Freelance Designer
Crown Point, IN 2013 to Present
Even though this job has not been in
an agency environment, I still gained
knowledge. Actions like consulting with the
clients meeting demands & deadlines.
Sale Consultant, Sunglass Hut
Merrillville, IN March 2015 to Present
The “SHOW GIRL” head associate in charged
rearrange Point of Purchase layouts around
the store [i.e. stands, advertising posters,
brand names and products]
Sale Associate, J C Penney
Merrillville, IN September 2014 February 2015
Approach situations with a solution & Ability to
work in team environment when required
or independently.
Who is
“i’m not just the next graduate graphic designer
my passion goes beyond sitting behind a desk and
creating pretty layouts. I believe that with the right choices of art elements the design can influence audience towards a message. I do not just want to get a job, I WANT THE JOB!
I’m ready for the challenge, no matter the task I’m willing to do whatever it takes to prove
that hiring me is a good decision.
Branding / re-branding and layouts designs
and hierarchy, color theory
Packaging & point of sale materials
Ability to design from concept to completion
Highly proficient in Adobe Creative Suite CS6
Digital photography background
Knowledge of CMYK & RGB work flows
Great attention to detail
Completing projects w/exacto blade, rulers & t squares Ability to work in a Mac OSX & Windows environment Balance &t manage multiple projects & deadlines
Team environment when required or independently
Strong skills with typography & trends in design
Excellent time management,
Organizational & communication skills.
Microsoft Office Word, Power-point & Excel
Purdue Calumet University
Bachelors of Arts in Visual
Communication and Design
2009 2014. [3.7 GPA]
Purdue Calumet University
Associates Spanish Language
2009 2013 [3.9 GPA]