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Manager Sales

United States
August 12, 2015

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Ema i l : b i l l y . wa l k e r 1 2@gma i l . c om Phon e : 9 5 1 . 3 1 3 . 8 1 1 5 PROFESSIONAL RELATED BACKGROUND

Extens i ve exper ience i n the f inance and home mor tgage sector, spec ia l i z ing in over 10 year s of corpor ate sel l i ng, t r a i ni ng and management i n the Greater Los Ange les and I nl and Empi re reg ions . Cus tomer serv i ce - cent r i c, bui ld ing st r ateg i c in i t iat i ves impac t i ng the overa l l succes s of branch/ corpor ate growth . Devel ops and executes so l id bus i nes s dec i s ions that promote cus tomer and emp loyee retent ion. Searches for opt ima l sa l es/ return on investment oppor tun i t ies to ga i n addi t i ona l corporate exposure. Resul ts dr i ven known to exceed company set quotas and excel s i n secur ing net new c l iente le . DEMONSTRATED SALES/MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE


Senior Account Executive

Solut ions sel ler wi th proven demonstrated sk i l ls to ass i st c l ients by access ing, analyz ing and ex ecut ing telecommunicat ion strateg ies that best f i t thei r growing requi rements.

SMB market space focused to generate net new c l ients and handle ex i st ing customers ’ needs . Techni ca l ly prof i c ient to act as the l iai son between in -house eng ineer ing techni c ians and the customer .

Combined use of bus iness and techni cal acumen to troubleshoot and def ine customer ’ s requi rements in a profess iona l and deta i led manner .

Empowered communi cator able to ini t iate and execute meet ings and negot iat ions wi th a l l C - level execut ives and dec i s ion -maker s .

WELLS FARGO 02/2013 to 11/2013

Home Mortgage Consultant

Cons istent ly exceeds Wel l s Far go branch standards and goa ls in both employee product iv i ty and branch revenue, keeping qua l i ty customer serv ice at the foref ront of every bus iness solut ion.

Strateg i ca l ly markets branch serv ices through communi ty relat ions development, incorporat ing plann ed events to secure future par tner ships .

Focuses on or ig inat ing convent iona l FHA, VA and Jumbo portfol io loans .

Respons ible for hands -on coaching and training, whi le overseeing thei r indiv idual dut ies, ana lyz ing cr i t i ca l mor tgage transact ions .

Organized and implemented in f i r st - t ime home buyer seminar s/events . BANK OF AMERICA 06/2003 to 10/2012

Vice Pres ident, Sales Manager

Promoted interna l ly two t imes f rom Ass istant Branch Manager (Rivers ide, CA) to Branch Manager (Al ta Loma, CA), managing a l l aspects of branch se rv i ces, increas ing branch sa les through market exposure.

Ana lyzed and implemented corporate strateg ies to f i t each branches spec i f i cat ion .

Role model and tra iner to al l branch employees, over seeing ent i re branch operat ions .

Rev iew submi ss ions before shipping to overwr i t ing.

Ut i l izes both interna l and externa l resources bui lding long -term bus iness par tner ships . BILLY WALKER (cont . )


Branch Manager

Over saw branch budget and da i ly operat ions inc luding, hi r ing, tra ining, and quar ter ly evaluat ions .

Respons ible for generat ing net new accounts and manag ing ex ist ing accounts . EDUCATION & PAST ACHIEVEMENTS


B.A., Recreat ion and Lei sure – Graduated, 1993

- Athlet ic scholarship rec ipient / Big West Conference Record Holder References Ava i lable Upon Request

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