Mahesh D.Y.
Male, ** Years.
Address: #*** *** ****,*** *****,
Venkateshwara layout,
S.G Palya, DRC Post,
Mobile: 966-***-****
E-mail: **********@*****.***
Career Objective:
To use my knowledge and skills to contribute to the growth of the organization and in the process to acquire new skills and develop leadership qualities, wish to enhance my technical knowledge by being part of organizational growth and team work.
Educational Qualifications:
Technical Skills:
Computer Language: C,C++.
Hardware : Verilog, VHDL coding & VLSI Design
Assembly Level Programming: Microprocessor 8086/8085, Microcontroller 8051,
Application Software: MATLAB, Keil Microvision, Modelsim, Xilinx, CC Studio, NI MultiSim, Arduino, LabView.
Operating Systems:Windows XP, Windows 7.
Participated in 1-day Boot camp on ‘Software Testing’.
Robo Species 3-day National level workshop on
“Line Follower Robots”.(2013)
Using Arduino ATMEGA Duemilanove board.
Presented a Paper on
“Traffic Signal Control During Emergency” at‘6th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Software Engineering’ held in New Horizon College of Engineering.
Have been part of National Cadet Corps(NCC) for 2 years and participated in ‘Combined Annual Training Camp-2008’
Received Appreciation for Service and Contribution to Students Association-“ECE ECHELONS- 2014”.
Participated in 2-Day Sudent Workshop on “Systems Design Challenges Using LabVIEW” at RNS Institute of Technology.
Sl.No. Courses School/College Board/University Year of passing
Class Aggregate
1 B.E.
T. John
Institute of
VTU 2015 First Class 68.64%
2 XII/PUC National PU
PUC,KARNATAKA 2011 First Class 60.83%
3 X/SSLC Christ School KSEEB 2009 First Class 78.56% Academic Project:
“Development of Cost Effective ECG Data Aquisition for Clinical Purposes”. The main objective of this work is to develop a portable and cost effective data acquisition
(DAQ) system for clinical applications. This system also includes to transmit the final analog and digital output using RF Modules.
Mini Project: “Rhythm Following Flashing Lights”. The main goal of this project is to design a circuit that illuminates the LEDs in a sequence in sync with the rhythm of a music played or speech by using a small microphone.
Volunteered for organising National conference on Communication and Image Processing by TJIT.(2014)
Volunteered for organising TJIT Tarang-13.(2013)
Volunteered for Inauguration of Student’s Association of TJIT ECE DEPT.(2014)
Volunteered for blood donation camp held by ‘Red Cross Society’ in TJIT(2014) Strengths:
Problem solving.
Self-Motivated with positive Attitude.
Eager to learn and explore new areas/topics.
Team worker and Open to new ideas.
Personal Details:
Name : Mahesh D.Y.
Date of Birth : 02-08-1993
Father’s Name : Yoganand D.S.
Mother’s Name :Manjula R
Languages known : English, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil & Hindi Interests : Travelling, Fitness, Cricket, Cooking
I, hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to my knowledge and belief. Date:
Place: Bangalore.
Mahesh D.Y.
Extra-Ciriclular Activities: