Avinash Gangurde
Water Resources Engineer
Profession: Flood Risk/ River modeling/ Hydrology
Education: 2010 - M. Tech. (Civil) Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India
Affiliation: Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), UK
Graduate Membership Number – 74587083
CEng - Pursuing
Summary of Work Experience;
More than 5.5 years of experience as a civil engineer and flood risk modeler. Experience in Hydraulic modelling, hydrological analysis and GIS application in various water resources fields. Assess flood risk using various models.
Project work undertaken includes 1D and 2D Flood modeling using ISIS and TuFlow. Rainfall-Runoff modelling using GIS based software-SWAT.
Have an experience of working on softwares like ISIS, TUFLOW, Sever gems, HEC-RAS, MapInfo, ArcGIS, SWAT, and Map Window.
Representative work experience includes:
Hydrological Design Aids (HDA) –
August 2011- June 2012
Client: Central Water Commission, India.
The project was funded through World Bank. Provided support for hydrology team in Rainfall Runoff modelling for various major river basins in India as well sediment analysis for the same basins. Prepared state of art reports, Inception reports, technical guide. As an engineer in the team he has provided support for development of hydrological components of the software to generate design flood estimation, unit hydrograph derivation, catchment delineation etc. by preparing step-by-step methodology, preparing flow charts to help programmer develop the software. He has experience to handle software such as SWAT, HEC-DSS.
Processing and Analysis of primary data using GIS based software ARC- GIS, ERDAS, MAP WINDOW.
Hydrological data analysis and estimation of watershed characteristics.
GIS data analysis for catchment area like land use, land cover and soil map preparation for the project area, watershed delineation of area etc
Hydrological Analysis –
March 2012- June 2012
Client: Ministry Of water resources, Kenya.
Job Details
Hydrological data analysis and estimation of watershed characteristics
DEM extraction for catchment area.
Land Use land cover and soil mapping for the project area
GIS data analysis for catchment area
Water Availability Study
Sediment Yield calculation for Mwache dam and Management for particular HRUs
Catchment Based Flood Risk Assessment and Management Study
June 2012 – Sept 2014
Client: Office of Public Works, Ireland, UK
Project Details
Catchment Based Flood Risk Assessment and Management for Shannon River in Ireland. Produce flood maps based on results from 1D and 2D model.
Job Details
Responsible for building 1D model using ISIS and 2D model using Tuflow software. The surveyed cross sections and inline structures were imported into the ISIS model. The other hydraulic parameters such as roughness, slope etc. were applied as per survey and other sources of data available. The models built for reaches with gauging stations were calibrated using spot gauging data provided by client. The calibrated rating curves were used for hydrologic analysis.
Hydraulic model development using ISIS & Tuflow.
Developing the Tuflow simulation files (tgc, tbc, tcf and ecf)
Analysis of simulation results
Calibration of models
Flood risk maps generation
Report preparation
Frankley Alternative Supply
Sept 2014 – Oct 2014
Client: Severn Trent Water, UK
Job Details
Preparation of utility search plans and link to ProjectWise for feasibility study. Roles and responsibilities include:
Utility Plans from Operators
Digitization of utility assets across the scheme
BP Khazzan Gas Project - Hydrology
Dec 2014 – till date
Client: BP Khazzan, Oman
Holding the post of Engineer & working as a Hydraulic Modeler for river modelling project in Oman. The purpose of the model is to undertake an assessment of surface water behavior and flood risk for the entire Khazzan project area, which represents the Northern Half of Block 61 Wadi Umayri system, Condensate Export Pipeline area Wadi system. Roles and responsibilities include:
Preparing model input statements for modeling work
Hydraulic model development using Tuflow.
Developing the Tuflow simulation files (tgc, tbc, tcf and ecf) o Analysis of simulation results
Flood risk maps generation and checking o Report preparation
Kirklees Flood Studies 2015_16
March 2015 – Aug 2015
Client: Kirklees Council, UK
• Mapping and problem definition
• Identification and appraisal of solution
• Business case development.
Flood Risk Assessment – Preston Western Distributor
May 2015 – July 2015
Client: Lancashire County Council, UK
• Assessment of Flood Risk to Proposed Sites
• The Impact of the Proposed Development on Flood Risk Elsewhere
• Mitigation Measures and Residual Risk.
Flood Risk Assessment – Chelmsford NE Bypass (UK)
July 2015 – Sept 2015
Client: Essex County Council, UK
• Assessment of Flood Risk to Proposed Sites
• The Impact of the Proposed Development on Flood Risk Elsewhere
• Mitigation Measures and Residual Risk.
Flood Risk Assessment – Oman
Aug 2015 – Sep 2015
Client: British Petroleum, Khazzan
• Assessment of Flood Risk to Proposed Well Sites (56 Wells)
Floor Risk Assessment – (Moota Hill Reservoir, UK)
Sep 2015 – Oct 2015
Client: West Cumbria Water Supplies project, UK
• Identify Flood risk issues for proposed service reservoir using model data that has been generated.
• Assess the flood risk to the proposed service reservoir, and the impact the structure will have on the existing flood risk.
• Summaries the flood risk issues in the report
• Level 3 FRA study.
Urana Flood Study (Australia)
Sep 2015 – Ongoing
Client: Urana Shire Council, Australia
• 2D Modelling.
• Run the TUFLOW model for five villages
• Post-process the modelling results for each village
• Identify encroachment scenarios.
Jacobs Engineering India Pvt. Ltd. Pune, India. : July 2010 – till Date