**** ****** ***, *** ***** Diego, Ca, ***** M. davidowenslt@Owen gmail.com 530-***-****
Seeking an entry-level industry position where I can apply my hardware design experience and my programming skills to de- velop impactful technology. I am most interested in being in an engineering environment that will challenge me, allow to me continue to learn, and provide strong career opportuni- ties.
Formal Education
2015 Bachelor of Science
Electrical Engineering
The University of California, San Diego
Concentration: Machine Learning, Digital Signal
Processing, Electronic Circuits & Systems
Relevant Coursework: Acoustics, Probabilistic
Reasoning & Graphical Models, Pattern Recogni-
tion, Linear & Non-Linear Optimization, Stochas-
tic Processes, Probability, Digital & Analog Circuit design/analysis, Linear System design, DSP (1d &
2d), Filter design (digital & analog), Active Circuit design, Power Electronics, .
Minor: Physics
Relevant Coursework: Electrodynamics, Classi-
cal & Quantum Mechanics.
2010 Associate in Science for Transfer
Natural Science and Mathematics
Lake Tahoe Community College
Relevant Coursework: Calculus, Physics, Lin-
ear Algebra, Differential Equations, Computer Pro- gramming (Java).
Technical Skills
Language: C/C++, Java, Python, Assembly.
Software: Matlab, Arduino IDE, Processing, Simulink, SamIam, LibSVM, Simplorer, Orcad pSpice,
Cadence Virtuoso, TI Code Composer, LateX.
Hardware: Arduino, Teensy, DSP+ARM Processor Module, Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Surface Mount
Soldering, Variac.
Concepts: Bayesian Network, AC/DC & DC/DC, CMOS, VLSI, E&M, DTFT, DFT, Laplace & Z Transform, Operational Amplifiers, IIR & FIR Filter, Multi-Rate DSP, Magni- tude/Phase/Impulse Response, Transfer Function, Convo- lution (linear, circular), Three-Phase Systems, Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Bayes Decision Rule, Random Variable/Process (continuous & discreet), Cumulative dis- tribution function, Probability Mass &Density functions, Inner-product Space, SVD, Eigenvalue Decomposition, Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG’s), Linear Predictive Cod- ing.
Work Experience
Asst. Researcher, Sonic Arts (present)
Research and develop microphone/loudspeaker array
beam-forming algorithms.
Intern,Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences
-Summer 2013
Participated in an undergraduate radio astronomy
project. Surveyed astronomical objects via radio tele- scope system. Fabricated antenna feed for dish receiver, as well as a system noise calibration device. Provided data analysis results and gave presentations on the project. Projects
Digital Adder Design
Designed a power efficient, high speed, low-area 8- bit adder. Designed a 14-T, 1-bit adder at the tran- sistor level. All transistors were sized for equal pull up/down strength. Designed a carry-skip adder with eight, 1-bit blocks, and propagate/generate blocks. A physical layout was designed and tested in Virtuoso. Speech Compression
Quantization of an audio signal caused distortions which were minimized by fitting the signal to an auto- regressive model and solving for the noise. The noise was quantized and transmitted. Signal reconstruc-
tion achieved by knowing the quantization rate and computing filter coefficients via a minimum norm
least-squares approach.
Global Positioning System
Produced a generalized non-linear least squares gra- dient descent algorithm. Using time-stampped pseu- dorange information from four satellites the location of a geostationary reciever was predicted with little error. Performance of various generalized gradient de- scent algorithms were compared.
Sign Language Telemetry
Team design hardware, & software to translate sign language to text on a computer. A piezo-resistive
sensor array, arranged on a glove, serves data to a mi- crocontroller. Data is fit to a d-dimensional Guas- sian pdf and then a maximium likelihood estimation is made via the natural logarithm of Baye’s decision
IIR&FIRNotch Filter Design
Processed audio signal via OMAP-L138 C600
DSP+ARM module. In Code Composer, an echo
effect & sine tone were added to an audio signal. By manipulating an ideal lowpass filter, a FIR notch fil- ter was designed and implemented. A pole-zero plot was also constructed and manipulated to achieve an IIR notch filter. Each design was used to filter out the sine tone.