M aisha W illiam son
Hines vill e, Georgi a 31313
Home 405-***-****
Cell (405) 815- 1594
maish a.w illiamso n @yah o o.co m
Current date
Dear Human Resources:
Please accept my lett er of inter est for a posit ion wit h your company.
I graduated from Wright Career College in December, 2010 wit h an Associ ate Degree in
Healt hcare Admi nist rat ion. I have excell ent customer servic e, verbal and wri tt en
communica tion skil ls, front office management, general office procedures, computer
lit eracy, typing at 55 words per minut e, accounting and math, and Micros oft Offi ce, Word,
and Excel. I am honest, organized, task orient ed and I conduct myself in a professi onal
My educati on, skil ls, and abili ti es qualif y me for this posit ion. I believe that I could
contri bute a great deal to your company.
Enclosed is my resume for your review. I would be availa ble for an inter view at your
request . Please feel free to contact me at the above phone numbers and/or email address.
I look forwa rd to hearing from you. Thank you for your considera tion.
Sincerel y,
Maisha D. Will iam son
M aisha Dont e W illiam son
100 Maid Maria n Ct.
Hines vill e, Georgi a 31313
Home 405-***-****
Cell (405) 815- 1594
m a ish a .w illia m so n @y a h o o.co m
OBJ E CT I VE : I am seeking a posit ion in office admini str ati on that wil l util ize my skil ls
and abili ti es, whil e allowing me to contri bute to the aspect of outst anding clie nt care.
Anatom y Privat e Insurance Micros oft Offi ce
Physiology Governme nt HIPAA
Medical Insurance ICD-9
Terminol ogy Transcri ption C PT
Medical Offi ce Billi ng Medisof t
Procedures Procedures Softwa re
Pharmacology Claim Forms
Wright Career College-Healt hcare Admi nist rat ion December, 2010
Medical Insurance Coding-Ass ociat e Degree Oklahom a City, Oklahom a
Great Plains Technology Center May, 2006
Medical Management Technician- Certif icat e Lawton, Oklahom a
MacAr thur Senior High School May, 1998
General Education-Dipl oma Lawton, Oklahom a
Citi Trends November 2014- present
Retail Sales Assocat e/Cashi er Garden City, Georgi a
ResCare March 2012-September 2014
Habil it ati on Training Speciali st/ MAT Oklahom a City, Oklahom a
Dungarvi n Apri l, 2009-August 2012
Habil it ati on Training Speciali st Oklahom a City, Oklahom a
Community Access July, 2008-
March, 2009
Habil it ati on Training Speciali st Lawton, Oklahom a
Comanche County Memori al Hospi tal March, 2007- July, 2008
Diet Offi ce Aid and Line Server Lawton, Oklahom a
Searchli ght January, 2007-December, 2007
Habil it ati on Training Speciali st Lawton, Oklahom a
Wendys Restaurant August, 2000-December, 2006
Cashier and Shift Manager Lawton, Oklahom a
M aisha Dont e W illiam son
100 Maid Maria n Ct.
Hines vill e, Georgi a 31313
Home 405-***-****
Cell (405) 815- 1594
m a ish a .w illia m so n @y a h o o.co m
Flower s by Ramon May, 2004- October, 2004
Cashier Lawton, Oklahom a
Valedi ctor ian & Honor Roll Wright Career College
Medicat ion Admi nist rat ion Training- Certi ficat e September 2010
CPR/Fir st Aid- Certi ficat e September 2013
M aisha D. W illiam son
100 Maid Maria n Ct.
Hines vill e, Georgi a 31313
Home 405-***-****
Cell (405) 815- 1594
Maisha.wil li *****@*****.***
M s. Ca r ole Rya n
Medical Management Coordinator
Great Plains Technology Center
4500 W. Lee Blvd.
Lawton, Oklahom a 73505
(580) 250- 5613
M r s. J ea n n ie Gor d on
General Manager
Wendys and Whataburger Restaurant s
2290 S. Service Rd.
Moore, Oklahom a 73160
(405) 895- 6258
M r s. Cr yst a l T a r t sa h M a r ez
Shift Manager
2302 N.W. 46th Street
Lawton, Oklahom a 73505
Home 580-***-****
Cell (580) 917- 5119