P& I Pmt Subject Property: Address City State Zip Code
Rate Term County Builder (Branch)
$ $
Social Security Number Home Phone DOB Yrs School
Unmarried (Single,
divorced, widowed)
No. Age
Present Address (Street, City, State, Zip) Own Rent No. Yrs
Circle: (House/Rent) Payment $ /Month IV. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION
Name & Address of Employer Self-Employed
Position / Title / Type of Business
On Job
Business Phone
Gross Monthly Income
Base Empl Income
Net Rental Income
Total Are you a permanent resident alien?
Are you obligated to pay alimony or child support? Are you party to a lawsuit?
Have you had property foreclosed in past 7 years?
Have you declared bankruptcy in past 7 years?
Do you have any outstanding judgments?
Please check a box for each question.
Are you a US citizen
Yes No Yes No
Social Security Number Home Phone DOB Yrs School
Unmarried (Single,
divorced, widowed)
No. Yrs
Present Address (Street, City, State, Zip) Own Rent Circle: (House/Rent) Payment $ /Month
Name & Address of Employer Self-Employed Yrs on Job Yrs in profession
Position / Title / Type of Business Business Phone Total Credit Amount
Credit Application
Applicant Co-Applicant
Applicant Co-Applicant
App Co-App
Applicant's Name Co-Applicant's Name
Applicant Co-Applicant
Do you intend to occupy property as primary residence? Prior Address (Street, City, State, Zip) Own Rent No. Yrs Circle: (House/Rent) Payment $ /Month Prior Address (Street, City, State, Zip) Own Rent No. Yrs Circle: (House/Rent) Payment $ /Month
Name & Address of Prior Employer Self-Employed
Position / Title / Type of Business
Yrs on Job
Yrs in profession
Business Phone
Name & Address of Prior Employer Self-Employed
Position / Title / Type of Business Business Phone Yrs in profession
Yrs on Job
If gap exists in employment history, please explain: Page 1 of 2
Yrs Mos
Yrs Mos
Yrs Mos
Yrs Mos
Yrs Mos
Yrs Mos
Yrs Mos
Yrs Mos
Revised 10/24/2013
Other Other
Monthly Obligated Amount
Applicant Mailing Address (Street, City, State, Zip) Co-Applicant Mailing Address (Street, City, State, Zip) Explain Explain
Bank Name Address City St Zip Balance $ Circle: 1) Checking / Savings Acct Number: STOCKS, BONDS, IRA'S
Company Name Bal $ Employer savings plan, 401-K, Retirement
Property Type Location Mkt Value $ Automobile Make: Yr: Value $ Automobile Make: Yr:
Personal Effects (Household Items / Furniture
Name $ $ Name $ $ Name $ $ Name $ $ Name $ $ Name $ $ REVOLVING ACCOUNTS OWED (credit cards)
Name $ $ Name $ $ Name $ $ OTHER LIABILITIES
Name $ $ Name $ $ Name $ $
* If you have any other Assets or Liabilities that are not listed on this page, please include the additional information on a separate sheet.
Bank Name Address City St Zip Balance $ Circle: 1) Checking / Savings Acct Number: Company Name Bal $ Bal $
Property Type Location Mkt Value $ Value $
Value $
Value $
Value $
Value $
Revised 10/24/2013 Page 2 of 2
I / we certify that the above information is true and correct. I / we authorize the creditor or its agent, Green Tree Servicing LLC, to verify this information and obtain a credit report in order to make a preliminary determination of mortgage qualification. Interviewer's Signature Date
Interviewer's Name (Print)
Date Date
The following information is requested by the Federal Government for certain types of transactions related to a dwelling in order to monitor the creditors compliance with equal credit opportunity fair housing laws. Your are not required to furnish this information, but are encouraged to do so. The law provides that a creditor may discriminate neither on the basis of this information, nor on whether you choose to furnish it. If you furnish the information, please provide both ethnicity and race. For race, you may check more than one designation. If you do not furnish ethnicity, race, or sex, under Federal regulations, this creditor is required to note the information on the basis of visual observation or surname. If you do not wish to furnish the information, please check the box below. (Creditor must review the above material to assure that the disclosures satisfy all requirements to which the creditor is subject under applicable state law for he particular type of financing applied for.) I do not wish to furnish this information I do not wish to furnish this information Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Race American Indian /
Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian /
Other Pacific Islander
Black or African American
Sex: Female Male Sex: Female Male
Race American Indian /
Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian /
Other Pacific Islander
Black or African American
Applicant Co - Applicant
Applicant's Signature Co-Applicant's Signature
NMLS Branch #
NMLS Originator #
NMLS Company # 1057
Credit Application Processing Addendum
Date: REO Name:
REO Account Number:
Applicant(s) Name:
Current Check Stubs
Tax Return (if self-employed)
Award Letter
Retirement Statement
Child Support payment history Signed VOE (if on job less than 1 year) Other: Section A ~ Supporting Documentation (check all that apply) Applicant Co-Applicant
Section B ~ Contingent Questions (required)
Home will be used as
If customer has an existing mortgage what is their intention? If customers are married and spouse is not on the application, explain why? Who will live in the home? Has applicant ever owned or applied with the company before? If owned, list previous account number If Social Security Income for dependant(s) or Child Support income is to be considered, list ages of the children; Section C ~ Dwelling and Property Information (required) Being sold AS IS List improvements to be completed as per Exhibit “A” Estimated Cost of Improvements to be made by company: $ Comments: Relative Name and Contact Info: /
Date of Transfer to Houses Held Pending Date of Transfer to Houses Held Ready Total Property Tax $
Section D ~ Credit Report Authorization
I (name) hereby certify that on / / (date) Green Tree Servicing LLC received verbal authorization from each Applicant listed on the Credit Application to obtain a consumer credit report for the purposes of making a preliminary credit determination. Trust
Section E ~ Valuation Rule Waiver
I wish to waive my right to inspect a copy of my home valuation at least three (3) business days prior to the closing of my extension of credit.
I do not wish to waive my right to inspect a copy of my home valuation at least three (3) business days prior to the closing of my extension of credit. I understand that this election may postpone my closing to allow at least three (3) business days for me to inspect the home valuation before closing.
Green Tree Representative
Revised 1/17/2014
Privacy Act Notice: This information is to be used by the entity or its affiliates in determining whether you may qualify for financing under its program. It will not be disclosed outside the entity except in accordance with our privacy policy or as required and permitted by law. You do not have to provide this information, but if you do not, your application for approval may be delayed or rejected. The information requested in this form is authorized by Title 38, USC, Chapter 37 (if VA); by 12 USC, Section 1701 et. Seq.
(if HUD/FHA); by 42 USC, Section 1452b (if HUD/CPD); and Title 42 USC, 1471 et. Seq., or 7 USC, 1921 et.seq. (if USDA/FmHA). Part I - General Information
1. Applicant's Name: 2.Name and Address of creditor: Green Tree Servicing LLC
Co-Applicant's Name: PO Box 31601
Tampa, FL 33631
3. Date 5. Social Security Number for Applicant:
Social Security Number for Co-Applicant:
Part II - Applicant (s) Authorization
I hereby authorize the creditor to verify my past and present employment earnings records, bank accounts, stock holdings, and any other asset balances that are needed to process my application. I further authorize the creditor to order a consumer credit report and verify other credit information, including past and present mortgage or landlord references. It is understood that a copy of this form will also serve as authorization. The information the creditor obtains is only to be used in the processing of my application. Applicant Date
Co-Applicant Date