Indranil Acharya
***** ******** *******, *** *****, CA, 92126
• B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering 2006-2010
• West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT), Kolkata, 700152.
Experience Summary
I am an associate with Tata Consultancy Services with a total IT experience of 4 years and 1
month. As computer systems programmer my responsibilities consist of
• Web application and web service development using J2EE tech
• Mobile app development in Android
• Understanding the business requirements
• Analysing the project requirements,
• Designing the solution based on requirements
• Construction of the solution
• Delivery of the solution on schedule
Technical Skills
• Programming Languages & Frameworks :
Grails, Groovy, Java, PL/SQL, spring, Hibernate, JSF, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, Html, IBATIS,
Backbone JS, Angular JS
• Tools, Application/Web Servers :
Subversion, Eclipse, PL/SQL Developer, Perforce, Tomcat, Apache Web server, GGTS,
Career Profile
Client: Omnitracs/Qualcomm May 2014 to till now
Company Tata Consultancy Services
Role Developer
Responsibilities Created mobile app with Angular and jQuery mobile.
• Exposing internal methods as rest web services/ soap web services.
• Creating web app for desktop browsers with Java
• Writing unit test case methods
Technologies Java, JMS Queue, REST Web Services
Project Design a new system incorporating Qualcomm technologies and
Description resources to manage Truck services in US/CANADA.
• Truck positioning, event reporting
• Ability for employees to request rides and track arrival times on an
application on their phones or through a website.
• Ability to create, view, edit and download dashboard and reports.
• Ability to support region specific sites.
• Ensuring the system is secure and meets Qualcomm IT Security
Shuttle Management Application
Client: Qualcomm Jan 2014 to April 2014
Company Tata Consultancy Services
Role Developer
Responsibilities Created native app for android device.
• Created mobile app with Angular and jQuery mobile.
• Exposing internal methods as rest web services.
• Creating web app for desktop browsers with grails
• Writing unit test case methods
Technologies HTML5, Bootstrap, JQuery Mobile, Angular JS, Groovy Grails, REST
Web Services, Android app
Project Design a new system incorporating Qualcomm technologies and
Description resources to manage shuttle services in Qualcomm.
• Ability for drivers to receive dispatched rides and initiate onsite
pickups through an application on their tablets.
• Ability for employees to request rides and track arrival times on an
application on their phones or through a website.
• Ability to create, view, edit and download dashboard and reports.
• Ability to support region specific sites.
• Ensuring the system is secure and meets Qualcomm IT Security
eRelease Manager Application
Client: Qualcomm May 2014 to Aug 2014
Company Tata Consultancy Services
Role Developer
Responsibilities Created mobile app with Angular and jQuery mobile
• Created web app for desktop browsers
• Exposing internal methods as rest web services.
• Writing unit test case methods
Technologies HTML5, Bootstrap, JQuery Mobile, Angular JS, Groovy Grails, REST
Web Services
Project Description The purpose of this application would be to create an automatic process
through which electronic version of release forms for every shoot/shoot
under a business unit would be managed and this would provide ease of
distribution, management, and retrieval as well as "official confirmation and
approval" that permission has been acquired. eRelease Manager system will
help the Qualcomm employees to create and manage the video and photo
shoots. The application can also be accessed by external users. The system
will allow the admin to manage the shoots, participants, FAQs and external
user details.
Security Resource Center mobile app
Client: Qualcomm May 2013 to December 2013
Company Tata Consultancy Services
Role Developer
Responsibilities Creating mobile app with Backbone JS and jQuery mobile (External
• Creating web app for desktop browsers(Internal Application)
• Exposing internal methods as rest web services.
• Integration with existing code and new code (The new code is been
added for mobile device)
• Writing unit test case methods
Project The Mobile SRC is the mobile version of the Security Resource Center.
Description Many of the major tasks that can be done with SRC, now can be accessed
right from mobile devices. Mobile SRC includes the following features:
• Request badge access to a specific building or area (or approve if
you are a lab administrator or supervisor)
• Request for your office to be unlocked (in the unfortunate chance
you lost your key)
• Report an incident to Qualcomm security
• Find a Qualcomm security office near you
Mobile SRC is a web based application developed in the latest HTML5
platform, making it compatible with Android or iOS.
Qualcomm Trade Image System
Client: Qualcomm April 2012 to May 2013
Company Tata Consultancy Services
Role Developer
Technologies Groovy & Grails, jQuery, JavaScript
Project QTIS is mainly on to process pdf documents where the documents are
Description mounted in NAS location .Showing the pdf in web browser and process
those pdf files one by one .And at the same time there is an option of
populating some important fields with TES web service call.
QHOS Dev second phase
Client: Qualcomm Dec 2011 to March 2012
Company Tata Consultancy Services
Role Developer
Technologies Core Java, Oracle Service Bus, Web Service
Responsibilities Analyzing the requirements and developing Oracle Service Bus
.Performing Unit Testing of the implemented code using SOAP UI .
Preparing Build Scripts Using ANT and Maven.
Client: Qualcomm June 2011 to Dec 2011
Company Tata Consultancy Services
Role Developer
Technologies Core Java/J2EE,Javascript,Oracle Soa Suite,Oracle Service Bus
Project The project is basically a Fleet Management System which complies for the drivers
Description from various vendors in US. As per US/Canada Norms, a driver can drive only for a
specific set of hours at a stress, and any kind of violation need to be logged. Each
vehicle has a mobile unit attached to it, which generates event for every change
action by the driver. The data flows through the NMC servers to Ponderosa
Messaging which is being developed by QES Ponderosa team.