Senthil Arumugam S.P
Apt No. 202
Illinois - 60193,
United States of America.
(10+ yrs. in Java)
Email: *******.***@*****.***
Professional Experience
Ten years of progressive experience in software design and development with an earned reputation of meeting deadlines
Expertise in SOAP/REST Webservice, Spring framework and Java/JEE Design Patterns.
Good experience in private cloud, Platform as Service (PaaS) and splunk.
Good experience in Enterprise Service Bus, BPEL and SOA concepts.
Good knowledge in RDBMS/NOSQL concepts and experience in SQL Server, Oracle, Riak and MongoDB.
Good team player and individual contributor with analytical, problem solving, interpersonal and communication skills. Dynamic, fast learner and consistent performer.
Acquires domain experience in Capital Market, Insurance and Retail domain.
Educational Qualification
Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Employer History
-Digital Minds Technologies Incorporation – May 2014 to till date
-TATA Consultancy Services – Jun2007 to May 2014
-Sharekhan Private Limited – Feb2005 to May2007
-H1B Visa from Nov-2011 to Dec-2016
Additional Activities
-Contributor to the Spring-Integration framework, implemented a new feature namely MongoDB Metadatastore (planned to release in 4.2 version)
Java, C, C++, SQL, PL-SQL
REST/SOAP Webservice, Websphere Process Server & IBM-BPEL, Mule ESB, JMS, EJB, OpenAM, Apache HttpClient 4.2, Apache CXF
Web & XML
Servlet, JSP, JDBC, Flash, JAXB, JAXWS, XSD
SQL Server, Oracle, Riak, Mongo DB, Postgres
JavaScript, ActionScript
Spring, Struts, Twitter Bootstrap
Configuration/Build Management
Git, SVN, CVS, Maven, Jenkins
Tests and other tools
JUnit, EasyMock, Cobertura, SOAP UI
IDE & Modeling
Eclipse, STS, RAD, WID, VISIO, OOPS/OOAD, UML, SDLC, Design Patterns
Application Container
Websphere 6.1, WPS, VMWare TCServer, Apache Tomcat Server
Operating Systems
Windows Family, Mac OS X
Pega PRPC, Angular JS, Google Protocol Buffer
Brief Project/Clients History
Member Service Portal
Java Developer
Sears Holding Corporation
May 2014 – till date
SF Riak
Java Developer
Statefarm, IL, USA
Jul 2013 – May 2014
Self-Service Provisioning Portal
Java Developer
Statefarm, IL, USA
Dec 2011 – Jun 2013
Global Claims Initiatives
Module Lead
Chennai, India
Chartis, NJ, USA
Jul 2011 – Nov 2011
One Claim-First Notice Intake
Module Lead
Chennai, India
Chartis, NJ, USA
Apr 2010 – May 2011
ECS-ETT Consolidation
Project Leader
Chennai, India
Chartis, NJ, USA
Feb 2009 – Mar 2010
Severity Claims – iClaims Integration
Project Leader
Chennai, India
Chartis, NJ, USA
Feb 2008 – Jan 2009
Sun Java Migration in Web application
Project Leader
Chennai, India
Chartis, NJ, USA
Jun 2007 – Jan 2008
Resource Management System
Java Developer
Mumbai, India
Sharekhan, India
Nov 2006 – Mar 2007
Online Trading System for MCX, NCDEX
Java Developer
Mumbai, India
Sharekhan, India
Jul 2006 – Nov 2006
Broadcast Module for BSE
Java Developer
Mumbai, India
Sharekhan, India
Feb 2006 – Jul 2006
Feed Adapter with Real-time Control.
Java Developer
Mumbai, India
Sharekhan, India
Nov 2005 – Feb 2006
TCP/IP Server for IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
Java Developer
Mumbai, India
Sharekhan, India
May 2005 – Oct 2005
Sharekhan Research News Applet
Java Developer
Mumbai, India
Sharekhan, India
Feb 2005 – Apr 2005
Detailed Project History
Member Service Portal (CRM) May 2014 to Till Date
Java Developer
Sears Holding Corporation is a 150 years old retail giant in the world. This application is an in-house tool developed in Sears to address a major problem with sears customers, to provide up-to-date order status information, follow-up calls, case creation and escalation, notes tag to the case/order level, quick shipping/sales tax adjustments in the order, queue volume report, service level report, easy options, contact customer, a single interface with blazing fast retrieval of data from the legacy systems. It’s a core tool for the customer care executives in sears, it is developed to bridge the gap of complex system involves the order management system of sears logistics, vendor products and management, inventory management, fulfillment management, agents profile management, case management for online orders and delivery business and single sign-on to external legacy applications.
Involved in development of service layer for order and case management.
Investigated the database timeouts and implemented mongodb sharding with replica-sets.
Initiated and implemented metrics logging and optimization of the application using big-data tool splunk.
Created critical dashboards, alerts and reporting in splunk, for the holiday season.
Involved in defining standards for the Git repository and release management.
Technology: Java, Spring 4, MongoDB, TestNG, Maven, Git, Cobertura and Jenkins
SF Riak Project Jul 2013 to May 2014
Java Developer
The goal of the project is to provide schemaless database for web applications. Riak is a distributed NoSql database for maximum availability. Statefarm has a need to maintain data as byte as well as text for several applications. SF Riak is an in-house tool to interact with Riak database. It abstracts the business validations like bucket, key, secondary index and maximum data size. It limits functionality like list all the buckets, prevents link walking, etc. Riak database is insecure by-default; hence Apache webserver is used with LDAP authentication. The core purpose of Riak is for maximum availability, we maintained five nodes and three-replica configuration. EMC Avamar handles the multi-site replication.
Worked on spring configuration, handling the externalized credentials, connection pooling with Apache Httpclient with basic authentication.
Integrated the Riak API with Informatica to be invoked from ETL mapplet. This module will run in a standalone JVM unlike the above case.
Analyzed the life cycle of JVM in Informatica environment among workflows, session and individual mapplet.
Used SVN configuration management for code integration.
Used Maven for build management and Cobertura for Code coverage
Used Jenkins for continuous integration
Technology: Java, Spring, Apache HttpClient, Riak 1.3.1, EasyMock, SVN, Maven, Cobertura and Jenkins
Self Service Provisioning Portal Dec 2011 to Jun 2013
Java Developer
It is the provisioning portal for ICP/TP platform of Statefarm, the gateway for the Statefarm private cloud. It supports various types of servers for provisioning on the fly; some of them are tcServers, postgres, mule ESB, etc. It deploys the virtual machine for the selected environment, profile, and deployable and other parameters into the VMware vBlock. Then, the provisioned machine gets added into Load balancer and DNS server. All the virtual machine properties are maintained in the puppet db. It involves asynchronous REST webservice to interact with DellVIS and exposed as SOAP webservice. It is integrated with decision center and WODM server to deploy JRules. It maintains credentials for all the application and will be kept on the virtual server during deployment.
Analyzed and developed the JAX-WS services for various functionalities.
Written spring profiles and configurations for all the environments.
Analyzed and implemented functionalities related to the Decision center and WODM API.
Implemented functionality to create thread dumps and heap dump on the selective virtual servers using SSH library for Java.
Uses spring JDBC for the implementation of DAO for Postgres database.
Active team member in analyzing the issue during provisioning and other interesting issues.
Maven, EasyMock, SVN, Jenkins is used for the development of quality code.
Technology: Java, Java-WS, Spring, Apache CXF, OpenAM, JQuery, XML, HTML, Postgres, DellVIS API, Decision center API, Cobertura, SOAP UI and STS.
Global Claims Initiatives Jul 2011 to Nov 2011
Module Leader
Chartis Insurance is the leading International Insurance and Financial Services organization and amongst the largest underwriters of commercial and industry coverage in all over the world. It’s a step towards a single claim application for all the geographies. It interacts with the Ministry Of Justice application to find the claims rose for Chartis and automatically download the chartis artifacts and into the GCI application for further processing. It acts as a common interfacing application for the entire claim handling applications across all line of business for Policy Search, Claim Search, Claim Intake, Financials, Reporting system and to capture the first notice information from a caller, retrieves insured details, policy information, Custom data Elements for certain claims with minimal inputs. This application is completely developed in the advanced technologies includes Websphere Process Server, ESB, BPEL and Pega PRPC.
This project works on Agile SCRUM methodology.
Involved in Analysis and Design of the interfaces includes SOAP Webservice and Enterprise Service Bus.
Implemented visual java and caching in the WPS.
Created XML Schema Definition (XSD) and WSDL.
Technology: Java/JEE, Websphere BPEL, WPS 7.0, ESB, Pega PRPC, Data Stage, DB2, SOAP, JAX-RPC, XML and CVS.
One Claim – First Notice Intake Apr 2010 to May 2011
Module Leader
One claim is the single interface/application of AIG Claims divisions for various geographies. This project deals with the first notice intake of loss into the one claim application for United States. It follows a unique architecture to adopt various applications and future enhancements. The front end of the One Claim- FNI is made use of Pega technologies to handle rule-based requirements. The mediation or Enterprise Service bus provides a concrete environment to interact with various systems irrespective of the protocol and technologies of the interfacing systems. Webservice plays a major role in encapsulating the host systems functionalities.
This project works on Agile SCRUM methodology.
Involved in end-to-end analysis, design and implementation of ESB and SOAP webservice.
Played as a technical team lead and mentor for WPS and webservice.
Effectively implemented the BPEL, which is the core module to route, transform, process asynchronously involving various systems during notice creation process.
Implemented visual java and caching in the WPS.
Created XML Schema Definition (XSD) and WSDL.
Involved in analysis and design of IAA data model.
Technology: Java/JEE, Websphere BPEL, WPS 7.0, ESB, Pega PRPC, Data Stage, DB2, SOAP, JAX-RPC, XML and CVS.
ECS – ETT Consolidation Feb 2009 to Mar 2010
Project Leader
ECS, ECPS and TTAS are an insurance related web based application to handle excess claims like Excess Claim System and Environmental Claim Processing System and Toxic Tort System for AIG. The requirement is to consolidate the three web-based applications into a single application with a unique database & application server, which facilitate the business to maintain easily. It involves the data migration as a major task with heavy analysis in mapping the columns among the tables. System perspective analysis conducted on the functionality of the screens in all the application and the feasibility of adopting the new functionalities, thereby notified the business to change or add the requirements.
First project as a team lead, effectively involved in analyzing existing systems. Challenges of migrating the MS-SQL and Mainframe-DB2 and business complications.
Involved in the data migration analysis of table/column/SP/Trigger/View mapping between the applications.
Prepared best practices called ‘Application Consolidation’, details the approach of consolidating 3 applications.
Developed a tool called ‘Reconciliation Query Executor’, to run all the reconciliation queries. This reduces the window-time during production move and improves availability.
Technology: Java, Servlets, JSP, EJB, Java script, XML, XSL, HTML and SQL.
Severity Claims – iClaims Integration Feb 2008 to Jan 2009
Project Leader
Severity Excess is a web-based application which currently operating in a paper environment for claims processing. In order to store and retrieve claim documentation in an electronic format, thereby enabling effective claim operation in the areas of business continuity, reduced costs, streamlined claim processing and improved customer service, iClaims application is created. It’s an integration of iClaims application with Severity Excess in addition to some other requirements in Severity Excess to introduce the confidentiality of the claims documents, Master companion relationship for claims, Notification for Re-Indexing the iClaims document whenever there is change of office information in Severity Excess.
Used SDLC waterfall model for developing this project.
Preparing Functional, Design, Unit Test Plan and System Test Plan documents.
Developed re-usable front-end components using custom tags and JSP.
Designed and developed presentation layer by using composite view pattern.
Designed a common controller in determining the appropriate resulting UI page based on the service outcome.
Used Data Access Object to control all access to data sources.
Technology: Java, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, EJB, Java script, XML, XSL, HTML and SQL.
Sun Java Migration Jun 2007 to Jan 2008
Java Developer
ECS/ETT is an insurance related web based application to handle excess claims like Excess Claim System and Environmental Toxic Tort for AIG.
The requirement is to change the runtime environment of applet from Microsoft Virtual Machine to Sun Java Virtual Machine. In the process of migration we faced lot of problems in applet related code in the front end like hanging of applet/ application and the behavior of the browser varies. JavaScript methods failed to get the reference of applet is one of the major problems.
Changed the system coding for sun java migration.
Html attribute of display-none used on any applet loses the reference and hanged the application.
Fixed issues by changing the size of the applet, which will be used for background process.
Technology: Java, Java script and HTML.
Resource Management System Nov 2006 to May 2007
Java Developer
Sharekhan is a leading financial company for share broking in Mumbai, India. To avoid the network latency, the systems are designed based on the TCP/IP, UDP and reliable multicast protocol and concepts. The Resource management system is a controlling and monitoring web application for all the TCP/IP servers (Risk management servers). It deals with core functionalities like Market status update, multicast management, order placement and exchange response handling manually and Lock/unlock on DP shares. The caches used by all the servers can be monitored and maintained through this system.
Active team member involved in analysis, design and implementation.
Developed JSPs, Action controller in struts for various modules.
Technology: Java, JSP, Struts 1.1, Weblogic 8.1, Oracle, Javascript and HTML.
Online Trading System – MCX/NCDEX Jul 2006 to Nov 2006
Java Developer
SSKI is one of the leading Share Brokers in India for both online and offline Share Market. They have several online trading systems for NSE, NSEFO and BSE. MCX and NCDEX are commodity exchange added to it for online trading. It comprises mainly Order Placement and Report Generation for client interaction like Speed trade, Web-based application, Applet Trading, IVR, etc. This module is the entry point for a new, cancel or to modify orders. It’s basically an EJB, which does syntax level validation & business level validation querying the database and delivers proper output. Second level is to insert the order into JMS Queue as well as in the database for further acknowledged processing. Then it is pushed to Exchange through CTCL.
Coded TCP/IP client and server to receive feed from exchange and sends to the connected members.
Parsed and persisted the feeds into Oracle database for other manipulations.
Technology: Java, EJB, JMS, Weblogic 8.1, and Oracle.
Broadcast Module for BSE Feb 2006 to Jul 2006
Java Developer
In an Online Trading System for BSE and MCDEX exchanges, there are two major parts, Interactive & Broadcast modules. In the Broadcast module, the market information for all the scrips, graph data, top five information, market snap shot and several data are send from the exchange to Sharekhan CTCL. The messages are received, parsed & dump into the database for some business related calculation. Also, this UDP feeds has to send to the clients through several application. The performance of the system is tuned very efficiently, as the complete module is designed to run asynchronously.
Active team member involved in analysis, design and implementation.
Java multithreading and networking are effectively used.
Technology: Core Java (Multithreading and Networking).
Feed Adapter with Real-time Control Nov 2005 to Feb 2006
Java Developer
Feed Adapter is to handle the UDP feeds between Sharekhan End and ISPs. The UDP feeds received from NSE, processed in Sharekhan end then delivered into several PCs in ISP through 2Mbps line. The drawback in that system is heavy network traffic in 2Mbps line as the number of exchange increases. This is rectified by the Feed Adapter, which is in the ISP end, receive a UDP and distribute to several systems in ISP. The number of PCs in the ISP end can be add, remove, modify at the runtime, so that the feed distribution will not be affected to others. These features of controlling the Feed Adapter is done in TCP/IP socket connection. The listening port can be configured.
Used SDLC waterfall model for developing this project.
Lead the team as a module lead for the Diary/Notes modules.
Preparing Functional, Design, Unit Test Plan and System Test Plan documents.
Involved in the data migration analysis of table/column/SP/Trigger/View mapping between the applications.
Prepared the data model for newly integrated tables, which comply with three normal forms.
Developed re-usable front-end components using custom tags and JSP.
Designed and developed presentation layer by using composite view pattern.
Designed a common controller in determining the appropriate resulting UI page based on the service outcome.
Used Data Access Object to control all access to data sources.
Involved in writing stored procedures, view, user-defined functions and triggers in SQL Server database for Diary/Notes module.
Developed a tool called ‘SP Tracker’; to find actively used SPs in an application.
Developed a tool called ‘Reconciliation Query Executor’, to run all the reconciliation queries present in the spreadsheet.
Prepared the best practices called ‘Application Consolidation’, tells the approach of consolidating 3 applications.
Published the asset called ‘Processing Multiple Values passed as a single parameter in SQL Server Stored Procedure’, tells different ways to process multiple values passed as a single parameter in SQL Server stored procedure.
Technology: Java, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, EJB, Java script, XML, XSL, HTML and SQL.
TCP/IP Server for IVR May 2005 to Oct 2005
Java Developer
ECS, ECPS and TTAS are an insurance related web based application to handle excess claims like Excess Claim System and Environmental Claim Processing System and Toxic Tort System for CHARTIS. The requirement is to consolidate the three web-based applications into a single application with a unique database & application server, which facilitate the business to maintain easily.
Used SDLC waterfall model for developing this project.
Lead the team as a module lead for the Diary/Notes modules.
Preparing Functional, Design, Unit Test Plan and System Test Plan documents.
Involved in the data migration analysis of table/column/SP/Trigger/View mapping between the applications.
Prepared the data model for newly integrated tables, which comply with three normal forms.
Developed re-usable front-end components using custom tags and JSP.
Designed and developed presentation layer by using composite view pattern.
Designed a common controller in determining the appropriate resulting UI page based on the service outcome.
Used Data Access Object to control all access to data sources.
Involved in writing stored procedures, view, user-defined functions and triggers in SQL Server database for Diary/Notes module.
Developed a tool called ‘SP Tracker’; to find actively used SPs in an application.
Developed a tool called ‘Reconciliation Query Executor’, to run all the reconciliation queries present in the spreadsheet.
Prepared the best practices called ‘Application Consolidation’, tells the approach of consolidating 3 applications.
Published the asset called ‘Processing Multiple Values passed as a single parameter in SQL Server Stored Procedure’, tells different ways to process multiple values passed as a single parameter in SQL Server stored procedure.
Technology: Java, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, EJB, Java script, XML, XSL, HTML and SQL.
Sharekhan Research News Feb 2005 to Apr 2005
Java Developer
ECS, ECPS and TTAS are an insurance related web based application to handle excess claims like Excess Claim System and Environmental Claim Processing System and Toxic Tort System for CHARTIS. The requirement is to consolidate the three web-based applications into a single application with a unique database & application server, which facilitate the business to maintain easily.
Used SDLC waterfall model for developing this project.
Lead the team as a module lead for the Diary/Notes modules.
Preparing Functional, Design, Unit Test Plan and System Test Plan documents.
Involved in the data migration analysis of table/column/SP/Trigger/View mapping between the applications.
Prepared the data model for newly integrated tables, which comply with three normal forms.
Developed re-usable front-end components using custom tags and JSP.
Designed and developed presentation layer by using composite view pattern.
Designed a common controller in determining the appropriate resulting UI page based on the service outcome.
Used Data Access Object to control all access to data sources.
Involved in writing stored procedures, view, user-defined functions and triggers in SQL Server database for Diary/Notes module.
Developed a tool called ‘SP Tracker’; to find actively used SPs in an application.
Developed a tool called ‘Reconciliation Query Executor’, to run all the reconciliation queries present in the spreadsheet.
Prepared the best practices called ‘Application Consolidation’, tells the approach of consolidating 3 applications.
Published the asset called ‘Processing Multiple Values passed as a single parameter in SQL Server Stored Procedure’, tells different ways to process multiple values passed as a single parameter in SQL Server stored procedure.
Technology: Java, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, EJB, Java script, XML, XSL, HTML and SQL.