Damion Brown
My soul mission in life life is to be in the ministry full time to walk,talk an
breathe Christ an see souls saved to the Glory of God!
Martinsburg wv
Senior pastor,Evangelist
Supplytheneedoutreach int'l ministry
This minisrty is souly based on. Evangelism an the work of a evangelist.
Our outreach includes
But are not limited to:
*Feeding the homeless
*Visiting the sick an shut in
*Visiting nursing homes To teach bible study
*Visiting jails to see an encourage individuals lose or hurting.
*Weekly bible study an fellowship with food provided by our ministry.
*visiting families homes an love one's in the hospital.
*Teaching an trading on discipleship an how to be effective for Christ.
*Doing street ministry
*preaching Jesus anywhere we go to see souls saved for the Glory of God.
*Assisting other churches an ministry in the work of Evangelism to give
support to partnering churches.
*Partnering with many in the community to gain frowns for Christ..
Assistant pastor
Remembering Gods Grace
This ministry is a sister church that I support weekly to help with the work of
ministry, duties include but are not limited to:
*Weekly bible study with food an worship
*Daily meetings to strategize for up an coming events.
*training other leaders for the work of ministry
*Traveling an encouraging other churches
*Daily street evangelism
*Marriage counseling
Assistant Pastor
Greater outreach ministry
2001 - 2004
Assisting the senior pastor in daily activities concerning the church.
*traveling to preach an teach
*Help to train other leadership
*taught discipleship training
*drove the church van for the van ministry
*Head of the men's ministry
*Head of interior/exterior of church
*Assisting in Evangelism an outreach planning
*traveling on missionary trips to train leaders over seas.
Assistant Pastor
Kingdom Purpose Deliverance ministry
2004 - 2009
This ministry was a ministry of training leaders
Some duties are:
*Teaching disciples how to walk with the Lord
*minister training.
*Evangelism training
*Teaching on the fivefold gifts
*Street ministry
*Single ministry
*Marriage Ministry
*Performing arts ministry
(These are all the ministries I assisted in)
Assistant Pastor
Blessed Hope Ministry
2009 - 2011
Assisted the pastor in daily matters concerning the church an the
people,with some counseling in groups an one one time other ministry
consisted of but are no limited to:
*traveling with the pastor
*Me sharing the pulpit ever other Sunday to preach the Gospel.
*outreach work
* Holding services on Fridays on real life topics
*visiting sick
*helping in the community
Bachelors of biblical arts/biblical studies
University of North Carolina,School of Theology,Durham.NC
2004 - 2008
I received my B.A. in biblical arts an a host of other trainings.for the work of
ministry to prepare myself An study to show myself approved by God for
the things he has set in place to be done by his perfect will..
*Dedicated to teaching the whole word of God
*Proven skills in various methods of evangelism.
STRENGTHS *Heart for discipleship and experienced in training others.
*Strong commitment to promoting outreach to the unchurched community.
*Passion for souls an evangelistic work
*Relationship building. (Mt 9:10-13)
*Evangelism and outreach (luke 13:3. )
*Growth. (1Tim 4:12-13)
*Ministry. (2Tim 2:2)
*Reproduction by example. (1cor 2:2)
These certificates qualify me to help an assist those in trouble with certain
CPR/CPI TRAINING health issues an non violent crisis intervention training..