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Medical officer clinical skills

Chennai, TN, India
May 19, 2015

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I. Personal profile:


Date of Birth : 14th February 1950

Date of joining ICMR : 3rd March 1988

Designation : Scientist D (Medical) retd.

Office Address: : National Institute of Epidemiology (ICMR)

No. R-127, Second Main Road

Tamilnadu Housing Board

Ayapakkam, Ambattur

Chennai – 600 077. Tamilnadu

Ph: 044-********, 26820355

Residential address : Dr. S. Balasubramanyam(****************@*****.***

150,Chinnaammankoil street,

Avadi, Chennai – 600 054, Tamilnadu

Ph. No. 044-********

Place of Birth : Pudukkottai, Tamilnadu

Passport Number : H4409006

Place of issue : Chennai

Date of issue : 06/08/2009

Date of Expiry : 05/08/2019

II. Educational qualification :

Degree Name of the Institution Year

M.B.B.S. Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada 1974 – 75

Certificate Andhra University

course in


Certificate course in evidence based diabetes management by Public health foundation of

India and Dr.Mohans diabetes education academy(online course)

Proficiency in MS Office

III. Andhra Pradesh Medical : No. 8795 dated 29/01/1976

Council Registration No.

& Date

IV. Tamilnadu Medical : No. 33700 dated 09/07/1980

Council Registration

No. & Date

V. Period of House Surgency : 11/01/1975-10/01/1976

VI. Research and Teaching Experience:

Duration Name of the institution Particulars

a 01/06/2001 Scientist D (Medical) a. Epidemiological profile of acute lower

to *National Institute of respiratory tract infection study

29/02/2012 Epidemiology, ICMR,, b. Verbal autopsy study

Ayapakkam, Chennai - c. Global disease burden in HIV/AIDS study

77 d. Disability studies in leprosy

e. Drug trials in leprosy

B 01/06/1993 Senior Research a. NLEP activities

to Officer b. Quiet Nerve Paralysis

31/05/2001 *National Institute of c. Immuno-Epidemiological Studies with

Epidemiology, Avadi, Mycobacterial Antigens

Chennai - 54 d. Leprosy Vaccine Trial (South India)

e. Drug Trials

f. Rapid Assessment Methods

g. Scar Reading

h. Evaluation of MLEC 2 activities under NLEP

in Uttar Pradesh State

i. Verbal Autopsy on cause of death – pilot study

C 03/03/88 – Research Officer a. NLEP activities

31/05/93 CJIL Field Unit, b. Quiet Nerve Paralysis

ICMR, Avadi, Chennai c. Immuno Epidemiological studies with

-54 Mycobacterial Antigens

d. Leprosy Vaccine Trial (South India)

D 22/12/83 – Senior Medical Officer a. Conducting MDT Clinics as per NLEP

02/03/88 David Rees Leprosy pattern

Hospital, Yerpedu P.O, b. Teaching and Training the Para Medical

Chittoor district, AP Worker

PIN – 517 619 Looking after the 30 bedded in-patient ward and


E From 1976 Private Practitioner Private practice in remote rural areas

to Dec. 83

* NIE has been formed by merging CJIL field unit and IRMS on July 2, 1999.

VII. Publications:

1. Gupte M.D, Vallishayee R.S., Mahalingam V.N, Nagaraju B, Balasubramanyam S,

Harikrishnan S, and Ahas Daniel Raj C. “Monitoring Regularity for Drug Consumption

by patients”. Abstracts book of the XVI Biennial Conference of the Indian Association

of Leprologists, November 1989 (P-115).

2. Nagaraju B., Balasubramanyam S., Vallishayee R.S., and Gupte M.D. “Efficiency of

Different Methods for case Detection” (FC-55)

3. Gupte M.D., Vallishayee R.S., Nagaraju B., Anantharaman D.S., Balasubramanyam S,

and Britto R.L.J. “Design and Methodology for Comparative Leprosy Vaccine Trial” (P-


4. Studies on Rapid Assessment Methods in Leprosy” Ind. Jl. of Leprosy Vol. 70 (2) 1998

(165-177) 1998

5. “Comparative Leprosy Vaccine Trial in South India” Ind. Jl. of Leprosy Vol. 70(4) 1998


VIII. Conference / workshops

1. Attended the XVI Biennial Conference of the Indian Association of Leprologists held at

Trichur on 10th and 11th November 1989 presented poster presentation

2. IAL Workshop held at Trichur on 21st & 22nd January 1991

3. Workshop-cum-training programme on Reversal reaction and relapse after Multi-drug

Therapy in Leprosy’ organized by Dhoolpet Leprosy Research Centre in collaboration

with IAL, at Hyderabad, on 8th and 10th December 1991.

4. Attended XIII Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Medical Statistics and

symposium on measurement of change in maternal and child health on 22-24th November

1955, organized by Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (ICMR), Chennai and

presented a paper on “Rapid Assessment Methods in Leprosy

5. Attended XIX Biennial Conference of Indian Association of Leprologists at B.J. Medical

College, Pune held on 15th to 17th December 1995, organized by Pune District Leprosy

Committee & Dr. Bandorawalla Leprosy Hospital and presented a poster presentation on

“Rapid Assessment Methods in Leprosy”

6. Attended XXI Biennial conference of Indian Association of Leprologists at P.I.ME. & R.

at Chandigarh held on 17th to 19the September 1999.

7. Workshop on “Experience with ROM and 12 month MB Regimen in Treatment of

Leprosy” 21st September to 4th October 2001 at Chennai.

8. Attended Workshop on “Surveillance, Epidemic Preparedness and Responses” at NIE,

ICMR from 26th November to 6th December 2001 as a facilitator

9. Participated in WHO organized workshop on “Good Clinical Practices and Good

Laboratory Practices for undertaking vaccine evaluation studies” at Chennai from 8th to

10th March 2004.

10. Participated the WHO’s Investigator’s workshop and protocol finalizations meeting held

at Chiang Mai, Thailand from 2nd to 4th August 2004

11. Participated in Aerosol Measles Orientation workshop from 26th to 28th May 2005 at


12. Attended 27th Biennial conference of Indian Association of leprologists, New Delhi.

Presented a paper on “Disability status of post-MDT Paucibacillary (PB) leprosy patients

after release from treatment (RFT) in South India” held at New Delhi from 2nd to 4th

October 2009

13. Attended T5 Lite workshop conducted by Boston University – National Institute of

Epidemiology, at Chennai from 9th 13th January 2010

14. Attended National workshop on epidemiology of leprosy held at National Institute of

Epidemiology on 30th January 2010

IX. Scientific Meetings:

• Attended the Epidemiology Committee Meeting of the CJIL Field Unit held at Avadi on

14th March 1990

• Attended the meeting the Expert Group of Immunologists held at CJIL Field Unit, Avadi

on 21st July 1990

• Epidemiology committee meeting of the CJIL Field Unit at Avdi on 29th June 1990

(Gupte M.D., Vallishayee R.S., Sreevatsa., Balasubramanyam S., and Britto R.L.J)

• Second meeting of the Sub-Group of Monitoring Committee for Leprosy Vaccine Trial at

DMS Chennai on 17th March 1992 (Gupte M.D., Vallishayee R.S., Nagaraju B,

Sreevatsa., Anantharaman D.S., Balasubramanyam S., and Britto R.L.J)

• Epidemiology Committee Meeting of the CJIL Field Unit at Avadi on 20th April 1992

(Gupte M.D., Vallishayee R.S., Nagaraju B, Sreevatsa., Anantharaman D.S.,

Balasubramanyam S., and Britto R.L.J)

• Monitoring committee meeting of the CJIL Field Unit at TRC, Chennai on 22nd July 1992

(Gupte M.D., Vallishayee R.S., Nagaraju B, Sreevatsa., Anantharaman D.S.,

Balasubramanyam S., and Britto R.L.J)

• Symposium on “Leprosy Epidemiology Research and NLEP” TB Research Centre,

Madras, 5th February 1996

• Monitoring Committee Meeting on Leprosy Vaccine Trial on 9th September 1995 at

Tuberculosis Research Centre, Madras

• Symposium on “Leprosy Epidemiology Research and NLEP at TRC, Madras, on 5th

February 1996. As a part of 85th Anniversary Celebration of ICMR

• Epidemiology Committee Meeting of the CJIL Field Unit held at TRC, Madras on 8th

August 1996

• Independent Expert Panel for Assessing Diagnostic procedures in the second resurvey of

leprosy vaccine trial met at CJIL Field Unit, Avadi on 5th December 1996.

X. Training:

1. Medical Officer’s Training Course at Schieffelin Leprosy Research and Trainging Centre

at Karigiri, Tamoilnadu from 7th January to 8th March 1986.

2. Epidemic Preparedness and Response at National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai 2nd

to 11th January 2001.

3. Verbal Autopsy: Independent Study on Cause and Death Classification system – 16th

July to 20th July 2001 at IOHS, Hyderabad

4. Participated in WHO Organization workshop on “Good Clinical Practices and Good

Laboratory Practices for undertaking vaccine evaluation studies” at Chennai from 8th to

10th March 2004.

5. Participation the WHO’s Investigator’s workshop and protocol finalizations meeting held

at Chiang mai, Thailand from 2nd to 4th August 2004.

6. Participated in Aerosol Measles orientation workshop from 26th to 28th May 2005 at Pune

7. WHO Measles Aerosol Project – onsite GCP Training for clinical investigator, 6th – 8th

April 2006 at Chennai

8. Attended GCP training for the UMDT regimen for all leprosy patients held at National

Institute of Epidemiology from 12th to 14th October 2009

9. Attended Statistical softwares training at National Institute of Epidemiology on March


XI Research Experience:

25 years of experience in planning, designing and execution of Epidemiological clinical

controlled trials and vaccine trials, involvement of Macro and Micro planning, interventional

studies with different drug regimens, storing data in computers with LAN. Skills adopted to

create awareness on the community, and community participation. Invited to participate in

scientific committees of the institute.

Other assignments

• Independent evaluation of NLEP 27th March to 17th April 2000 in Uttar Pradesh State


• Avahan – BMGF supported targeted intervention project assessment from 16th to 21st

March 2009

XII Administration Experience:

Member of appointment committees to recruit staff, purchase committee and other

administrative decisions. Involved in management of field staff with respect to their leave,

deployment for various teams for research studies.

Currently working as senior medical officer in Stead ford hospital Ambatture

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