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Customer Service Massage Therapist

Davison, MI, 48423
November 30, 2015

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Licensed Massage Therapist Corian D. Edwards





Corian Delon Edwards

**** ********* ***** *******, ** 48423

Email: ***********@*****.*** (Preferred) Home: 810-***-**** Office: 810-***-**** Objective

I seek to make an impact wi thin sports medicine and massage therapy. I bel ieve my knowledge and ski l l in manipulation of muscle and myofascial t issue can lead to heavier pract ice of alternat ive medicine for rehabi l itative and sports usage. Working wi th athletes of any level and demonstrat ing vast improvements of strength, speed, and f lexibi l ity through my work is my ult imate goal, along wi th educat ing young athletes on maintaining and invest ing in thei r body. Skills

NPC Michigan Physique compet itor

Superior Swedish massage (Eff leurage and Petrissage strokes)

Hot Stone prof icient wi th Cert i fication

Highly prof icient in PNF (propriocept ive neuromuscular faci l i tation )

Special ist in Deep Tissue and Sports massage

Highly art iculate

Experience wi thin 501c(3) organizat ions

Very social -oriented, people person

Highly cri t ical thinker

Precise and thorough worker

Microsoft Off ice prof icient (Word, Excel, Access, Publ isher, PowerPoint.)

Bi l ingual (basic Spanish)

Average typing speed of 61 WPM

Years of experience wi th communi ty-based organizat ions such as FACED and REACH 2010 Community Service

Faci l itator, Hai tian Rel ief Fund Morning Ral ly and Brunch

Faci l itator, “Go Blue, Live Green” Campaign at the Universi ty of Michigan - Fl int

Eight years of act ive communi ty service for the CPYD.

Volunteer typist, edi tor, and tutor for the Fl int Odyssey House, Freedom School, and CPYD.

Volunteer phone representat ive for Hurley Chi ldren’s Mi racle Network

Annual volunteering for the Juneteenth weeklong event including the Juneteenth parade.

Massage Therapist, Make A Wish Foundat ion’s “Wish-A-Mi le” marathon.

Notable Achievements

Helped raise $2,000 for Hai tian Rel ief Fund, after which our counci l (Student Government) matched every dol lar for a grand total of $4,000

State Qual i fier in MHSAA 100m, 200m, and long jump 2005

MEAP Meri t Award winner.

Managed the off ice of The Good Beans Café for a consecut ive 18 months at 14.

Became a superior publ ic speaker. NAACP’s ACT -SO compet i tion 1st place Poetry 2003, 1st place Oratory 2005, 2006


High School Diploma,

Carman Ainsworth High School, 2006

Universi ty of Michigan, Fl int, MI

Major: Pre-PT/Psychology

Ant icipated Graduat ion Date: June, 2017

Cert i fied Massage Therapist #19970011,

Fl int School of Therapeut ic Massage, 2007


Hurley Medical Center

LMT Contractor, 2014

I am contracted by HMC’s Employee Wel lness Center for massage therapy services. My job is to increase morale, increase injury prevent ion pract ices, and decrease mental and physical factors that bring along injuries, i l lness, and sick days for staff. The Universi ty Of Michigan Health Systems

LMT, 2013- Present

As a l icensed medical massage therapist for the largest learning hospi tal in the Uni ted States, i t is my job to both adhere to and surpass standards for care on patients, fami l ies, and staff. My main patient base is rehabi l itative: Accident victims and post surgery care. I return a pat ient’s f lexibi l ity and bring them as close to thei r normal homeostasis as possible, somet imes surpassing how they felt pre-hospi tal .

Massage Green of Brighton/ Northvi l le

CMT, 2013

Massage Green is a nat ional chain of massage therapy spas originating in Michigan. I was a CMT for 2 off ices wi thin the Massage Green organizat ion. Along wi th my massage therapy dut ies, Before leaving for a posi t ion wi th UMHS, I had been preparing for a possible posi t ion managing corporate recrui tment and training.


Alternat ive Health and Rehab Centre

CMT, 2011

At AHRC, a chi ropractic and hol ist ic medicine office, my job as a medical massage therapist consisted mainly of deep t issue/trigger point therapy modal i t ies on injured cl ients. There is also some level of Swedish/l ight pressure work done for some pat ients. Lavida Massage of Brighton

CMT, 2009-2011

Lavida Massage is a Mid-Michigan chain of high qual i ty massage therapy spas that usual ly become the #1 place for massage therapy in thei r area, Lavida Massage being a prime example. At Lavida Massage, my job was to offer superior massage therapy ski l ls in a peaceful envi ronment for up to 8 cl ients a day,

Student Government of the Universi ty of Michigan- Fl int Senator- Student Relations, 2009

Students of the Universi ty of Michigan- Fl int change and change rapidly. My job as Student Relat ions Senator is to faci l itate the growth and concerns of the student body. Creat ing new incentives for assistance, jobs, and resources is among the many dai ly tasks my department handle on a dai ly basis. We are current ly host ing a luncheon wi th local businesses and the Chancel lor Dr. Person to give business owners a chance to make a vi tal relat ionship wi th the Universi ty and improve business for not just the students, but the ci ty. Health Quest of Burton

CMT, 2009

I was the Cert i fied Massage Therapist at Health Quest of Burton, one of a large chain of Michigan chi ropractors proud to be the official chi ropractor of the Detroi t Lions. Core Heal ing Bodyworks Fl int, MI

CMT, 2007-Present

At the present t ime I do individual contracting of massage therapy. The majori ty of my work is wi th The Universi ty of Michigan. I most ly pract ice Swedish massage on an unl imited amount of cl ients wi th a set rate of hourly pay from my contractee. Blockbuster Video Fenton, MI

Customer Service Representat ive, 2006-2007

My dut ies were to do inventory on candy and refreshments; handle returned movies; cashier purchases; sel l promotional ; do managerial training; keep every customer educated and happy. The Universi ty of Michigan, Fl int, MI

Spanish Tutor, 2007

I give extra instruct ion to students in al l basic Spanish classes up to intermediate Spanish. My strong areas of Spanish are pronunciat ion and grammar. The Health Awareness Center, Fl int, MI

Intern, 2002-2008

At The Health Awareness Center, home of about seven nonprof i t organizat ions, I interned unt i l graduat ion in 2006. My dut ies ranged from event faci l itating, typing, and edi ting, to chauffeuring trips and performing speeches for interested young Americans on topics ranging from AIDS/HIV to Poverty.

The Good Beans Café, Fl int, MI

Secretary, 2002-2003

Sole secretary for a café, a smal l art gal lery, and an advert ising business al l in one. I took care of al l clerical dut ies along wi th bookkeeping; inventory; merchandising, etc. whi le in middle/high school . I was able to manage the off ice for a total of 18 months before having to voluntari ly qui t for educat ional purposes.

Life Experience

Raised in a fostering envi ronment 13 years

Helped serve chi ldren wi th disabi l ities such as cerebral palsy, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, etc.

Over f ive years volunteering wi th chi ld therapeut ic activities and one year volunteering wi th a chi ld psychologist, Dr. Recco Richardson

8 years of clerical experience wi th CPYD, an organizat ion that helps manage and f ind money for other organizations. I have done work for NAACP-Fl int, Health Awareness Center, REACH 2010, The Universi ty of Michigan, etc. Affiliations

Nat ional Association for the Advancement of Colored People- 2000 Kappa Sigma Fraterni ty Inc. - 2006

The Universi ty of Michigan Pre-Law Society- 2007

Student Government of the Universi ty of Michigan- Fl int, 2009 Campus Act ivi ties Board, 2009

Thank You Again For Your Time and Patience!

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