Behala Kolkata 700060
E-mail- *************@*******.***
M- +918********* / +918*********
To give my best in my professional pursuit for overall benefit and
g rowth of the company that I serve by facing the challenges will
show my caliber and gain some experience.
Technical skills & Awareness:
Operating Systems: C isco IOS, Windows XP, windows 7, server 2008
Network Ha rdwa re : C isco Routers / Switches
Routing P rotocols: S tatic, Default, RIPv2, IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF
Academic Qualification:
B.H.M. from university of WBUT in the year of 2013 with 67%.
ISC (class XI I) in the year of 2010 with 53%.
ICSE (class X) in the year of 2008 with 70%.
(70-640) Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuration
(70-642) Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuration
(70-646) Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator
M icrosoft Certification ID: 11063545
(200-120) Operation of IP Data Networks, LAN Switching Technologies, IP
A ddressing (IPv4/IPv6), IP Routing Technologies, IP Services,
Network Device Security, WAN Technologies
C isco Certification I D: CSCO12644394
Extra Curricular Activities:
In terested in playing Cricket and football.
Personal Details:
Date of Bi rth : 21st A pril 1992
Languages known : E nglish, Bengali & H indi
Nationality : I ndian.
I do hereby declare that the particulars of information and facts stated here in
above are t rue, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Place Kolkata