Pacardo, Niña Victoria B.
To be able to use my artistic ability and creativity in a position that will benefit from it and will help develop them as well
St. Scholastica’s College, Manila (2013-2014; 1.5 years of college)
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Visual Arts and Design (undergraduate)
Angelicum College, QC (2012-2013; 4th year high school)
Philippine Science High School (2009-2013; 1st-3rd year high school)
Related Experience
Joined Shell 46th National Art Competition (2014)
Joined Ayala Museum’s #InspireEveryDay event (July 2015)
Has made invitations for family members’ events (wedding, birthday, etc.)
Has experience layouting for corporate uses (real estate)
Has done commissions for internet and real life clients
Fast learner and quick to adapt
Good English and Communication Skills
Able to work for long periods of time