*** ***** ******* ***, ****** Il, *0435
Skill Highlights
• •
Billing Medicaid Therapeutic expertise
• •
Two year experience with Excel Exceptional problem solver
• •
Four year experience with Word Parenting skills educator
• •
Two year experience with Outlook Community resources specialist
• •
Two year experience with Epic Skilled multi-tasker
• •
Four years of experience with faxing Focused and driven
and copying. Dedicated team player
• •
Four year experience with filing and Positive attitude
keeping client records organized, up Strong organizational skills
to date and confidential. • Active listening skills
• •
Suicide risk assessments Energetic work attitude
• Suicide precautions expertise • Critical thinking skills
• Excellent communication skills
Professional Experience
Cornerstone Services 3/2013 to Current
C ase M a nager-Men ta l Hea l t h P rofessiona l
• •
Charted and recorded information in Conducted outreach, advocacy and
client files. rehabilitative services for regular
• cases and crisis intervention.
Quickly responded to crisis
situations when severe mental health Collaborated closely with treatment
and behavioral issues arose. team to appropriately coordinate
• client care services.
Documented all patient information
including service plans, treatment
reports and progress notes.
• with medicine compliance and
Interacted with clinical staff and
efficacy of medications.
external resources such as school or
community personnel. Referred clients to other programs
• and community agencies.
Educated clients anger management
techniques, relaxation skills, impulse Monitored patients prescribed
control, social skills, emotional psychotropic medications to assess
coping skills and functional living the medications' effectiveness and
skills. side effects.
• Consulted with psychiatrists about
client medication changes, issues
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children Hospital 5/2011-03/2013
Milieu Therapist
• •
Inpatient and the Partial Educated the patients on coping
Hospitalization unit. skills.
• •
Tracked client movement on and off Worked with parents and teachers to
the unit by documenting times and implement consistent behavior
destinations of clients. therapy techniques at home and
• school.
Charted and recorded information in
client files. Organized treatment projects that
• focused on problem solving skills
Quickly responded to crisis
and creative thinking.
situations when severe mental health
and behavioral issues arose. Guided clients in understanding
• illnesses and treatment plans.
Documented all patient information
including service plans, treatment Led patients in individual, family,
reports and progress notes. group and marital therapy sessions.
• Collaborated closely with treatment
team to appropriately coordinate
client care services.
Education and Training
Plainfield Central High School
• Studied in Early childhood education.
• Graduate with a diploma.
S outhern Illinois University Of Edwardsville
• Coursework in Psychology, Social Work and Counseling. Human Services coursework.
Coursework in Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Child Development.
• Bachelors in Social Work
References ava i l ab le upon request