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Health Training

La Mesa, CA
October 05, 2015

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Date of Birth: ** June 1948

Nationality: Iraqi

Address: San Diego, California, USA


Cell phone: 619-***-****


**** **. ChB. (M.D.) / Medical College, Baghdad University, Iraq.

1982 D.PH., Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, London, U.K.

1983 M.SC., Community Health in Developing Countries-Communicable Diseases Control Option, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, London University.


July 2011-August 2014: IMC Program Manager in TB Prevention & Control sponsored in phase 1 by WHO and phase 2 by UNDP /Iraqi Kurdistan Region

2010- July 2011: Retired and external lecturer in Duhok Technical Institute/

Community Health Department.

2009- 2010: Assistant Lecturer in Duhok Technical Institute /Community Health


2006-2009 Assistant Lecturer in Zakho Technical Institute.

2002- 2006 Assistant lecturer in Al- Mustansiriya College of medicine/Department of Community Medicine, Ministry of High Education & Scientific Research (M.O.H.E.&S.R.).

1998-2002 Consultant physician in Iben Al-Khateeb Hospital (Infectious diseases hospital) & the Counseling and management center for HIV/AIDS, M.O.H., Baghdad, Iraq and part-time training medical students in the field of management of infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS patients.

1988-1998 Director of Planning & Health Education Department, Directorate General (D.G) of Health of Wasit Governorate, M.O.H., Kut.

1984-1988 Deputy D.G. of Health for Public Health Affairs of Wasit Governorate /M.O.H./April 1984 to July 1988.

1981-1983 Granted study leave, to get the degree of MSC. from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K.

1977-1981 Senior Practicing Physician & Director of Hummayat Infectious Diseases Hospital, Mosul, Ninavah Governorate, M.O.H., Iraq.

1976-1977 Senior Resident Medical Officer in Iben Al-Khateeb Infectious Diseases Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq.

1974-1976 Director of the Main Health Center & the General Practitioner of Jassan Nahyia (country side) work, Wasit Governorate, M.O.H., Iraq.

1972-1973Junior Resident Medical Officer in Kut General Hospital, Wasit Governorate.


August - December, 1979 World Health Organization (WHO)-Interregional training course in the epidemiology and control of communicable diseases, Ex-USSR, Ex-Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, and Cameroon.

1983 Attended 20 occasions in the field of community pediatric services, supervised by Dr. C.D.Heath; the Clinical Medical Officer of West Lambeth Health Authority, London-U.K.

February 20-28, 1985 WHO-training course for managers of national program for control of diarrhoeal diseases (CDD), Manama, Al-Bahrain.

May 1-31, 1985 WHO & M.O. H. of Iraq – two successive integrated courses in the Expanded program for immunization (EPI) and (CDD), as Facilitator, each one of two weeks duration, Baghdad, Iraq.

June 30, 1986 - March 27, 1987 Japan International cooperation Agency (JICA) – Group training in the field of Public Health Technologists, Japan.

June 26-28, 1993 M.O.H., Iraq; WHO supported training course in the Epidemiological Surveillance, Baghdad, Iraq.

March 2002 M.O.H., Iraq; WHO supported Health Service Research (HSR) training course, Baghdad, Iraq. Two weeks course.

March 2002 M.O.H., Iraq; WHO supported training course in the field of communication skills & doctor-patient relationship, Baghdad, Iraq. One week course.

October 19-30, 2003 Completion of 50 – hours training in Primary Health Care, administered by Dr. Calvin Wilson, Associate Professor of Family Medicine, University of Colorado, Baghdad, Iraq.

June 21-25, 2011 TOT Training for Master Trainers Doctors Working in NTP. Kurdistan region/Erbil-Iraq.

Other Activities:

Carried out epidemiological study on Neonatal Tetanus as a dissertation in 1983.

Participated in epidemiological study to determine the appropriate age for Measles Vaccination in Cameroon, as part of WHO- training course in 1979.

Participating in a study titled "Acute viral hepatitis in Hummayat Infectious Diseases Hospital of Baghdad. Published in the ANNALS of Saudi Medicine, Vol.7, Nu.4, 1987, p 329-322.

Participated in writing "Operational guide for providing Primary Health Care (PHC) in PHC Centers, for benefit of M.O.H. in 1989.

Being head of the examining board of dissertation of a physician candidate in the field of "Intestinal Helmenthic Infestation Profile of children of Kut, Iraq" in 1993.

Supervising a physician candidate for his dissertation in the "Epidemiology of cholera in Wasit Governorate, Kut 1992.

Assisting a physician candidate for his dissertation in the field of the "Protective Efficacy of BCG Immunization, as part of the requirement for the degree of Professional Diploma in Community Medicine, 1992.

Participating in the National Conference at the Ministerial level in the field of Maternity & Child Health, 1985.

Representing M.O.H. of Iraq in WHO-EMRO- conference in the EPI coverage, Rabat, Morocco, June 1989.

Training & directing three females physicians to conduct "Family Health Survey" as part of their study, which includes Gulf Region Countries, 1989.

Planning, supervising & conducting three "Surveys for evaluating the EPI, CDD coverage rate" in Wasit Governorate in 1987 to 1992.

Directing, Participating & conducting several training programs for about 50 PHC. C. physicians in many fields of community health activities; EPI, CDD, Training of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBA), in addition to workshops concerned in the prevention & control of HIV/AIDS.

Worked as Master Trainer, Heart land manager, & Training Coordinator for PHC training courses as employee of Abt Associate Inc., in Iraq, from October 13, 2003 to May 31, 2004. Training 751 PHC Center physicians as part of Iraqi Health System Strengthening Project (IHSSP).


Arabic, English, and little Kurdish

Computer skills:

Internet / office programs

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