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C Care

United States
May 24, 2015

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Mo r g an A d am s

***** ******* ****** **

Houston TX 77070


Email: morgan23tx@yah

Ob j ec t i v e

D edic ated and patien t-foc us ed N ationally C ertified Medic al As s istant w ith pro v en s trength s and

s k ills in c linic al and admin is trativ e c are of patien ts look ing for gro w th w ithin y our c ompan y .

Ed u c at i o n

Gra dua te of C onc ord ia Luthe ra n Priv ate Sc hool in May 2000

Gra dua te of Ev eres t Ins titute in Medic al As s isting in J une 20 09

A w ard s

Ambas s ado r w ith hon ors in my c las s

Qu al i f i c at i o n s

§ Ex c eptional c apac ity to multitas k, mana ge nume ro us, often c ompleting prio rities w ith

eas y .

§ Outs tandin g interp er s onal and c ommun ic ation s k ills, s uper ior ac c urac y in patien t his tory,

c harting, and other doc ume ntation .

§ Adminis trativ e and refer ra l ex per ienc e inc luding admis s ions, as s es s ment, refer ra l and

edu c ation for a v ariety of patien ts .

§ D emons tra ted the ability to tak e initiativ e and c omplete tas k s w ithout s uper v is ion.

§ D emons tra ted the ability to empa thiz e w ith patien ts in ord er to fos ter trus t, there by

pro v iding qua lity hea lthc are

Pr o f i c i en c i es

§ Phlebo tomy C apillary Tes ting Vital Signs

§ EKG Tes ting Injec tion U rinaly s is

§ Autoc lav ing C ertified Medic al C PR Mas s age Ther ap y

§ W ound C are Surg ic al Sk in Prep Pelv ic Ex am Set-up

§ Thro at C ulture Phy s ic al Ex am Set-up Banda gin g

§ D os age C alc ulations Phone Triag e IC D, C PT C oding

§ Proc es s ing Ins uran c e C laims Mic ros oft W ord Medic al Mana ge r

§ Book k eep ing Mic ros oft Ex c el Intern et Bas ic s

Po s i t i o n s Hel d

Excel Urgent Care

September 2013- present, NCMA

MD Anderson Cancer Center, OR

January 2011- March 2013

Octobe r 2009 - August 2010, NCMA

Texas Urgent Care

June 2009 - Octobe r 2009, NCMA

Kingwood Urgent Care

May 2009 - June 2009, Externship MA

Excel Urgent Care

References upon request

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