Curriculum Vitae
Name: Dr. Ibrahim Hassan mohammed
Date of birth: 6.12.1970
Nationality: Sudanese
Home Address: Khartoum – North.shambat
Telephone: 002********
Mobile +249*********
Email: ******************@*****.***
Medical Qualifications: MBBS, University of Gezira Faculty of
Medicine, Sudan August 1998
SMSB Paediatrics Part one July 2003
Clinical MD Paediatrics and Child Health july
Current post: Partimer in National Ribat university in pediatrics
department,as pediatrician.
specialist pediatrician in abd al rahman al
mahadi pediatrics teaching hospital since
december 2010 till now.
I had a general pediatrics unit consist of 2
pediatrics registrar and 5 house officers.
Augest20o5to november2005
Previous Posts in Sudan:
This is a general paediatrics short and long stay
unit with 56 beds. It has a very busy A&E in
registrar in general
Paediatrics; Gaffer Ibn Auf which an average of 300 to 400 paediatric
Hospital .Khartoum. medical cases per day is seen by the paediatrics
team (including paediatric nurses, HOs and
middle grades). My Duties include assessment
and treatment of acute medical problems,
reviewing patient in general paediatrics,
Supervising and teaching house officers HOs in
the ward, attending and contributing in the every
morning clinical meeting,major rounds,
tutorials and referred clinics
Pediatrics registrar December 2005 march 2006.
Prof.Hassan Mohamed This is a very interested period with many case
ahmed presentations and morning sessions.and interested
Academy hospital
April 2006 to JulySS 2006.
Paediatrics registrar
This is a level one neonatal and general paediatric
Dr. Omer aboryda unit
unite. My job involved assessment and
management of patient in A&E department,
attending high risk deliveries. Reviewing patient
in general paediatrics clinic and subspeciality
clinics such as asthma and allergy, developmental
and baby clinics
Augest 2006 November2006.
Paediatrics registrar
This was a general pediatrics hospital .The
Dr: Soad eltigani, Fatima
general paediatric side consisted of a 20 bedded
ward and an 8 bedded day assessment unit.
Ahmed Gasim paediatrics
December 2006-March 2007
I was avery interested period isaw a lot of cases
of sickle cell anemia,and did anice gob in this
DR.Bakhita ata alla
Pediatrics registrar in Ribat April. 2007- July2007
teaching hospital
Bahry teaching hospital Augest 2007 November 2007
Dr.magda gorash This time I spend one month in nursery looking
after neonates and then did my diuties and other
activities,as seneor registrar.
December2007 April 2008
Senior registrar in Albolok
Dr. ahmed and dr
abobaker unit
Medi cal officer in January 2003 march 2005
pediatrics in Khartoum
north teaching hospital
House Officer General October 1999 January 2000
Surgery to Mr.
kambal Khartoum north
Teaching Hospital, Sudan.
House Officer, General
July 1999 October 1999
medicine to
Dr huda albager Khartoum
teaching hospital, Sudan.
House Officer, Obstetrics &
Gynaecology to Dr hamid
April 1999 July 1999
morad .khartoum north
teaching Hospital,
December 1998 - April 1999
House Officer General
This is one of the main paediatric teaching
Paediatric and December
hospitals in Sudan. It had an A&E department
1998 - April 1999
with 50 short stay beds, two general paediatric
Infectious Diseases to
Omdurman wards and a malnutrition ward
Children’s Emergency
Hospital, Sudan.
• Management of ill Preterm and term
Clinical experience:
Neonates in NICU.
•Assessment and treatment of acute and
chronic general paediatrics cases
•Attending and Participating in Out Patient
Clinic (general paediatrics, cardiology,
nephrology asthma and allergies,
developmental, diabetic and endocrinology
• I am confident in performing Practical
Procedures and skills:
procedures such as:
o Long lines & umbilical lines
o Setting of nasogastric tube
o Arterial Access: umbilical & arterial stab
o Venepuncture & canulation
o Emergency Vascular Access: interosseous
o Urinary catheterisation; and Supra pubic
o Lumbar puncture
o Pleural aspiration
o Abdominl paracentasis
o Immunization
o Exchange transfusion
o Setting of hard catheter for peritoneal dialysis
• Neonatal resuscitation
• ECG Practical + interpretation
Teaching: • Participating in teaching house officers,
medical students and residence.
• Attending and participating in tutorials and
paediatrics meetings.
• Examples of presentations:
o Case presentation :Paediatrics weekly clinical
meeting( polycystic kidney disease .biliary
atresia, systemic
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis)
o Quinine versus rectal artemether in
management of severe malaria(journal club)
Work as partimer in Ribat university .in pediatrics
Genera Interests: Football is my favouret spotparticularly . I am
fluent in both English and Arabic.
Travelling I enjoy the experience of meeting
new people of different cultural backgrounds.
15th congress of the union of Arab
Paediatriacian 12-15 november 2007 Khartoum-
Conferences :
Sudan .
Safeguarding children in Egypt 9th may 2010
first conference of egyptian neonatal net work-
International congress of pediatrics hepatology
and gasteroenterology-egypt
Quality health care coures-khartoum
Asssisted ventilation work shop-egypt
Update in commmon pediatrics cardiology
References: Prof. Somaia al assad
Professor of Paediatrics
University of Omdurman Islamic university
Omdurman teaching Hospital
DR.Omar abo ryda
assistant profesor
O mdurman teaching Hospital
DR .Fatema Abo nora
Ahmed gasim teaching hospital
Omdurman Islamic university.