Roschelle D. Capalad
**** ********** ****** ******* **** Caloocan City
Appled position: Human Resource Staff
To acquire the job suited for my professions, and to enhance my knowledge and ability to become a more productive citizen.
Personal Information:
Date of Birth : December 9, 1992 Age : 22 years old
Sex : Female Place of Birth : Caloocan City
Civil Status : Single Religion : Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Educational Background:
Tertiary Our Lady of Fatima University
BS Pschology
Secondary Manuel Luis Quezon High School
Elementary Tungkong Mangga Elementary School
Dedicated and hardworking individual
Willing to learn
Proficiencies to use Microsoft office ( Word, Excel, Power point)
OJT Experience:
National Center for Mental Health (NCMH)
-Administering Psychological Tests
-Conducting Interview
Far Eastern University- Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation (FEU-NRMF)
-Test administration and scoring
-Conducting research
Home of Beuty Exclusive (HBC)
-Time keeping
-Dealing with paperwork about employees maternity and paternity leave.
Seminars Attended:
Peer Counseling Training Program 2012
6th floor Function Room, College of Arts and Sciences Building
March 28-29, 2012
26th Annual Convention of the Psychological Association of the Philippines Junior Affiliates “Building Resilience and Capacitating Student Resource in Times of Disasters” SMX Convention Center, MOA, Pasay City (Day1)
- University of the East, Manila (Day2)
January 18-19, 2013
“Strategic HR Innovation in the Corporate World”
Our Lady of Fatima University, Quezon City
SJB 7th floor Auditorium
September 22, 2014
Character Reference:
Florencia L. Liwanag Kenneth M. Arquero
Teacher Auditor
Contact # 092******** Contact #099********
Ronylfo M. Manglicmot
Call Center
Contact # 093********
“I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.”
Roschelle D. Capalad