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Pretoria, GP, 0008, South Africa
May 23, 2015

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NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form Z83 (obtainable from any

Public Service department), which must be originally signed and dated by the

applicant and which must be accompanied by a detailed CV (with full particulars

of the applicants training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge & experience)

and clear certified copies of original educational qualification certificates, ID

document and Drivers license (where applicable). Failure to comply with the

above instructions will result in applications being disqualified. Applicants

applying for more than one post must submit a separate form Z83 (as well as the

documentation mentioned above) in respect of each post being applied for. If an

applicant wishes to withdraw an application it must be done in writing. Should an

application be received where an applicant applies for more than one post on the

same applications form, the application will only be considered for the first post

indicated on the application and not for any of the other post s. Under no

circumstances will photostat copies or faxed copies of application documents be

accepted. The successful candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability

Checks (criminal record-, citizenship- & financial/asset record checks and

qualification and employment verification). Successful candidates will also be

subjected to security clearance processes. Potential candidates, declared in

excess must indicate their excess status on Z83, Applicants who do not receive

confirmation or feedback within 3 (three) months after the closing date, please

consider your application unsuccessful. Due to the large volume of responses

anticipated, receipt of applications will not be acknowledged and correspondence

will be limited to short-listed candidates only. For more information on the job

description(s) please contact the person indicated in the post details. Successful

candidates will be appointed on probation for the period of twelve (12) months ito

the prescribed rules. The Department reserves the right not to make

appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Persons not employed by the

DOD/Public Service may thus not apply for the vacancies advertised in this




This post is advertised in the DOD and broader Public Service.

SALARY : R270 804 per annum, Level 9

CENTRE : Chief Directorate Compliance, Armscor Building, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.

REQUIREMENTS : A relevant diploma/degree. Minimum of 2 -3 years supervisory experience working

in compliance management or related field. Extensive experience in interacting

at operational and strategic level. Knowledge of corporate governance.

Knowledge of Compliance Management. Knowledge of Public Service

environment. PFMA and National Treasury Regulations. A valid drivers licence.

Plan and coordinate the chief directors programme. Monitor management


philosophy within Chief compliance office and advice the chief director

accordingly. Documentation control and configuration of the chief compliance

officers related minutes, agendas, decisions registered and related instructions.

The preparation of MS word/MS power point instructional aids for presentations

by the chief director. Gather and process of information required by the Chief

Compliance officer. Assist with office administration with regard to the

enforcements of target dates. Prepare outgoing correspondences for the Chief

Compliance Officers signature for the distribution and dispatch thereof. Control

the process of staff work that originates from a directive from the Chief

Compliance Officer. Ensure that all staff work to and from Chief Compliance

officer is of a high standard. Compilation and con trol of the Chief Directorates

budget. Compilation of the Chief Directorates short, medium and long term plans.

Co-ordination and monitoring of the logistical administration within Chief

compliance office and with relevant external role players (office s upplies,

furniture, cellular phones, copiers, faxes, computer hardware, petty cash


ENQUIRIES : Mr E Abotsi (060-***-****.

APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Chief Directorate Human Resource Management,

Directorate HR Career Management, Private bag X137, Pretoria, 0001 or may be


hand delivered to Poynton Building, 195 Bosman Street, Pretoria, where it may

be placed in wooden box 4 at reception. For attention: Ms L. Hammond.

CLOSING DATE : 24 April 2015 (Applications received after the closin g date and faxed copies will

not be considered).


This post is advertised in the DOD and broader Public Service.

SALARY : R270 802 per annum, Level 9

CENTRE : Chief Directorate Compliance, Armscor Building, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.

REQUIREMENTS : A relevant diploma/degree with emphasis on Compliance Management, Law and

Auditing. Minimum of 2-3 years supervisory experience working in compliance

management or related field. Extensive experience in interacting at operational

and strategic level. Knowledge of corporate governance. Knowledge of

Compliance Management. Knowledge of Public Service environment. PFMA and

National Treasury Regulations. A valid drivers licence.

DUTIES : Gather information for analysis on compliance issues for the Department on an

on-going basis. Implement a compliance management strategy. Communicate

best practice methodologies and standards for compliance function. Conduct

compliance assessments and audits in the Departm ent accordin7g to procedure.

Update the Departmental compliance checklist on an on -going basis. Encourage

and create awareness of compliance management throughout the DOD. Ensure

consistency in evaluation and reporting of compliance throughout the DOD to

facilitate comparability at a Department level. Provide assistance in compliance

report co-ordination and collating role on behalf of both the Director and Chief

Director. Provide assistance in compiling of the annual compliance management

implementation plan for the directorate. Report the progress of the deliverable of

the plan to relevant committees.

ENQUIRIES : Mr E Abotsi (060-***-****.

APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Chief Directorate Human Resource Management,

Directorate HR Career Management, Private bag X137, Pretoria, 0001 or may be

hand delivered to Poynton Building, 195 Bosman Street, Pretoria, where it may

be placed in wooden box 4 at reception. For attention: Ms L. Hammond.

CLOSING DATE : 24 April 2015 (Applications received after the cl osing date and faxed copies will

not be considered).


These posts are advertised in the DOD and broader Public Service.

SALARY : R123 738 per annum, Level 5

CENTRE : Chief Directorate Compliance, Armscor Building, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.

REQUIREMENTS : Secretarial diploma or certificate. Computer literacy (Microsoft Word, Excel and

Power point presentations). Ability to communicate effectively in English (Written

and oral). Analytical and innovative thinking ability as well as problem solving

skills and interpersonal skills. Organising and typing skills. High level of reliability.

Ability to act with tact and discretion. Ability to work under pressure. Knowledge of

documentation management.

DUTIES : Record appointments and events and manage the diaries of the chief director.

Receive telephone calls and refer them to the relevant role players. Arrange

meetings and events for management and staff within the unit. Record

minutes/decisions and communicate to relevant role players and follow up on

progress. Develop, maintain and update database of internal and external

stakeholders. Liaise with travel agencies to make travel arrangements, check the

arrangements when the relevant documents are received. Process the travel and

subsistence claims for the unit. Draft routine correspondence and reports. Does

filing of documents for the director and unit where required. Administers matters

like leave registers and telephone accounts . Receives, records and distributes all

incoming and outgoing documents. Handles the procurements of standard items

like stationery, refreshments, etc. Studies the relevant Public service and

departmental prescripts, policies and other documents to ensure that the

application thereof is understood properly. Remains abreast with the procedures

and processes that apply in the office of the director. A typing test will be

required of all candidates interviewed.

ENQUIRIES : Mr E Abotsi (060-***-****.

APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Chief Directorate Human Resource Management,

Directorate HR Career Management, Private bag X137, Pretoria, 0001 or may be


hand delivered to Poynton Building, 195 Bosman Street, Pretoria, where it may

be placed in wooden box 4 at reception. For attention: Ms L. Hammond.

CLOSING DATE : 24 April 2015 (Applications received after the closing date and faxed copies will

not be considered).


This post is advertised in the DOD and broader Public Service.

SALARY : R123 738 per annum, Level 5

CENTRE : DPSP Division (Risk Management Directorate), Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.

REQUIREMENTS : NQF Level 4. Experience in client services, secretarial or related occupation will

be an added advantage. Applicants who have completed internship in Public

Service will be given preference. Applicants with prior learning, either by means

of experience or alternative courses may apply. Special requirements: (Skills

needed): Ability to communicate effectively in English (written and verbal).

Computer literate (MS Office: MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel and Internet).

Knowledge of Departmental policies and procedures. Analytical and innov ative

thinking, as well as problem solving skills. Sound organisational skills/events

management, excellent inter-personal skills. High level of reliability. Ability to act

with tact and discretion. Ability to do research and analyse documents and

situations. Must be able to obtain a confidential security clearance within a year.

DUTIES : Provide a secretarial support service. Record appointments and events and

manage the Directors diary. Receive telephone calls and refer to the correct role

players. Provide secretarial functions in directorates meetings. Compile agendas

and take minutes during directorates meetings. Arrange meetings and events for

the Director. Identify venues, invite role players, organise refreshments and set -

up schedules for meetings and events. Collect all relevant documents for the

meetings. Liaise with travel agencies to make travel arrangements. Prepare

briefing and notes for the Director as required. Keep manual filing system for the

Director. Maintain an electronic document management database. Organise

social functions. Operate office equipment. Stock -taking, order and purchase

stationery. Keep updated policy and procedures. Co -ordinate logical

arrangements for meetings when required. Co-ordinate logistical arrangements

for visitors visiting the Director. Remain abreast with the procedures and

processes that apply in the office of the Director. Scrutinise documents to

determine actions/information/other documents required for the meetings. Record

all minutes/decisions and communicates to all relevant role players and make

follow-up on progress. Do photocopying and faxes. Draft routine notes, memos,

letters and reports. Handle petty cash and financial claims. Deal with classified

files and documents.

ENQUIRIES : Mr S. Tswale, Tel: (012-***-****. Mr S.J. Nkosi, Tel: (012-***-****.

APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Directorate Human Resources Career Management,

Private Bag X137, Pretoria 0001 or may be hand delivered to 195 Bosman Street,

Poynton Building, Pretoria, where it must be placed in the wooden box 4 at

reception. Attention: Ms L. Hammond.

CLOSING DATE : 30 April 2015 (Applications received after the closing date and faxed copies will

not be considered).

POST 13/05 : CLEANER (USAGE 486) REF NO: 04/01

This post is advertised in the DOD and Broader Public Service, as well as the

Media (internet only)

SALARY : R68 010 per annum


REQUIREMENTS : ABET or Gr 12 with relevant experience Special requirements (skills needed):

Communicate effectively. Must be physically fit and healthy.

DUTIES : Clean the interior of buildings, dust and polish furniture, pick up rubbish, empty

garbage containers and take content to waste arrears for removal. Vacuum and

clean carpets, curtains and floors, wash windows, wash ablution facilities, remove

dust and dirt from ceilings, walls, overhead pipes and fixtures, sweep floors.

ENQUIRIES : Lt Col J. Scheepers (053-***-****

APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SAMHS, AMHU NC, Private Bag X5056, Kimberley,

8301, or may be hand delivered to AMHU NC, Florence Str, D iskobolos. W O2 B.

Kritzinger, (053-***-****

CLOSING DATE : 30 April 2015 (Applications received after the closing date and faxed copies will

not be considered).


NOTE : Local geo locations will receive preference. The certification date of your bar

coded ID must not be older than 6 months and the copy must be of very good



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