Robert M. English, I I I, PE
Monroeville, Al. 36460
Telephone: 251-***-****
e-mail: **********@*******.***
May 1, 2015
T hank you for reading this correspondence. I am currently seeking
employment in south/central Alabama. As you may observe from the
a ttachments I am a very hard working and dedicated professional with
commendable experience. I would like to emphasize the following:
I have a long tenure of successful results with respect to assigned
t asks.
I posses the ability to communicate well with supervisors;
colleagues; the public; customers; and elected officials.
I have the ability to resolve issues with excellent results.
I have an intense desire to be successful in any endeavor assigned to
I am uniquely qualified in many areas of employment with respect
to engineering; management; supervision of personnel; maximum
benefit of resources; and satisfaction of employers.
With over 30 years in the field of Professional Engineering I have
encountered a variety of opportunities all of which have been
successful. I am seeking other venues of challenges.
Again, thank you for your attention to this letter and my resume. Please
contact me as noted above.
Robert M. English, I I I, PE
P rofessional Profile
Robert M. English, I I I, P.E.
2412 Drewry Road
Monroeville, Alabama 36460
E xperience:
1997-2013 County Engineer
Monroe County Commission
Monroeville, Alabama
1994 - 1997 County Engineer
C larke County Commission
G rove H ill, Alabama
1987 - 1994 County Engineer
Monroe County Commission
Monroeville, Alabama
* * *Please see attached resolution
1982 - 1987 Partner in two land surveying
Companies-Andress Surveying &
Southwest Land Surveying Co.
Monroeville, Alabama
1977 - 1982 Associate Research Engineer
Southern Building Code Congress
B i rmingham, Alabama
Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering- from Auburn University-August 1977 -
Chi Epsilon – National Honorary Civil Engineering Society.
A ffiliations:
Alabama County Engineers Association
American Society of Civil Engineers
Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honorary
National Association of County Engineers
National Fire Protection Association
National Society of Professional Engineers
Southern Building Code Congress International-Currently IBC
Areas of Expertise:
1) Experience in all phases of construction from residential to complex Civil
E ngineering projects.
2) Preparation of specifications with respect to the purchase of building materials;
equipment; and maintenance contracts.
3) Experience in matters concerning fi re & life safety-very knowledgeable with matters
concerning the In ternational Building Code and the In ternational Residential code.
A t the t ime of employment with the Southern Building Code Congress the Engineer
was designated as the national manager of this code.
4) Experience in regard to environmental issues. As manager of the Monroe County
L andfills-(both sanitary and C&D) a good relationship has been developed with the
A labama Department of Environmental Management.
5) Experience in every aspect of building code inspections.
6) Experience with respect to land surveying in regards to the establishment of
p roperty boundaries; road layout and design; topographical mapping; and soil
7) Preparation of budgets; the ability to remain within approved said budgets; and the
ability to manage personnel and resources to the maximum benefit of the employer.
8) The performance of analysis for on-site sewage disposal systems.
9) The ability to communicate with anyone and resolve potentially costly situations.
10) The ability to apply for federal,state and local grants and perform the
administration of these programs.
* * *Please see the attached resolution passed by the Monroe County Commission. I was
offered another opportunity for employment with the Clarke County Commission in 1994
and it was the desire of the Monroe County commission to issue this resolution. I then came
back to Monroe County in 1997.
The following Resolution was offered by Carlisle McClure who moved i t to adoption:
A Resolution
WHEREAS, Robert M. English, I I I, County Engineer has tendered his resignation
as County Engineer effective September 15, 1994; and
WHEREAS, Robert M. English, I I I has performed his duties and responsibilities as
Monroe County Engineer in an exemplary manner; and
WHEREAS, Robert M. English, I I I has been effective in designing, engineering and
constructing many road projects and indust rial sites throughout Monroe county; Monroe
County’s landfill operations and County road maintenance projects; overseeing restoration
of the Old Courthouse; drawing specifications for purchases for all department of the
County, together with many more varied duties and responsibilities; and
W HEREAS, M onroe County Commission and the people of Monroe County will
g reatly miss the important Engineering services performed by the said Robert M. English,
I I I; and
W HEREAS, Robert M. English, I I I always conducted himself and his duties in a
h ighly professional manner; and
W HEREAS, Robert M. English, I I I, having filled the position of County Engineer
formally held by his late father Robert M. English, Jr., is a credit to his father and to his
father’s professionalism:
NOW, T HEREFORE BE I T RESOLVED, by the Monroe County Commission that
t he said Robert M. English, I I I, be extended every good wish and success in his new
position and be i t fur ther resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes
of the Monroe County Commission, that a copy be furnished Robert M. English, I I I and the
p ress.
Charlie McCorvey, Jr. seconded the above resolution and when put before the board it was
u nanimously adopted by all members at the said meeting.
(This is a typed copy of the original minutes of the Monroe County Commission as recorded in the
office of the Judge of Probate Monroe County Alabama Circa August 1994).