C harles (Chris) Northcutt
Cynthiana, KY 41031
More than 20 years Tool & Die experience.
Tool & Die Maker
Spicer Machine Tool
Run high speed machining centers, lathes and milles. Build tooling
c omponents for automotive industry to print specifications.
0 9/2000 to 11/2011
Tool & Die Maker
CMWA Wheel
Build and repair dies worked with engineering to decrease downtime
i mproving tooling design and maintenance on the dies. In the shop ran
l athes, milles, CNC lathes and milles, grinders and EDM’s. Fluent in all
a reas of the trade. Knowledgeable in a wide range of steel types and
t here applications and other synthetic materials. Made all parts to print
s pecifications and modified tooling per engineering request. Ran both
G code and conversational control CNC’s.
09/1991 to 08/2000
Tool & Die Maker
Designed and built dies for the automotive industry in Georgetown, KY
f rom the prototype part to a working die or mold ready for production.
A lso covered many breakdown for companies that supplied major
a utomotive manufacturer. Ran lathes, milles, grinders and CNC milles.