To obtain a position as a Director / Sr. Director for a growing firm that will support my extensive Analytics, managerial, technical, leadership, Business and communication skills as well as my ability to adapt quickly to new environments.
19+ years of Professional IT experience, including at least last 5 years in progressively responsible in management roles with close hands-on experience on the day to day activities.
Assists the DVP (Divisional Vice President) Online Analytics in building dashboards, reporting, and achieving Sears mobile and Kmart mobile annual OGSP (Objectives, Goals, Strategies, Plan).
Demonstrated experience executing successful in Web/Mobile & Online analytics implementation and reporting, software applications analysis, architecture, design, development, implementation, managing and leading of Software applications like large-scale, high-traffic web/mobile based systems.
Architected, designed and implemented the solutions for tagging the entire new mobile platform for mweb site, iPhone App, Android App for both Sears and Kmart sites with closing monitoring and guiding to the implementation and product teams along with managing the own analytics design team.
Implemented Omniture (Adobe Analytics) tagging end to end for, & sites with configuring report suites from ground zero using client-side and server-side omniture implementations.
Analyzed, Architected, Designed and guided implementation for tagging using various eVars, events, props in adobe site catalyst tagging implementation and administrated the report suites creation and management.
Provided analytics tracking different fulfillment and conversion methods of retail business like FBS (Fulfillment By Sears), FBM (Fulfillment By Merchant) & PPC (Pay Per Click) to assess their traffic and conversion.
Implemented server side tagging implementation using Adobe Analytics for different marketing channels like SEO/SEM/Natural Search, Paid Search, Data Feeds, Affiliates, Email & SMS etc.,
Implemented Signal (BrightTag), Tealium & Adobe DynamicTag Manager for container Tagging implementation.
Did POC with Google Analytics to implement on Mobile platform.
Evaluated different 3rd party analytic tools to understand if they comply with company standards in terms of performance and security / privacy of data over the HTTP beacon requests. On the same aspect Tealium Tag container introduced over BrightTag Tag container.
Worked with Tableau for creating visual dashboards from BIG DATA DB source Hadoop.
Partnered and worked with A/B and Multi-Variant testing team for validating the traffic and conversion data using Adobe Test & Target tool.
Used Agile SCRUM Methodology, RUP (Rational Unified Process) & USDM (Unified Software Development Process methodology) for the system designing and development.
Designed all kinds of artifacts for completing the use-case realization like Class Diagrams, Control Classes, Sequence diagrams, Transfer Objects, Analysis models, Exceptions hierarchy etc.,
Implemented different design patterns and objects like DAOs, BOs, MAPs, Application Services, Facades, Delegates, Form Objects and Form Handlers in the process of system development.
Implemented the STRUTS Framework using J2EE Design Patterns and GOF Patterns.
Configured and deployed applications on WebSphere 6.0 with JVM parameters setting to invoke appropriate properties files based environment types.
Worked with GSA Enterprise Server feeds and coded to display the results on JSP pages.
Published and deployed Web Services based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to serve the functionality and accessed them with client side code.
In depth expertise in Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD) for making application reliable and stable, worked with Design tools like RSA 6.0(Rational Software Architect), RAD 6.0(Rational Application Developer), TogetherSoft, Rational Rose, UML, Visio and ERWin.
Excellent hands on experience with Internet Technologies like Spring, Hibernate, Apache Axis, Struts (MVC) Framework, Java, JSP, JDBC, Servlets, EJB, JNDI, JMS, XML/XSL, XSLT, XSL-FO, SOAP, Apache, Tomcat, Java Script, CSS, VB Script and Apps* Integrity.
Involved in migrating the application from WebLogic6.1 to 8.1 and extensively worked with WebLogic8.1
Used DB2 Connect to connect to Main Frame database, DB2 version 7.0.
Sound Relational Database concepts and extensively worked with Oracle10G/9I/8I, PL/SQL, Informix, SQLServer7.0, DB2, Centura Base and SQLBase6.0.
Used tools like TOAD, SQL Navigator and DB Visualizer for various Database SQL operations and Data Modeling.
“Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition” by Sun Micro Systems Inc.
“Sun Certified Java Programmer” by Sun Micro Systems Inc.
Education: B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
Employer: Sears Holdings Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL March 2010 to Till Date
Project :,, iPhone App, Android App February 2013 to Till Date
Role : Director, Online Analytics & Engineering and are mobile web site on WAP implementation. They have the downloadable apps on iOS and Android operating systems. For the mWeb and apps versions, architected the tagging framework, designed and implemented the tagging using omniture tool. It has the integration with other tracking tools like BrightTag, DataMesh etc., On this site omniture is tracked end to end with page tags, event tags & click actions. On the apps implemented tagging in hybrid approach to be able to work with mWeb version of the site. In this mWeb 6.x implementation Sears is the only client with adobe to be able to implement the hybrid approach of client-side tagging and server-side tagging by syncing the visitor Id for omniture implementation, as it is hard to achieve in the implementation.
Assists the DVP (Divisional Vice President) Online Analytics in building dashboards, reporting, and achieving Sears mobile and Kmart mobile annual OGSP (Objectives, Goals, Strategies, Plan).
Demonstrated experience executing successful in Web/Mobile & Online analytics implementation and reporting.
Architected, designed and implemented the tagging framework for mobile 6.x entire re-implementation for mWeb and iPhone App and Android App.
Defined, Designed the SDR (Solution Design Reference) document for omniture implementation for, and their respective iPhone and Android apps.
Provided analytics tracking different fulfillment and conversion methods of retail business like FBS (Fulfillment By Sears), FBM (Fulfillment By Merchant) & PPC (Pay Per Click) to assess their traffic and conversion.
Implemented Omniture tagging using client-side implementation for the frontend and server-side implementation for the backend.
Used App measurement libraries and Data Insertion API frameworks for implementing the tagging on the sites.
Implemented Signal (BrightTag), Tealium & Adobe DynamicTag Manager for container Tagging implementation.
Did POC with Google Analytics to implement on Mobile platform.
Evaluated different 3rd party analytic tools to understand if they comply with company standards in terms of performance and security / privacy of data over the HTTP beacon requests. On the same aspect Tealium Tag container introduced over BrightTag Tag container.
Worked with Tableau for creating visual dashboards from BIG DATA DB source Hadoop.
Configured report suites from ground zero with Admin tool access.
Did SAINT classifications configurations in Admin tool and uploads to classify the data.
Implemented Omniture tracking for report suites with new Site Catalyst version SC15.
Implemented server side tagging implementation using Adobe Analytics for different marketing channels like SEO/Natural Search, Paid Search, Data Feeds, Affiliates, Email & SMS etc.,
Designed and configured eVars persistency levels, Expiration levels, Merchandizing, sub-relations, Allocations, binding events, SAINT definitions with thorough understanding
Partnered and worked with A/B and Multi-Variant testing team for validating the traffic and conversion data using Adobe Test & Target tool.
Defined events serialization based on their purpose.
Defined props characteristics like list props, DUV, WUV, MUV, QUV, Pathing, Participation, SAINT classifications, visits and visitor metrics.
Environment: Omniture tools Site Catalyst, Discover( Adhoc Analysis), Data ware house, Test & Target, Report Builder, Excel Client & Mobile Services Admin console.
Project : & March 2010 to January 2013
Role : Technical Manager, Online Analytics & Engineering is an online pharmacy portal and is an online web store to market Sears and Kmart items cataloged database along with sears and Kmart. This site supports more fulfillment types like Organization delivery, Store Pickup, Shipping, Home Delivery and Appliance Delivery for customer’s convenience as the main theme of this site is to provide more convenience to the customers at the best possible price. On this site omniture is tracked end to end with page tags, event tags & click actions. Also implemented schedule orders online for and developed a batch component in WCS.
Architected a framework with in source code to do Omniture tracking systematically.
Defined, Designed the SDR (Solution Design Reference) document for omniture implementation for, and sites.
Implemented Omniture tagging for the entire site with new s_code file format.
Provided analytics tracking different fulfillment and conversion methods of retail business like FBS (Fulfillment By Sears), FBM (Fulfillment By Merchant) & PPC (Pay Per Click) to assess their traffic and conversion.
Used App measurement libraries and Data Insertion API frameworks for implementing the tagging on the sites.
Configured report suites from ground zero with Admin tool access.
Did SAINT classifications configurations in Admin tool and uploads to classify the data.
Implemented Omniture tracking for with new Site Catalyst version SC15.
Configured QA & PROD report suites from ground zero.
Designed and configured eVars persistency levels, Expiration levels, Merchandizing, sub-relations, Allocations, binding events, SAINT definitions with thorough understanding
Partnered and worked with A/B and Multi-Variant testing team for validating the traffic and conversion data.
Defined events serialization based on their purpose.
Defined props characteristics like list props, DUV, WUV, MUV, QUV, Pathing, Participation, SAINT classifications, visits and visitor metrics.
Environment: Omniture tools Site Catalyst, Discover( Adhoc Analysis), Data ware house, Test & Target, Report Builder, Excel Client & Mobile Services Admin console.
Employer: SOGETI USA LLC, Westchester, IL October 2008 to Feb 2010
Client : Omron Electronics Inc., Schaumburg, IL October 2008 to Feb 2010
Role : Applications Architect
Project : WWW.OMRON247.COM
This is an online web store site where Omron sell their catalog products through online shopping cart 24/7. This entire store is developed in WebSphere Commerce Server 6.0.1. This store site has different functionality such as Product search using GSA (Google Search Appliance) Enterprise server, online check out, shopping cart, my parts, my account, confirmation real time emails, Batch emails, scheduling jobs, registration and secure login etc. When orders got dropped in the site those get distributed through Omron distributors with backend ERP system JDEdwards integration. Omron distributors get notified by the system when user got registered or order placed.
Set up and ran the GSA (Google Search Appliance) feeds to the GSA Enterprise server to feed with Products catalog, Documents, Downloads, Quick Links and General Information collections for WWW.OMRON247.COM online store.
Designed and coded the GSA Search results to render the collections and displayed them onto custom defined styles on JSP pages.
Did code reviews of implemented WebSphere commerce code with Controller Commands, Task Commands and JSP files with perception on scalability, manageability and maintainability aspects of the project.
Set up the configuration through command line parameters to JVM to use JVM Generations for improving the performance and to analyze the heap memory utilization.
Implemented WebSphere Commerce Controller Commands, Task Commands, and SendMsgCmd for sending emails and EJBs deployment in Commerce, CmdReg, UserReg and integrating Struts-config, Struts-Config-Ext.xml files with Commerce.
Created orders for setting up testing functionality in WebSphere Commerce Server Accelerator and other store functionality.
Administered scheduling configured jobs in WebSphere Commerce Server Admin Console.
Extensively worked with Catalog and Member subsystems of Web Sphere commerce Server 6.0.1.
Configured Scheduler in WebSphere Commerce Server 6.0.1 to schedule the jobs to send out batch emails using JSP templates at certain time every day.
Integrated WebSphere Commerce Server 6.0.1 to interact with JD Edwards ERP system to place the orders.
Configured the WebSphere Commerce Server 6.0.1 to interact with UPS online system to get shipping and handling activities and to get the pricing information to display it on the online store order.
Used CVS from RAD with CVS plug-in for daily check-in and check-out into source code repository system.
Deployed builds onto Commerce server by getting the code from CVS.
Environment: WSCS 6.0.1 (Web Sphere Commerce Server 6.0.1, Web Sphere 6.0.1, GSA, STRUTS, Commerce Scheduler, EJBs, JSPs, JDK1.4, DB2, Squirrel, Windows XP, iSeries, CVS, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Employer: RCG Information Technology Inc., Schaumburg, IL August 2006 to September 2008
Client : Navteq Inc., Chicago, IL October 2007 to September 2008
Role : Technical Lead/Architect
Project : HD Radio– Hybrid Digital Radio
This HD Radio project transmits digital data over analog AM/FM spectrum. This project’s main idea is to use the signal side bands more effectively to transmit the digital data over analog signal. This digital data can be any kind like Traffic, weather, advertisements, Fuel Prices, special events, movie times and flight times etc., This project has 5 modules i.e. Content Manager, Protocol Packager, Feeder, Message Monitor and Simulator. Content Manager is to collect different kinds of data like Traffic, weather, advertisements, Fuel Prices, special events, movie times and flight times. Each data collection is handled by its own content collector from different data source those can be either internal to Navteq or external. The collected data get parsed by Protocol Packager to convert them into bits pattern as per protocol specifications. This converted bits data get distributed over through JGroups; from there Feeder gets the data and transmits to real Radio station importers using TCP/IP socket connection, which gets broadcasted over the air by radio station. All these data transmissions are monitored through Message Monitor from end to end at every step of the transmission.
• Designed and coded the Real Radio station importer simulator to test the HD Radio project data transmission with out real radio station interruption.
• Designed and Implemented Content Manager for Traffic and Fuel Prices data.
• Wrote high-level and low-level architecture documents for Content Manager and Simulator modules.
• Used JGroups, which is same architecture to IBM MQ Series for messaging with multicast IP addresses to distribute the digital data.
• Coded much in Java collections, generics and templates for data processing logic and runtime storage.
• Used Java TCP/IP Socket programming for transmitting data from Feeder to Real radio station importer.
• Worked on Linux machines to deploy the project from windows machines using Cygwin tool.
• Integrated with SVN (SubVersion) for source code repository and daily basis check-in/check-out.
• Compiled and Deployed code with Maven deployment tool for builds and deployment over JBoss Application server.
• Used Spring, Hibernate and Apache Axis tools for generating Java source code classes from WSDL for writing the client code to access/connect the URL to access the real data.
• System is implemented using spring application context and in the spring framework
• Used Agile SCRUM Methodology for project Sprints implementation by using the JIRA tool.
• Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for calling web services to get the traffic, event, fuel prices.
• Used Hibernate framework for persistency layer, used along with spring framework of the application data persistency.
Environment: Eclipse, JBoss, Cygwin, Web Services, WSDL, Java Beans, spring, Hibernate, Apache Axis, UML, JIRA, JDK1.5, Linux, CVS, SubVersion, Maven, Oracle, TOAD, Windows XP.
Client : Walgreen’s Health Initiatives Inc., Deerfield, IL August 2006 to October 2007
Role : Technical Lead/Architect
Project : UTM – Utilization and Therapeutic Management
This Project includes RDUR (Retro-active Drug Utilization Review) and MTM (Medication Therapy Management). This system has two ways of processing business logic, i.e. Batch and Online. The batch process gets the Patients scores, Qualifications and Conflicts regarding Pharmacy claims and Medical claims, those get processed and create cases of type POLY, Non-POLY and RDUR Self Executing. This batch process also do the life cycles of these cases by checking the Patient’s eligibility records, Clients effective dates and Qualifications etc., and generate interventions automatically with corresponding notifications sent. These cases will get reviewed through online system to be able to intervene by RDUR and/or MTM pharmacists to create interventions and notifications. The users have provision to view the missing information queues, user queues to create RDUR cases, to update patient, prescriber, and pharmacy profiles through online system.
• Defined the use-cases per business process and requirements.
. Analyze use-cases per requirements and look for Technical and Logical consistence in the use-cases.
• Realize the use-case and come up with Class model as defined in RUP (Rational Unified process) artifacts.
• Design the use-case with class diagram, Control classes, J2EE Design Patterns, Sequence diagram, Transfer Objects and exceptions etc.,
• Worked with Walgreen’s presentation layer framework, persistency layer framework and DAOs in the process of system design and development.
• Used JMeter for performance monitoring to stimulate heavy load server to analyze in runtime to tune the application code.
• Set up the configuration through command line parameters to JVM to use JVM Generations for improving the performance and to analyze the heap memory utilization.
• Used J2EE Design Patterns and GOF design patterns.
• Worked with TOAD for SQL operations on Oracle Database.
• Used CVS for source code repository and daily basis check-in/check-out.
Environment: WSAD 5.1 (WebSphere Application Development Kit), WebSphere 5.1, Java Beans, UML, Design patterns (J2EE & GOF), JDK1.4, Oracle, TOAD, Windows XP, Solaris, CVS, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Employer: ITechUS Inc., S Burlington, VT April 2004 to August 2006
Client : GE Consumer Finance - PMG, Schaumburg, IL April 2004 to August 2006
Role : Technical Lead/Architect
Project : MMA – Master Membership Application
This is Partnership Marketing Group enterprise wide strategic initiative to bring all the legacy systems and members information into one master database in Oracle. It does Customer or Non-Customer dispatches for of different service types like Towing, Tire Change, Lock-Out, Battery change or Jump Start and Fuel etc. In this process it finds the nearby dealers using MapQuest Database within number of miles radius. Based on the Service Types and Events of the disabled vehicle it also gets the Providers nearby using Sigma Dynamics learning algorithms and passes back the information about providers to help Sigma Dynamics learning. In this process Sigma Dynamics does learn logistics and gets standard ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) of Provider to the disablement location. Then application logs the dispatch record and passes the information to Claims process and financial modules. This dispatch information logs as Dispatch history or Call history per Customer and/or Vehicle.
• Analyze use-cases per requirements and look for Technical and Logical consistence in the use-cases.
• Realize the use-case and coming up with Class model as defined in RUP (Rational Unified process) artifacts.
• Design the use-case with class diagram, Control classes, J2EE Design Patterns, Sequence diagram, Transfer Objects and exceptions etc.,
• Used STRUTS Actions, DispatchActions, Form Objects, Facades, Business objects and DAOs in the process of system design and development.
• Worked with J2EE Design Patterns and GOF design patterns.
• Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with SOAP/Web Services for implementation to interact with external systems which provides Digital Dispatch and Sigma Dynamics interfaces like publishing service to send out a publication document.
• Worked on SQLNavigator/TOAD for SQL operations on Oracle Database and on ServerStudio for Informix Database.
• Converted the old COBOL/DB2 desktop application into new web based Java/J2EE application with Oracle as backend.
• Migrated customer care functionality from COBOL/DB2 desktop version to web based customer care functionality with Java/J2EE application
Environment: RSA 6.0 (Rational Software Architect), RAD 6.0(Rational Application Developer), WebSphere 6.0, SOAP, WebServices, Java Beans, UML, Design patterns (J2EE & GOF), JDK1.4, Oracle, SQLNavigator, Informix, Server Studio JE, Windows 2000, Solaris, VSS, ClearCase, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Employer: CIBER Inc., Detroit, MI November 2002 to March 2004
Client : Ford Motor Company (PRIMUS Campus), Nashville, TN November 2002 to March 2004
Role : Technical Lead
Project : OLA – Owner Loyalty Application
This Owner Loyalty Application deals with the End of Term of customer vehicles are Leased/Retailed or under Balloon option. Whenever customer bought, leased or taken vehicle under balloon option, that record enters into a work queue among one of the three types: Pre-Term, Anniversary and Over-Term. Users are assigned based on the dealers to follow up with customers. When customer owned a vehicle through a dealer that record will be added to the work queue and automatically assigned to the user by virtue of dealer assignment. These users will follow up with customers to know about the vehicle working condition, customer satisfaction level and the survey questions. These users will get paid for their follow up calls on the basis of number of calls they make, this billing functionality also taken care in this system.
Implemented the FORD Framework (similar to STRUTS) using J2EE Design Patterns, standardized by Sun Microsystems.
Used USDM (Unified Software Development Process methodology) for the system designing and development, which is a standard methodology for J2EE based systems.
Worked on Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD) of the system
Extensively used DAOs, BOs, MAPs, Facades, Delegates, Form Objects and Form Handlers in the process of system designing and development.
Implemented J2EE Design Patterns and GOF design patterns.
Extensively used Rational Rose for Object Oriented Design (OOAD) with full of UML notations.
Used XSL/XSLT, XSL-FO and FO processor for PDF documents generation from XML templates.
Worked with DB2 Connect to connect to Main Frame database of DB2 version 7.0.
Implemented WSDL & SOAP for exposing Web Service on the Web Logic Server.
Used DBVisualizer for SQL operations and Data Modeling on DB2 Database and used stored procedures for transactions.
Worked with ANT for build creation and to push onto different environments.
Integrated with Web based PVCS for code repository and followed source code handling practices like Check-in, Check-out on daily basis.
Environment: Weblogic, Visual Cafe, WebGain, EJB, Java Beans, Rational Rose, USDM, UML, J2EE Design patterns, JDK1.3.1, JDBC, DB2 7.0, DBVisualizer, Windows 2000, MainFrame, PVCS, ANT, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Employer: ASquare Inc., San Jose, CA June 2000 to October 2002
Client : CISCO Systems Inc, San Jose, CA June 2000 to October 2002
Role : Technical Lead
Project : eManager – Project Management
This eManager system is to plan project schedule over web to define workflow, tasks, modules, sub-projects, milestones and critical tasks. This maintains the centralized database to store the project plans and work flows. This is J2EE based Web enabled XML controlled centralized database project management system. It is inbuilt with XML based back-end workflow engine to take care of tasks creation, navigation, completion system.
Involved in migration of eManager Product from Weblogic5.1 to Weblogic6.1.
Implemented the entire system with Struts framework.
Uploading or downloading of Business Process Templates with memory Zipping facility.
Used SOAP protocol to upload the Business process template over HTTP and HTTPS.
Provided all Administration control functionality to access the system with multiple users
Used SAX parser for parsing XML documents to get Workflow data from Business Process definition
Provided functionality for managing Projects, Business Process Templates, and Document Templates for different projects with GUI screens.
Used XSL/XSLT to display the workflow definition on the HTML pages.
Implemented Library functionality, which is a repository and contains all the Deliverables, Business Process Templates and Document Templates.
Writing the methods in the Business handler by using the back-end and using those methods to display the data in the GUI screens. These methods implementation is done according to FAÇADE Design pattern.
Used BugTracker Tool for handling the bugs and for tracking the issues.
Used ANT tool for compiling, copying and for making WAR and EAR files to deploy the application by writing in the build.xml.
Modifying the configuration files to install the builds and taking care of the builds.
Environment: Web Logic App Server, Struts (MVC framework), JSP, Servlets, Jbuilder 5.0, Allaire Homesite, EJB, JMS, XML/XSL, XSLT, SAX Parser, SOAP, LDAP, JNDI, JDK1.3.1, Applets, Swings, Java 2 Plugin, JDBC, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, MSSqlServer7.0/2K, Windows 2000, Solaris, StarTeam, Visual Source Safe and CVS
Employer: STRABUS SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD., Hyderabad, India December 1995 to May 2000
Client : STRABUS SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD December 1995 to May 2000
Role : Software Engineer
Project : MARSHA (Margin Finance on Shares)
Client: Commercial Software Services Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
This is Margin Finance on Shares (MARSHA) product to deal with the Trading operations, stocks, Bonds, Margin Money, dividends, Money marketing trading. This system having the General Ledger, SWIFT messaging, Broker information and client information modules to deal with over all the information of the stock Exchange with international standards in the SWIFT messaging system. This is developed for many clients of Commercial Software Services Pte. Ltd., who are in all over South Asia Pacific like Singapore, North Korea, Thailand, Malaysia and Australia etc.,
Involved in getting the user requirements for the modules like Custody Module, Settlement Module, Dividend Module, Corporate Announcement Module, General Ledger Module & SWIFT Interface Module.
Developed interface to import or export the SWIFT (Simultaneous Worldwide Inter-Bank Financial Telecommunication) messages to and from the system.
Implemented all custodian trading operations Buy, Sell, General Ledger, Dividends etc.,
Developed a tool for auto converting the Database with data to and from any databases like Oracle, SQL Base and DB2.
Environment: Centura SQLWindows 6.0, Gupta SQL, Gupta Report Writer, Crystal Reports, Oracle 7.3, SQLBase 6.0, DB2, and Windows NT 4.0
References: Excellent references will be provided.