Roben R Williams
Dolton IL. ****9
home: 708-***-**** /cell: 708-***-****
My goal is to work in a positive, energetic environment where I can use great customer service/communication skills and knack for working with the public to enhance any business. I also want the opportunity to advance.
August 11,2014 July 17,2015 United States Postal Service Duties:
. C ase all classes of mail in sequence of delivery along an established route
. Withdraw mail from the distribution case and prepares it in sequence for efficient delivery independently
. Handle undeliverable mail in accordance with established procedures
. Deliver mail along a prescribed route, by vehicle, on a regular schedule, picking up outgoing mail and delivering parcels, Use portable electronic scanner as instructed
August 15,2011 June 22,2014 Majestic Star Casino
C ustomer sevice
C leaning
S tocking
C ooking for buffet (Main Kitchen)
August 5, 2010 July 29 2011 Ameristar Casino
C ustomer service
S tocking
C leaning
C ooking for buffet (VIP lounge)
May 9, 2009 March 27, 2010 Italian Fiesta
R eceiving
M aintaining and preparing orders
C ash Register
A nswering telephones
C ustomer Service
I nventory
November 2008 april 2009 Americall
C ustomer Service
U p selling
C ross selling
I nbound/outbound Calls
A ssisting customer with questions
P roblem Solving
Customer services specialist, cashier, micro soft word processing/, type 55 wpm., filing, great communicator, works efficiently alone/with a team, goal driven, work well with people, and very EDUCATION
Regency Beauty Institute 2011 current
Working on cosmetology certification
Thorn ridge High school 2004 2008
Honor roll, cheerleader, Jammers (dance team)
Chef Issy Manager/Supervisor
Ameristar Casino/Indiana
Phone: 773-***-****
Chef Jay
Ameristar Casino / Indiana
Phone 219-***-****
Jessica Armstrong Friend
14436 s Wabash ave. Riverdale IL
Phone: 708-***-****