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Chemical Engineering Civil

November 23, 2015

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Kamol K Das

**** ******** **** ****, #** Phone: 765-***-****

West Lafayette, IN 47906 ********@*****.***


Seeking a challenging position where I will be able to apply my empirical knowledge of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry.

Summary of Qualification

Acquired 7+ years of research experiences in analytical chemistry and electrochemical methods including qualitative and quantitative studies of organic and inorganic contaminants in soil and water to determine their ultimate fate, transport, and bioavailability. Gained experiences of mentoring graduate students in laboratories.

Research Experiences

Purdue University (August 2010 - Present): Graduate Research Assistant at Environmental

(Analytical) chemistry lab, Department of Agronomy.

- Separation, purification and characterization of organic compounds by chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques.

- Developed integrated spectroscopic and chromatographic methods for the analysis of sorption mechanism of dioxins, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and trichloroethylene on graphite, granular activated carbon, and clay minerals.

- Designed experiments to analyze the interaction mechanisms between hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds and high surface area materials (activated carbon).

- Analyzed data and presented them in weekly meetings.

Lamar University (January, 2008 – May, 2010): Graduate Research Assistant at Electrocoagulation Lab, Gill Chair of Chemical Engineering.

- Developed electrochemical methods to treat wastewater originated from oil/gas industries and truck-wash.

- Designed analytical methods to quantify inorganic contaminants and integrated with spectroscopic studies to evaluate treatment efficiency.

- Mentored first year graduate students for their research in electrocoagulation lab. Analytical Instrument Experiences

Engaged chromatographic instruments to identify and quantify organic compounds on aqueous and gaseous phase using HPLC-UV, and GC-MS.

Solid and liquid state characterization of organic compounds, surface properties determination of granular and powder sorbents by FT-IR, Raman, XRD, TGA, DSC, BET Analyzer and Helium Pycnometer.

Performed maintenance and calibration of analytical testing equipment. Education

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. December 2015 Master of Science: Environmental Chemistry (Dept. of Agronomy) GPA- 3.27/4

[Ecological Sciences and Engineering (ESE) – (IGP)]

(Environmental Organic Chemistry, Soil Chemistry, Clay Mineralogy, Water Quality Modelling, Applied Regression Analysis, Statistical Methods for Biology)

Lamar University, Beaumont, TX May 2010

Master of Science: Environmental Sciences (Thesis) GPA-3.80/4 Dissertation: “Electrochemical treatment of wastewater originated from oil/gas production and truck wash”; Department of Civil Engineering,

(Water Chemistry, Fundamental of Air Pollution, Toxicology)

Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. September, 2005 Bachelor of Science: Environmental Sciences First Class

(Foundation of Chemistry, Practical Chemistry: Qualitative and Quantitative, Environmental Chemistry, Laboratory and Field Work in Environmental Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Laboratory Work in Pollution Chemistry, Biochemistry and Toxicology, Advanced Environmental Chemistry, Instrumental Methods in Environmental Monitoring) Honors and Award

Graduate Student Research Grant, $2,000 from Clay Mineral Society, 49th Annual Meeting, July 7- 11, 2012, Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Andrew-Blosser Travel Award 2013, Graduate School, Purdue University. Selected Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal:

M. Yousuf A. Mollah, Jewel A. G. Gomes, Kamol K. Das, David L. Cocke, 2010, Electrochemical Treatment of Orange II Dye Solution Use of Aluminum Sacrificial Electrodes and Floc Characterization, Journal of Hazardous Material. 174: 851-858. Poster and Oral Presentation:

Kamol Das, and Cliff T Johnston, 2014, Sorption of Neutral Organic Compounds by Contrasting Geosorbents, Clay Mineral Society Annual Meeting 2014, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Cliff T. Johnston, Bushra Khan, Kamol Das, Cun Liu, Brian J. Teppen, Stephen A. Boyd, Edwin F. Barth, Sandip Chattopadhyay, 2013, Spectroscopic, molecular dynamics and sorption studies of PCDDs and PAHs interactions with black carbon and contrasting geosorbents. 246th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), Indianapolis, IN. September 08-12.

Membership and Activities

American Chemical Society (ACS) (2013-2014)

Clay Mineral Society

President, Bangladesh Student Association, Lamar University, (2010-2011)

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