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Microsoft Office Supply Chain

TN, India
November 15, 2015

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E-mail: **********@*****.***

Contact: +91-994*******


Career Objective:

To obtain a demanding and challenging job that will further enhance my knowledge and skills in supply chain services leading to the betterment of both the company and myself.

Job Skill Set:

Receipt and Issue of materials in Stores along with proper formalities of documentation and SAP/Oracle entry.

Doing verification on the materials as per SAP/Oracle defined system.

Arrange for delivery of materials through correspondence with Transporters.

Maintain Inventory in SAP/Oracle.

Handling of all Stores and Dispatch

Preparation the document for the quarterly internally and yearly external audit.

Provide accurate and timely information on the availability of goods material stock.

Working with SAP/Oracle system for data feeding.

Technical Skill Set:

Programming Languages : HTML,CSS, JS and Basics of C, C++

Operating Systems : Windows 89/XP/7/8

Data Base System : SAP (MM Module), Oracle

Packages : Microsoft Office

Work Experience Details:

Three months working Experience as an Executive-Warehouse Operations in Idea Cellular Limited through Swasthik Sahits Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai from 12th August 2015 to till date.

Two years and 3 months working Experience as a Store Associate in HCL Services Limited, Chennai from 6th March 2013 to 22nd May 2015.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Material Received As Per The Purchase Order Schedule.

Material Verification As Per The PO / Invoice / Challan No.

To ensure that the data is updated correctly in Oracle/SAP using t-code and GRN is done

To ensure that the unloading is being done as per the safety norms and then the material been stored in their respective bins as per stacking norms.

If any untoward incident is noticed i.e. (shortage/damage) material has been received then the same to be intimated to concerned officials through emails and proper follow up to be done till the matter is resolved.

Issue of materials from warehouse/stores along with proper formalities of documentation and Oracle/SAP entry

All the documents i.e. Invoices/STN with docket copy and state permit and gate pass are handed over to courier for its dispatch.

To ensure that the material are delivered on time and POD are received on time.

Physical stock tacking of goods on Monthly Basis

If there any discrepancies found during stock check & on periodic physical inventory tacking reconciliation is being carried out in consultation with store authorities and reports are immediately submitted to store manager to obtain approval for stock adjustment.

To keep the material on safe custody inside the warehouse/store.

To monitor that all the inward and outward documents are maintained datewise and properly filed.

Academic Project:

Project Title in BE: A Robust High Speed Data Transfer in Serial Communication With Physical Architecture

Description: This project will increase the data transfer speed in serially communicated between two nodes. It satisfy as up to 1.5-3 Gbps through quartz ii software.

Educational Qualification:

B.E-ECE from Roever Engineering College Perambalur, Affiliated to Anna University Tiruchirappalli, With 68.42% in May-2011.

H.S.C from A.V.M Marimuthu Nadar Higher Secondary School, Vilampatti with 74% aggregate in State Board Examination of Tamil Nadu, March-2007.

S.S.L.C from A.V.M Marimuthu Nadar Higher Secondary School, Vilampatti, with 68.2% aggregate in State Board Examination of Tamil Nadu, March-2005.

Co-Curricular Activities:

Participated workshop on “Recent Trends in Embedded Systems”, conducted by Department of ECE in Roever Engineering College, Perambalur-2010.

Organizing member of QUASSARS 09, a national level symposium conducted by Department of ECE in Roever Engineering College, Perambalur-2009.

Personal Details:

Name : K. Pasupathi

Father’s name : Mr. M. Karuppasamy

Date of birth : 05-10-1989

Gender : Male

Marital Status : Single

Nationality : Indian

Languages known : English, Tamil and Telugu (speak only)

Hobbies : Surfing net, Reading Philosophy in daily Calendar

And Playing football.

Permanent Address : 7b, Jammuna Villa, Kamatchi Amman Street

Sathyamoorthy Nagar, Ekkattuthangal,

Chennai – 600032.


I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Place: Chennai

Date: (K. Pasupathi)

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