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Customer Service Human Resources

Houston, TX
May 13, 2015

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Pag e * o f *

Tarshia D. Boutte, MBA, PHR

Phone: 713-***-**** Email: tdboutt e@gmail .com


CTREC-Hilton IT Academy, Houston, TX

CompuTrain Business Solutio ns, Houston, TX

C on t r act I n st r u ct or 07/2 005 to presen t

Facilitate computer software (Office Professional 2 010 -2013, SharePoint 201 0-20 13,

Adobe Acrobat Professional 9-X, etc.) and professional dev elop men t trainin g.

Prepare trainin g deliv ery for both virtual and face-to-face trainin g.

Assess trainin g needs of clients to plan and implemen t trainin g deliv ery strategy .

Provide computer software support and con sultatio ns to clients.

ExecuTrain -Houston, Houston TX

E xecu T r ain M od ified I n st r u ct or 07/2 005 to presen t

Facilitate proprietary and publ ic computer software trainin g.

Prepare trainin g deliv ery for both virtual and on-site trainin g env ironments.

Provide client tech nical support and con sultatio n in resolvin g software issues.

Assist with cou rseware dev elop men t for software trainin g class deliv ery.

Promotio nal Marketing and Product Demonstratio n, Houston, TX

I n d ep en d en t C on t r act or 06/2 004 to 0 6/20 05

Training sales personn el on ben efits of produ ct or service.

Building rappo rt with store man agers and sales personn el.

Increasing sales by driving con sumer awaren ess and edu cat ing con sumers on produ ct or service ben efits.

Hall ibur ton Company, Houst on TX

E mp loyee R elat ion s R ep r esen t at ive 05/2 002 to 0 6/20 04

Respond ed to, investigated, and resolved statutory complian ce issues from Department of Labor and EEOC.

Conducted on-go ing HR system and Affirmativ e Action Plann ing (AAP)/Equal Employ men t Opportuni ty (EO)

trainin g sessions at field location s throug hou t the US and virtually via PC and phon e for colleag ues, HR field

representativ es, mid and senior level man agers.

Consulted man agemen t and emp loyees during Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) desk and on

-site aud its.

Responsible for all produ cing and submittin g Government Compliance reports: AAPs, EO Surveys, VETS-100s, EEO

-1s for business unit and coo rdinating Government Compliance repots compan y wide.

Earned Human Resources Professional, PHR, certificatio n from Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM)

Bu sin ess An alyst 10/2 001 to 0 5/20 02

Performed tech nical support to ben efits harmo nization project con vertin g emp loyees from proprietary to SAP time

man agemen t system.

Commun icated process changes to key personn el and facilitated trainin g and support sessions.

C on figu r er 12/2 000 to 1 0/20 01

Facilitated trainin g workshops for end and super users glob ally of ad hoc third party software produ ct and SAP HR

functio nality.

Resolved end -user problems either via trainin g or execut e changes in SAP HR system.

Performed on-call duties by coo rdinating with support team in Canad a to “heph erd” onth ly ERP system migrati on

s m


Sen io r HR Syst ems An alyst 08/1 999 to 1 2/20 00

Partnered with intern al and external SAP tech nical support in add ressing SAP HR issues such as: dev elop ing security

profiles and creating custom reports.

Conducted both tech nical and beh avio ral interv iews for dep artment job app licants.

HR Syst ems An alyst 12/1 997 to 0 8/19 99

Coach ed users in the extractio n and analysis of data from SAP and legacy systems (Peop lesoft and IBM AS400

main frame system) and coo rdinate HR data security access to these systems.

Refined business practices to meet user requiremen ts to ach iev e an efficient, auto mated system.

Organized and facilitate end user and key user trainin g sessions for SAP HR and Argus Query Tool for SAP HR.

Tarshia D. Boutte, MBA

Phone: 713-***-**** Email: tdboutt e@gmail .com

Pag e 2 o f 2

Desktop Supp ort and Special Projects, Houston, TX 03/1 996 to 1 2/19 97

C on t r act or

Develo ped and implemen ted process for mergin g financial data with variable stock certificate information for

compen sation plan project. Created Compensation plan PowerPoin t presen tation s and administered deskto p and

software support. Performed light network administration duties on Novell Server.

Assisted visiting foreign natio nal s with organ izin g electroni c presen tation s to be deliv ered to fellow intern ation al

participants of oil and gas ben chmarkin g program.

Landata Systems, Inc., Houston, TX

06/1995 to 03/1 996

Nat ion al F or ms L ib r ar ian

Develo ped an electroni c library of real estate forms and main tained data dictio nary for custom windows software

app lication.

Coordinated efforts with region al accoun t man agers and establi shed rappo rt with new partner based in Nashville, TN.

Neiman Marcu s, Dallas, TX

Assist an t Bu yer 06/1 994 to 0 6/19 95

Commun icated with ven dors, dep artment man agers, distributio n cen ter personn el to ensure timely shipments of

produ cts and Negotiated discou nts with ven dors for late receipts.

Appointed by Division Merch and ise Manager as chief liaison of division al Electro nic Data Interch an ge project.

Projected and monito red sales and receipts by store, natio nwide using merch an dise marketing systems.

Created and deliv ered produ ct line presen tation for over 100 memb er aud ience at division con ference.

A memb er of the inau gural Neiman Marcu s Express train merch an dising team for two week holid ay tour.


LeTourn eau University, Houston, TX

M ast er s of Bu sin ess Ad min ist r at ion : M an agemen t 09/2 004 to 1 2/20 06

The University of Texas, Austin TX

Bachelor of Arts: Econo mics Minor: Business Administration 08/1 990 to 0 5/19 94

Institute for European Studies, Freibu rg Germany

Semest er ab r o ad p r og r am focu sin g on t h e E u r op ean Un ion 01/1 994 to 0 5/19 94


National, SAG, Commercial, 20 07 to 20 08, “ hree Generations,” ctivia brand yogu rt, Dannon Corporatio n


Local, Commercial, 200 8 to 200 9, “ arshia”Tempu r-Pedic brand mattress, Gallery Furnitu re


Houston Chronicle, 20 10, 2013


The Rose Breast Health Organization, Houston, TX, volu nteer, community outreach

Pink Phurree BCS Dragon Boat Team, Houston, TX, volu nteer, webmaster, social med ia, and community outreach


Toastmasters Internation al, Competent Toastmaster, Public Speakin g,

Group Fitness Instruction, Aquatics, Streng th Training, Cycling, drago n boat/outrig ger can oe pad dling

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