Leonard Arthur Stein, M.D. & Ph.D
** ******* *****, ***** *****, NY 11790
Phone #: 631-***-****)
**** **.*. ********** ** Maryland (Physics Dept and Institute for Molecular Physics)
1974 M.D. University of Pennsylvania
1970 M.S. Rutgers University (Theoretical Physics: High Energy and Nuclear)
1968 B.S. University of Miami, Mathematics & Physics, with Departmental Honors in Both
1. Cornell Cooperating Hospitals, NY: Intern & Resident in Medicine, 07/74 – 07/76
2. Bellevue Hosp, NYU Med Center: Infectious Disease/Immunology, 1976 –77 (Short Track)
3. NIADD, Building 2, NIH, Research Associate in Molecular Biophysics, 1977-1978
4. NHLBI, Building 3, Muscular Dystrophy Postdoctoral Fellow at NIH, 1998-1980
5. NHLBI, Building 10, Bethesda, MD.: Clinical and Research Associate, 1980 - 1983
6. University Hospital, SUNY at Stony Brook: Clinical & Research Cardiology Fellow 1983-85
7. Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Division of Nuclear Medicine (JPNM)
Fellow in Nuclear Medicine/Concentration in Nucl Cardiology, 7/91-10/92 FT, 10/92-6/93 PT
Nuclear Cardiology - Board Certified 1996 (CBNC) Does not expire.
ABNM - Board Re-Certified 2007
ABIM - Board Certified 2002, Eligible not recertified
12/2014 1/2015 Locums Hospitalist Medstar ST. Mary’s Hosp, Leonardtown, MD.
01/14 – 05/14 Locums Internist at a maximum security Prison, Frackville PA
12/2012–9/2013 Locums Physician at an Ohio VA medical center.
11/11- 12/12 Two Locums assignments in Internal Medicine.
10/10 –9/11 Locums Physician, Mercy Medical Center, Sioux City, IA
7/09-10/10 Searching for job. Left Independent contractor job below with with promise of another job. When President Obama announced the planned changes in Medicare many jobs were on hold or withdrawn. In addition my Mother was sick in Florida and I spent several months with her.
6/08- 6/30/09 Nuclear Medicine Physician and Internist, Independent contractor, NY
1/08-6/08 Locums Physician, Lebanon PA (Following Hip Surgery)
Required HIP Surgery led to a GAP
11/06-10/07 Nuclear Medicine Physician and Internist, Susquehanna Cardiology, Williamsport, PA
Commissioned Officer (Lt. Commander) 1980-1983
Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, NHLBI
Curriculum Vitae: Leonard A. Stein (Page 2)
7/85-11/97 Attending Physician and Associate Professor with Tenure, SUNY @ Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY (Left Stony Brook with plans to take a position at the University of Pennsylvania 12/1997).
1995-1997, Visiting Scholar, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Physiology
9/02 –8/03 Attending Physician, Nassau County Medical Center, East Meadow, NY Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine, NYCOM Osteopathic School.
7/93-7/95 Visiting Associate Professor of Radiology/Nuclear Medicine, Harvard Medical School
1995- Pennsylvania
1993-98 Massachusetts(License for clinical research at Harvard)
1980- Maryland (Obtained when working at the NIH)
1975- New York
2006-2008 Virginia
2010-2011 Iowa
2011- Nebraska
1. Rutgers University, New Brunswick and Newark, Instructor of Physics, 1969-1970
2. SUNY at Stony Brook School of Medicine
Associate Professor of Physiology and Medicine 1990 – 1997
Assistant Professor of Physiology and Medicine 1985 - 1990
3. Harvard Medical School / Beth Israel Hospital, Nuclear Medicine Research
Visiting Associate Professor of Nuclear Medicine, 1993 - 1997
4. University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine / Department of Physiology
Collaborator and Visiting Scholar, Adjunct Assoc. Professor, 1995 - 2000
5. NYIT, School of Osteopathic Medicine, Adjunct Assoc Professor (Resident and Student
teaching) 9/02-8/03 (while at Nassau County Medical Center)
HOBBIES: FISHING. TENNIS (Florida Ranked and Capt Miami High Tennis Team)
Nuclear Medicine/Muscle Biochemistry and Physiology, Clinical Nuclear Cardiology
2002-03 Teaching of Residents & Osteopathic Students at Nassau County Medical Center
1987-97 Medical School Physiology Course: Taught sessions on Cardiac Physiology.
1985-97 Teaching of Biochemical Kinetics to graduate students & Postdoctoral Fellows.
1985-97 Teaching of Medical House Staff on Wards of University Hospital & VAMC.
1969-70 Physics Teaching at Undergraduate and Graduate levels