 2 more patents pending at this time.
Developed two websites, www.us-astro.com and www.t-slotblock.com
Personal background:
Born in Conroe, TX Feb-28-1963. Graduated Conroe High School in 1981.
Single, friends and family located in the Houston, TX area.
Work for patent attorney. Drawings for patents.
David B. Dickinson
Dickinson Law Offices
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 801619
Houston, TX 77280
Delivery Address
5236 Brittmoore
Houston, TX 77041
713-***-**** (telephone)
713-***-**** (cellphone)
Member SPE, ASM
View some of my work at www.us-astro.com and www.t-slotblock.com