D arshan Tumkur Sreenivasamurthy
Email Id: *******.**********************@****.*** #338 North Market Street,Apt 160 Phone Number: 408-***-**** S an Jose, CA 95110
Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Python,Javascript, Ruby and R. Platforms: Linux, Windows D atabase: Mango DB, MySQL Data Analytics: Spark, Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Zookeeper, Map Reduce. Cloud: AWS,Salesforce.com, OpenShift,Pivotal and CHEF Professional Experience:
Intern V Mware J une'15 Aug’15
Worked on C HEF PROVISIONING ALGORITHM for vCloud Air and vSphere to spin up vms automatically without the assistance of knife/vagrant. Research Experience:
Research Assistant San Jose State University Aug’15 Present We are working on “R elationship based fraud detection”. Student Assistant San Jose State University May'15 Present We are working on fraud detection module in collaboration with “Suning Appliance”. Project Assistant Intern Indian Institute of Science July‘12 Sept’13
• Reused firefly algorithm for computational problems such as tumor detection in MR Images, acoustic data segmentation.
• Efficiency of data segmentation improved from 50% to 67%. Research Assistant Center for Pattern Recognition May ‘12 Dec’13
• Used MIR toolbox to classify the video into different genres like cartoon, music, silence, speech and music with background. (h ttp://research.pes.edu/cpr/research team) . Educational Qualification
San Jose, California San Jose State University Spr’14 Dec'15(expecting) Master of Science in Software Engineering
India, Karnataka PESIT South Campus Fall’08 Fall‘12 Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science and Engineering Academic Projects:
Project 1: Barter System by using RESTful Service Oct‘14 Dec '14
• Designed twenty different APIs for different operations by using GET,PUT,POST and DELETE.
• Example Scenarios Implemented:GET:/category:Displays all category list from other team in JSON format. POST:/category/:categoryId/product/:productId/offer : Create offers. Project 2: Life Stream by using Netty backbone Fall ‘14 Oct '14
• Designed and implemented a network to support Life Stream System for collaborative image exchange using Python, Java, C++, Netty, Google Protobuf and Mongo DB .• Distributed Server (1 leader node, 3 worker nodes) with feature of leader election through Flood Max Algorithm and implemented shards in MongoDB to store images. Project 3: Amazon Shopping Cart By using Restful Web Programming Fall ‘14 Oct'14
• Developed website which include sign up, sigh out, catalog display, payment and log out.
• Designed links to redirect toward the resource by using the concept of REST, basic methods of HTTP and complex regular expression
(example: /customers/{id}/{name}/address)• Exacted same project by using Node.js Tools : Elastic Beanstalk, CHEF & Dynamo dB Project 4:Music Recommendation Model using Mahout and Rest Service Oct'14 Dec'14
• Wrote scripts in PIG,Hive and custom Java code to store 3 GB of music data.
• Used Mahout library to develop and evaluate recommendation model to list Top N recommendations for each user and three product recommendation based on purchase history.
• Compared five recommendation algorithms by using Mahout Recommender evaluator library. Project 5: California Business Data Analysis (R Shiny hosted in AWS) Spr‘14 Fall’14
• Used K means clustering technique to find anomalous behavior in highly unstructured data. • Wrote both server and client by using R language. Project 6: MRI Image Segmentation and Classification for Spr’13 Fall’13 Tumor Detection using Fire Fly Algorithm
• Developed code in mat lab for segmentation of MR image.
• Tested acoustic data segmentation performance by combining k means and firefly algorithm. Project 7: Audio Content Analysis for video Segmentation and Classification Fall’ 11 Spr’13
• Performed web video mining, audio extraction by using ffmpeg in mat lab.
• Extracted features such as energy, zero crossing rates, fast fourier transform, spectral centroids and spectral flux.
• Segmented audio signal by using novelty score and used nearest neighbor algorithm to classify audio segments and mapped the same into respective video scenes.
• Developed video indexer by using C# (used Microsoft libraries such as Microsoft. DirectX and Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayBack).