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Safety Project

AZ, United Arab Emirates
40000 INR +Food+Accomadation
May 27, 2015

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Senior H S E Supervisor

Mob No :+971-**-***-****

e-mail: **.******@*****.***













To promote a positive health & safety culture among the employees through

regular safety inspections and t raining.

To be a key player and part of an innovative management team enduring to plan,

develop, implement and coordinate in safety, health and environment preventing

accidents and eliminating hazard at construction sites. To extend more faith and

dedication in the safety profession by specializing in hazard identification, Risk

assessments, Loss prevention and contribute to continue safety education of the site

supervisors and workers.

Bachelor of Commerce- Graduation from M ahatma Gandhi University Kerala,

I ndia.

Diploma in Fi re & Safety Engineering from (National I nstitute of Fi re and

S afety Engineering- N I FE).

Diploma in Computer Application Kerala, India.

National Examination Board of Safety and Health (NEBOSH) Result waiting.

I nstitute of Leadership management ( ILM) Leadership course certificate from


Fi rst Aider Certificate f rom TUV, UAE

Authorized Gas Tester Certificate F rom TUV,UAE

I ndian License

UAE D r iving License (File Open)

*Total Gulf Experience 8 + Year’s

F rom 11 June 2013 to til l date

Organization : N asser S. Al-Haj r i & Partners Con Co.,

D habi, UAE Dhabi, UAE

P roject : AD N O C G r ou p of C omp a n i es T akreer CBDC

C lient : S amsung E & C

Consultant : J acobs

Position : Senior HSE Supervisor





F rom 11 J anua ry 2011 to 10 June 2013.

Organization : N asser S. Al-Haj r i & Partners Con Co.,

Project : AD N O C G r ou p of C omp a n i es, CBDC

C lient : T A K RE E R (Oil and Gas)

Main Con t r act or : Samsung Engineering

Consultant : J acobs

Position : Senior HSE Supervisor

F rom 07 December 2007 to 10 J anua ry2011

(1)Organization : N asser S. Al-Haj r i Co. Ltd, Doha, Qatar

Project : P EARL GTL ( Qatar Shell Gas to Liquid)

Client : QSGTL Onshore Project

Main Con t r act or :KBR

Position : H SE supervisor

(2)Organization : N asser S. Al-Haj r i Co. Ltd, Doha, Qatar

Project : R as Gas Common off plot Project

Client : R as Gas

Main Con t r act or : F luor Middle East

Position : H SE ofiicer

F rom 16 July 2006 to 30 October 2007

Organization : F u rnace Fabrica I ndia.Ltd Edappally Cochin

B PCL-Kochi Refinery SPM Project,Kerala

Position : S afety Officer

Conducting TBM.

Preparing HSE Training materials.

Monitoring the Health Safety & Environmental matters related to

Construction activities.

Instruct new entrants in relation to project safety requirement.

Accident investigation and implementation of corrective actions.

Conduct safety inspections around the area of responsibility to see

t hat all working condition is free from hazards.

Conducting vehicle inspections.

Design and installs different kinds of safety sings.

Able to relate effectively on all levels to ensure that the HSE system

Works as per the requirement of Client.

Par ti ci pati on i n t h e w eek l y H SE m eeti n g an d m on t h l y H SE m eeti n g w it h cli en t

a n d m ai n con t r act or a n d h i gh li ghti n g sit e H SE i ssues

In specti on of sit e w it h ma i n con t r act or an d cli en t for i d en ti f y i n g ha zar dous l ocati on s

i n w ork pl ace.

Pl ann in g an d cond ucti n g em ergen cy evacu ati on m ock dr ill s.

E n sur i n g al l col d w ork s a n d h ot w ork are car r i ed out as per ma i n con t r act or i n t erna l

H SE procedures namely w ork per m i t procedures.

Effecti ve par ti ci pati n g i n t h e qu ar t erl y ma i n con t r act or safet y campaig n .









Cr eat i n g eff ect i v e pr ocedu r es f or t he pr epar at i on and i m plem ent at i on of pr ogr am s

w i t h i n t he ar ea of Const r u ct i on I n du st r ial saf et y, and t he env i r onment in pr ocess;

i m pl ement i n g H SE

Con du ct i n g i nd u ct i on t r ainin gs and cl ass ro om t r ainin gs t o empl oy ees & con t r act

w ork er s.

Ad v ising em pl oyer s / empl oy ees on saf e &heal t hy w or k pr act i ces & H eal t h / Saf et y

M anagement Sy st em s.

Monitoring the Health Safety & Environmental matters related to construction activities.

Co-ordinate job safety analysis and permit to work system.

Conducting Special Tool Box meeting as and even required.

Recommends disciplinary action to safety violative who unnecessarily expose themselves

other personnel to injury or property damage.

Accident investigation and implementation of corrective actions.

Conduct safety inspections around the area of responsibility to see that all working

condition is free from hazards.

Conducting vehicle inspections.

Certificate of Recognition given for Safety Ini tiatives at work and for being a Role

Model at work

Certificate of Appreciation as a Safety Officer, for his contribution in

Achieving35 million man hours without LTI in Fluor/ Ras Gas Project in Ras

L affan Indust rial City

Certificate of Appreciation awarded for Safety and Commitment on the installationof

p ipes at the Jetty Causeway and Jetty Head.

(from Shell Pearl GTL Project)

Certificate of Recognition given for Safety Ini tiatives at work and for

being a Role Model at work in RRE Project, Al Ruwais Abudhabi.

Safety Supervisory Workshop T raining from Fluor Middle East

Commissioning T raining from P EARL GTL

AGT (Authorized Gas Tester) T raining from P EARL GTL

H azard identification and intervention t raining from Fluor Middle East.

Fi rst Aid training conducted by CTJV (QCS project, Qatar gas )

PMC Safety induction f rom P EARL GTL

H2S familia r ization Course f rom Fluor Middle East


Safety Task Assignment from Fluor Middle East

Supervisory Safety Leadership Training from Fluor M iddle East

Observation and Intervention Training From Ras Gas RLIC Doha Qatar.

Hazard Incident Investigation Training From Fluor Middle East

Heat Stress Management from Fluor Middle East.

Excavation Safety from Fluor Middle East.

Fall Protection Training from Fluor Middle East

Environmental Control and Monitoring from Fluor Middle East

RL (3) Cop Defensive Divining Training from Fluor Middle East.

Scaffolding Safety Training from Fluor Middle East

Confined Space Training from Fluor Middle East

Lock out and Tag out Training from Fluor Middle East

B-safe Training from Fluor Middle East

Rigging & Lifting HSE awareness From Fluor Middle East

Berth induction from Fluor Middle East







Visa Status

T r a ining undergone in PEARL GTL Project:

Introduction to HSSE Leadership Management

Flawless startup initiative PTW and TSTI

I IF(incident and injury free)Supervisory skill knowledge

Practical Leadership management

Computer Based T raining (CBT- Course) P EARL GTL Project:

Lif ting and Rigging

Confined Space

Hand Safety and Manual Handling

Working at Height

NDE (Non Destructive Examination Awareness)

Emergency Response

Hydrogen Sulphide (H 2S) Awareness

Defensive Driving Refresher

Hazard Identification

A uthorized Gas Testing (AGT

Preserving and conscious about deadline.

Hardworking dependable and confident.

Eager to learn more.

Working with team spirit and working under pressure.

Good Communication and capability to smoothly communicate and

i nteract with all levels of the organization.

Permanent Address

Permanent Address Ndiyappilill (House)

Vengola P.O,Chelakulam,Ernakulam (Dist)

PIN 683554, Kerala State, India

Date of Birth 13.05.1984

Marital Status Married

Sex Male

Nationality Indian

Languages Known English, Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil

Valid UAE Residence Visa

Aneesh NG Panicker

Abu Dhabi

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