* 2014 W.I.T.S.- Kinesiolgy for the Fitness Professional
* 2014 W.I.T.S - Pregnancy Fitness
* * *********** &RQFHSWV &HUWL FDWLRQ
* 2012 - Zumba Fitness Basic Steps
* 2008-2009- Children’s Home Society Model Mentoring Program
* 2005 NPC Zena Collins Fl Gold Cup Classic Fitness Championship Overall Winner
* 2005 NPC Zena Collins Fl Gold Cup 1st Place “Short” Figure Winner
* 2005 NPC Zena Collins FL Gold Cup Women’s Open Fitness Championships 1st Place “Short” Class Winner
* 2004 NPC Southern States Body Building Championships Open Figure Class A 3rd Place
* 2004 NPC Anna Level Figure Classic Open Division A 2nd Place
* 2003 NPC Gold Cup Body Building Championship Women’s Open Figure Division A 3rd Place Winner
* Debbie Kruck Classic 3rd Place Fitness Figure
* 2001 NPC Southern States Body Building and Fitness Championships Ft. Lauderdale, FL
* 2000 Fitness Consultant of the Month World Gym of Palm Beach Gardens
)URP XQWLO SUHVHQW KDYH EHHQ LQYROYHG LQ WKH KHDOWK DQG WQHVV LQGXVWU\ LQ RQH FDSDFLW\ RU DQRWKHU ,W ZDV ZLWK WKH LQWHQWLRQ RI EXLOGLQJ P\ RQJRLQJ FRPPLWPHQW WR EH WKH PRVW SUR FLHQW DGYRFDWH LQ WKH HOG RI KHDOWK DQG WQHVV For the past three years I have been committed to the lady’s at Get In Shape For Women. My job duties included, (SALES) on boarding new members through very strategic methods of assessment. Upgrading current members, renewing and maintaining current clients, managing eighty plus clients and employees. I’m also Experienced in the use of Mind Body software and Constant Contact software. I provide Nutritional FRDFKLQJ VXSSRUW DQG UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV WKURXJK WKH XVH RI P\ WQHVV SDO RU WKURXJK VLPSO\ KDYLQJ P\ FOLHQW ZULWH GRZQ ZKDW WKH\ DUH HDWLQJ LQ order to help my clients to change their eating habits for a healthier lifestyle. Most of my nutritional coaching is for the purpose of weight lose and goal setting to insure that my clients will reach their weight lose goals. I enforced a once a week weigh in schedule to be sure my clients where being held ACCOUNTABLE to the goal they set. I hold monthly Nutritional Seminars and workshops that demonstrate recipes or information on various nutritional topics.
XUUHQWO\ 7DNLQJ HUWL FDWLRQ IRU *URXS 7UDLQLQJ October 2013 until Present Get In Shape For Women/ General Manager and Personal Trainer August 2008-March 2009 Global Asset Management
No Longer in Business
January 2002-August 2008 Barron Trading Group
Montey Manos
2001-2002 P-T Evenings Power House Gym
Frank Meinki-Owner/Operator 561-***-****
December-2000-December 2001 Darling & Company CPA, PA Administrative Assistant
Patrick Darling- Owner 561/-626-4132
2000-2001 P-T Evenings World Gym
Front Desk Clerk/Sales
No Longer in Business
1998-2000 Gold’s Gym
Day Care Center Attendant/ Front Desk Clerk
No Longer in Business
January 1997- July 2009 Monty and Lisa Manos