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Customer Service Human Resource

Odessa, FL
May 13, 2015

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Kristen Goodman

***** *************

Lutz, Florida 33558

813-***-****, ***************@***.***


Suncoast KidsPlace for Grieving Children and Adults Lutz, Florida

Senior Facilitator September 2014 - present

Actsas grief counselor for adult caregivers and provide group counseling forincarcerated youth at Juvenile Detention Center for Girls (high school)

Mentorsand trains college interns

Writesperformance reports on interns learning experiences

Providesgrief education for the community; this program is an on-going ministry of VanDyke Church.

Waspromoted from volunteer to part-time paid staff

Receivedmultiple positive evaluations from clients

Teamplayer, builds strong relationships with coworkers

Waspromoted based on excellent performance

DistrictSchool Board of Pasco County Land O Lakes, Florida

Human Resource Assistant March2015- Present

Currentlywrites manual procedures and Standard Operating Procedure handbook for entireoffice/department

Createsjob descriptions for sports staff (i.e., athletic directors, coaches, headcoaches, assistant coaches, etc.)

Physicallyperforms digital fingerprinting duties

Reviewsand retrieves driving and criminal history record checks reports (confidentialinformation).

Earnedthe trust and respect of coworkers

Hasa strong work ethic;

DistrictSchool Board of Pasco County Land O Lakes, Florida

Administrative Assistant for Planningand Athletics for the County March 2013 - March 2015

Assistedin processing student sports enrollment and other student Florida High SchoolAthletic Association (FHSAA) documentation

Preparedbi-weekly payroll reports. Coordinate the distribution and record keeping ofall confidential student records and data related to the Athletic AppealsParticipation Hearings

Preparedand reconciled monthly procurement card reports

Workedindependently with little or no direct supervision

Initiatedpurchase orders for athletic capital equipment for various secondary schools.

StreamlinedAthletic Appeals Hearing process through use of computer system (reviewmaterials through database system.

Praisedfor delivering exceptional customer service

Recognizedfor strong work ethic by managers, supervisors, parents, students, athletic directors,and coaches

Handledcustomer service problems with patience and professionalism


ArgosyUniversity Sarasota Sarasota, Florida

M.A. in ClinicalMental Health Counseling and School Counseling September 2012 - May 2014

GPA:4.0; Graduated with honors

Bachelor of Arts Psychology August 2010


ProfessionalAffiliations:Society for Human Resource Management and American School CounselorsAssociation

VolunteerActivities:Suncoast Kids Place for Grieving Children and Adults as a volunteer groupcounselor. Volunteer as a greeter at Van Dyke Church on Sunday mornings andother special events.

Internshipfor Master of Arts in School Counseling

(October2012 through April 2013)

Athenian Academy of Pasco County,School Counseling Intern 3118 Seven Springs Blvd., New Port Richey, FL 727-***-****

Under the Supervision of Beverly McKinney

Dear Sir/Madam,

Iam very excited about this opportunity and I think that my experience andskills make me an excellent candidate.

Ihave enclosed my resume to provide you with additional information on myemployment history, background and past accomplishments. I have completed thenecessary credits towards licensure under my M.A. in Clinical Mental HealthCounseling from Argosy University Sarasota. My current part-time employer is Suncoast KidsPlace for Grieving Children and Adults where I work as Senior Facilitator. Mymajor accomplishments in this position as shown on my resume include:

Promotedbased on excellent performance

Gaininga reputation as a team player, who built strong relationships with coworkers

Receivingmultiple positive evaluations from clients

Waspromoted from volunteer to part-time paid staff and Senior Facilitator.

Ialso work full-time at the District School Board of Pasco County as Human ResourceAssistant. I am certain my experience gives me the skills required to besuccessful in this position.

I hope that you'll find my experienceand interests intriguing enough to request a face-to-face meeting or atelephone interview, as I am confident that I could provide value to you.

Please call me at 813-***-****, oremail me at ***************@***.*** so we can discuss how my skills andexperience can benefit you.

Thankyou for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.


Kristen Goodman

Reference Letter

Zachary Goodfield, GISAnalyst

Department of Planning

11815 Tree Breeze Dr.

New Port Richey, FL 34654

727/ 774-7973 Fax: 727/ 774-7993

e-mail: ********@*****.***.**.**

May 11, 2015

To Whom ItMay Concern:

This is a letter ofrecommendation is in support of Kristen C. Goodman whom I’ve worked directlywith for the past year. She has shown professionalism working with adiverse and varying group of individuals from young children to older adults,both public and internal. Ms. Goodman has also consistently shown a strongability to interpret and retain knowledge regarding laws both State and Federalas well as regulations and procedures and possesses the ability to explain themto the general public in unique meaningful ways which support their inquiries.She has proven to be both caring and compassionate working with a diverse groupof parents who generally contact her during times of distress and anguishregarding their child’s future and always finds ways to resolve their concernsby using problem solving skills in a kind, caring and outstanding fashion. Shehas shown proficiency in working in multiple disciplines simultaneously, whetherindependently or collaboratively within the school district environment.

Kristenis always extremely knowledgeable and exceedingly reliable with any assignmentsshe is given. She display a positive attitude and truly embraces learning fromothers. In addition she listens to others in a compassionately and caringmanner and is always genuine. She has proven herself to have excellentabilities to manage both working full-time while simultaneously pursuing herhigher degree of education. She will be greatly missed and hard to replaceafter she moves on but I am proud of her and excited to see what her futureholds.

Ibelieve Ms. Goodman is destined to be a great and excellent leader andcontributor to the field of Mental Health and I, without hesitation, highlyrecommend her, especially working with youth. It is myhope you will accept her for the position in which she is applying for. If youwould like further information regarding Ms. Goodman, do not hesitate tocontact me at the number listed above.



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