A r m e n T o vm a s y a n
Quality A ssurance Engineer/Qual ity As surance Analyst
Results-focused S e n i o r Q u a l i ty E n gi n e e r L e a d / Q u a l i ty A s s u ra n c e E n g i n e e r w i th o v e r 1 5 y e a rs ’ p ro g re s s i v e
e x p e ri e n c e s u c c e s s f ul l y p e rf o rm i n g q ua l i ty a s s u ra n c e f u n c ti o n s . H ig hl y a c c o m p l i s h e d i n b u il d in g a n d
m a i n ta i n i ng re l a ti o ns h ip s w i th a s tro n g w o rk e th i c a n d tra c k re c o rd o f s u c c e s s . E x e c u te s p l a ns a l i g n ed w i th
f o r w a r d - t h i n k i n g o r g a n i za t i o n a l s t r a t e g i e s t o e n s u r e t e a m e f f i c i e n c y .
Areas of Ex pertise
§ QT P/UFT using VB Script § §
T est Plans Effective Communicator
§ Selenium using JAVA § §
T est Cases T eam Building
§ Manual testing using “black § §
Structured T esting Client/Server Environments
§ §
box ” and “white box ” T est Data I nternet/I ntranet Environments
Technical Skills
Automated Tools/Languages:
QT P/UFT, T est Director, Selenium, SQL, ASP, ASP.NET, JAVA, Java Script, HT ML, Visual Basic, VB Script.
Soap UI .
Business Applications:
SQL Server, Agile/Kanban, Quality Center 9.2, XML, MYSQL, Lotus Notes, MS Office, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe
Photoshop, Corel Draw.
Methodology: Waterfalls, RUP, Agile
Work Ex perience
MEGABR AIN CENTER, Seriev Possad, Russia 04/2015 -Present
Senior Quality Engineer
S u m m a ry :
• Currently involved in testing complex web application, targeted to provide variety of educational
services. Leading international team of automation test specialists. Creating and implementing
automation test scripts and architecture using Selenium WebDriver and Soap UI.
• Creating modular test automation frameworks based on T estNG framework.
• Organizing and leading remote team operations, using Agile methodology and Jira Project tracking
• Environment: Selenium, Java, Agile, Soap UI .
K e y R e s p o ns ib il i ti es / A c h i e v e m e n ts :
• Creation the implementation of organization’s test automation scripts and framework for web
• Leading remote operations project, implementing necessary technologies to ensure QA teams day to
day team operations.
PLAINBERR Y INSUR ANCE SER VICES, LLC, Montrose, CA 07/2012-11/2014
Quality Engineering Lead
S u m m a ry :
• Built and implemented automation architecture for functional and regression testing of insurance
• Managed and prioritized projects and activities of Quality Assurance team including implementing and
maintaining automation testing framework.
23324 Landmark Way, Valencia, CA 91354 ? 818-***-**** ? ************@*****.***
• Created automation infrastructure that successfully replaced 2/3 of manual testing while supporting
multiple projects in easily customizable environments.
• Developed data-driven scripts for regression and functionality.
• Environment: Windows XP, SQL Server, QT P/UFT.
K e y R e s p o ns ib il i ti es / A c h i e v e m e n ts :
• Led the implementation of organization’s test automation framework for web applications, resulting in
saving QA department time and resources while efficiently achieving test goals.
• Due to success of project, awarded $10,000 bonus.
Quality Assurance Engineer
S u m m a ry :
§ Using Selenium and Java, successfully designed and developed set of scripts to automate testing
process of data input from mainframe application to client/server system.
§ Performed automated regression and functional testing.
§ Designed and tested financial reports using Agency Management t Insurance Pro, I ntuit
QuickBooks and MS Access.
K e y R e s p o ns ib il i ti es / A c h i e v e m e n ts :
§ Evaluated I T department’s testing process and created proposals to improve it.
§ Researched and implemented Test Automation Framework using Page Object Model.
§ I mplemented Selenium Grid method saving testing time on applications and different systems.
§ Collaborated closely with Development and Project Management teams to detect and ensure quick fix
of software defects.
§ T ested front- and back-end e-commerce application (including batch processes) to ensure integrity of
data processes, data warehousing, and data marts.
STATE FAR M INSUR ANCE, Glendale, CA 05/2005-02/2007
Agency Owner/Independent Contractor
S u m m a ry :
§ Used IT ex perience to create private Agency Management tool using SQL and Visual Basic.
§ Automated agency processes using various IT applications and tools.
§ Managed, hired, and trained staff of six, including four insurance producers and two customer service
§ Successfully established State Farm ex clusive insurance agency under AA’05 contract.
§ Created over $600,000 in premiums generating close to $70,000 in commissions.
ANSWER FINANCIAL, INC., Encino, CA 05/2003-05/2005
Quality Assurance Analyst
S u m m a ry :
§ Performed manual, unit, functional and integration tests.
§ Created new test cases, test plans, and scenarios while performing maintenance on company’s current
test suite.
§ T ested the company’s web services, database, payment and reporting systems.
§ Analyzed XML transactions in a .NET dynamic web environment.
§ Worked closely with project managers to design test strategies and planning initiatives.
§ Aggregated testing requirements between outside vendors and internal teams.
iHOMEOWNER S.COM, Los Angeles, CA 11/2000-01/2003
Web Developer
S u m m a ry :
§ Using Microsoft development tools and technologies (ASP, SQL Server, MS Access, Visual Basic,
VBScript), developed and designed groups of web applications to generate high quality leads for
insurance and mortgage companies.
§ Liaised with QA team to analyze bugs and resolve issues.
K e y R e s p o ns ib il i ti es / A c h i e v e m e n ts :
§ Developed online forms and user interface server side projects with initial layout and base controls.
§ Worked with SQL Server databases while designing stored procedures.
§ Analyzed business, functional, and technical requirements to ensure project met expectations.
EXECUTIVE CONSULTANTS, LLC, Los Angeles, CA 12/1999-10/2000
Web Developer
S u m m a ry :
§ Developed web-based solutions for I nternet/I ntranet applications.
§ Wrote ASP scripts to provide pages with dynamic content.
§ Embedded SQL to perform database manipulation.
Education & Training
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Armenian Agricultura l Engineering I nstitute, Armenia
QTP/UFT Course using VB Script STH, Los Angeles, CA (2013)
Selenium Course using JAVA, STH, Los Angeles, CA (2011)
Web Applications Development Course, ASP, SQL, JavaScript, Visual Basic (2000)
Web Development using CGI and Perl, “Programist Budushego” (1997)