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Project Manager Medical

San Francisco, CA
August 19, 2015

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Philip M. Angelo, Esq.

*** ********* ****** #*** – Cleveland, Ohio 44113 – 330-***-**** – **.******@*****.*** SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS

Relationship Building & Advocacy - Successful record of advocating and implementing policies through nonpartisan collaboration, team building, and leveraging strong professional relationships across the public and private sectors. My diverse professional experiences are a testament of my ability to make an impact on organizations with a high degree of professional responsibility. Proven Leader and Team Player - Whether it was at the highest levels of government or local institutions, I have consistently been entrusted with increased responsibilities, decision-making, and leadership roles. This is evidence of my ability to achieve in demanding, fast-paced environments, and illustrates sound, independent judgment. I have served as project director for the development and implementation of numerous high-visibility projects, summits, and conferences, the sheer nature and size of which necessitated an immense amount of teamwork and interpersonal skills.


CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT (CCSD) Cleveland, OH Special Assistant; Sheriffs Clifford Pinkney & Frank Bova Aug 2013-Present Principal advisor to Sheriff and primary negotiator and project manager on various, high-level projects that required consensus among a diverse group of stakeholders

Control messaging and communications on numerous high-profile incidents; responsible for communicating with local and national media outlets; ensure open communication with community on investigatory efforts; utilized lessons from Ferguson/Baltimore in formulating approach

Represent CCSD on numerous committees, including: U.S. Attorney’s Opiate Task Force; Coalition for Public Safety (DC-based group seeing bipartisan criminal justice reforms); Cuyahoga County Domestic Violence Task Force; STANCE (work with community leaders to form holistic plans in reducing gang violence)

Project manager for unprecedented partnership between CCSD and MetroHealth Hospital; landmark agreement increases efficiency and quality of health care provided to inmates, while also reducing costs

Notable accomplishments include: implementation of electronic medical records (one of first jails in U.S. utilizing this technology); 50% reduction in medical transports to outside facilities (significant cost- savings); equipped medical facility with radiology, ultrasound machine, and telemedicine; reduced liability

Worked with Cuyahoga Health Access Partnership (CHAP) to create a program that enrolls eligible inmates for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act

Participate in on-going discussion with County Council, City of Cleveland, and County leadership for County’s eventual take-over of Cleveland’s jail/inmates; reevaluated initial agreement between Cleveland and County and identified substantial issues that would have resulted in CCSD losing significant money

Chair for U.S. Attorney’s Opiate Task Force Subcommittee on Prevention and Education; collaborated with prevention, treatment, and enforcement stakeholders to develop an action plan to reduce opiate-related deaths

Researched and explored methods to safely reduce the jail population; led to CCSD’s implementation of GPS Monitoring bracelets for low-level, non-violent inmates; required extensive collaboration between Common Pleas judges, CCSD deputies, and County probation department

Created, revised, and amended all of CCSD’s internal policies and procedures; subjects included “Use of Deadly Force”, “Prison Rape Elimination Act”, and a host of other law enforcement-sensitive material

Organized meetings with local pharmacies and other organizations that frequently encounter prescription drugs to raise awareness on CCSD’s Rx Drug Drop Boxes


Legislative Affairs; White House Office of National Drug Control May 2010-Aug 2013 Established policies, priorities, and objectives for President Obama’s drug control program and liaised with key Federal, state, local, and NGO stakeholders to advance the President’s agenda

Devised and implemented Director’s outreach efforts across the U.S. to highlight the public health and safety threat from the misuse of prescription drugs; developed agenda, determined strategic locations, and interacted with congressional staff

ONDCP liaison to Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Task Force; chaired by the Deputy Attorney General, task force provided guidance and resources in identifying, responding to, and serving drug endangered children

Led development of ONDCP’s 2012 Drugged Driving Strategy; enhanced strategic partnerships with groups such as Department of Transportation and Governors Highway Safety Association

Drafted significant portions of 2011/2012/2013/2014 National Drug Control Strategies; required creation of inter-agency agreements in implementing new action items and performance metrics

Participated in 2012 Southwest Border Consultation; met with various congressmen and state, local, and tribal law enforcement leaders to find solutions to drug trafficking along the Southwest border

Principal liaison between White House, HIDTA Directors (FBI/DEA/ATF Special Agent in Charge), and HIDTA Board (US Attorneys and Federal/state/local law enforcement leaders)

Reviewed and approved over $26 million in policy and budget submissions for $240 million High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program; ensured budget submissions aligned with Administration’s priorities and abided by HIDTA authorizing language

Led coordination and development of 2012 National HIDTA Conference; responsible for leveraging relationships to deliver an array of nationally-known speakers to over 500 leaders in law enforcement

Assisted in coordination and preparation for House & Senate hearings and briefed foreign counter-parts (e.g. Russia and Estonia) on HIDTA program and implementation PRESIDENTIAL MANAGEMENT FELLOWSHIP Washington, DC

Fellow Sept 2009 – Sept 2011

Two-year rotational fellow for highly selective program which seeks to attract individuals who demonstrate a clear interest and commitment to excellence in public service

Rotational assignments included: White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, U.S. Agency for International Development, and the Drug Enforcement Administration U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Washington, DC Entrepreneurial Coordinator; Presidential Summit Jan 2010 – May 2010 The Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship highlighted the importance of social and economic entrepreneurship in addressing common challenges while building partnerships that will lead to greater opportunity

Accountable for outreach and inter-agency communication initiatives with Department of State, Department of Commerce, and the White House for Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship

Planned international “Connectivity for Entrepreneurs” in The Hague, Netherlands; worked with Dutch partners for discussion on broadening connectivity to underserved countries

Received Superior Honor Award for exceptional work in promoting President’s Global Engagement Initiative U.S. DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Washington, DC Program Analyst; Mexico Intelligence Unit Sept 2009 – Jan 2010 Assessed drug situation in foreign countries, focusing on changes in street price, purity, and demand

Communicated intelligence wires to Regional Security Offices in foreign locations EDUCATION


J.D. – Admitted to practice law in State of Ohio May 2009

ABA-BNA Award for Excellence in the Study of Labor & Employment Law

Pro-Bono Award recipient; based on commitment to volunteering CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY Cleveland, OH

Master of Public Administration May 2009


B.A. Magna Cum Laude, History June 2004

Phi Beta Kappa Society; Inter-Collegiate Athletics Committee (appointed by university president) ADDITIONAL

Volunteer - Cleveland-Marshall Law Alumni Association (trustee); Cleveland Italian Cultural Garden Foundation

(board member); CollegeNow of Greater Cleveland (mentor)

Internships - Cleveland Clinic Foundation; U.S. Department of State (Milan, Italy); Rocky River Municipal Court

Taught English at University of Genoa (Universita’ di Genova) and private school in Italy (2004-2005)

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