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Quality Assurance / Regulatory Compliance Expertise
Extensive ISO 9001 Compliance Certification Knowledge
Strong Motivational Skills
-- Results-focused leader with 27 years experience delivering quality assurance
management in high-tech, ISO 9001 environments.
-- Strong record of contributions to quality outcomes, productivity improvements,
and profit performance.
Extensive qualifications in all facets of quality compliance.
EHSS (Environmental, Health, Safety and Security) systems, and GHS
(Global Harmonized System) of classification.
Bimax, Inc., Glen Rock, PA (7/99-12/14) Quality Assurance Manager
- Produced a profit in excess of $4 million through the purchase of equipment capable of producing rods for hard contact lenses.
- Supervised, hired, trained and managed contact lens division with 10% efficiency increase.
- Achieved Tier I Chem Steward certification from SOCMA (Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates).
- Lead responsibility for Quality Systems Steering Team achieving the ISO-9001:2008 certification.
Managed non-conformance, corrective and preventive action system including root cause analysis, CAPA verification
and close out.
Conducted walk around verification audits in potentially hazardous locations. Equipment was steam heated and hazardous
chemicals were in drums and tanks. Motor driven pumps and conveyors represented physical hazards that were dealt with
on a daily basis during these inspections.
-- Authored Safety Data Sheets for 300 products.
Rockland React Rite, Inc., Rockmart, GA (2/87–4/99) Production Manager
-- Led initiative for start up team of acrylic monomer production for golf ball industry.
Developed team of employees into two-shift operation which produced annual sales over $3 million.
Conducted safety and quality inspections of the plant on a routine basis.
Helped upper management solve production related problems through root cause analysis.
Motor driven product blenders and steam heated chemical reactors were in constant use in an environment that was not heated or air conditioned.
- Pioneered pilot projects with R&D enhancing more time-efficient plant operation.
- Instructed employee forklift, HAZCOM and HAZMAT training.
- Red Cross – First Aid/CPR/AED
- Bimax-MSDS Authoring Training
- Bimax – Shipping of Hazardous Materials, Land, Sea and Air
- Brevard College, Brevard, NC – AA Science
- SOCMA – Former Member
- Quality System Steering Team, Bimax, Inc. – Former Member
- Safety Cross Functional Team – Former Member
- US Navy Reserve, Honorable Discharge (11/69 – 11/75)